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72 · May 2020
Remembering Willow
Tracey-Lee May 2020
I notice the absence of willow
Perhaps her weeping is not welcome here
She can’t be found bent over stream or lake
Listening intently to water’s heartache

Water whispers sorrowful secrets
She is an attentive listener
Mourning, she sheds long green tears
Her empathetic ear is revered

Whom here bears witness
To all of nature’s sadness
With Willow gone
who holds this sacred space?

Is it Pine, Ash or Hawthorn,
Aspen, Oak or Rowan?
Who is the great listener,
at this often visited lake?
To which of those trees present
can we take all of life’s mistakes?
70 · Apr 2020
An Evening Walk
Tracey-Lee Apr 2020
Huge billowing pink-hued clouds in the sky
Nodding daffodils tilt their heads as I pass by
The end of the world is nigh
Another paradigm will die

Rocks remain solid beneath my feet
The waters, as still as a glass sheet
Silhouettes of trees at dusk
The sounds of the ripples as the winds adjust
A more peaceful place I could not find
But the end of the world is nigh

The air is crisp and I can breathe
It’s warm enough, with only a slight breeze
Snow on the mountains, far off in the distance
But the end of the world is nigh
I’m meant to shudder and cry

If I let go of fear and hope
Drop them like a ***** rope
My mind is free from expectation
My heart open to liberation
Now I can stop and see,
All that is around me…

The first stars in the evening sky,
The fading light,
The mouse, in the tree stump close by
I can appreciate this temporary beauty
And feel the real call of duty

Even if the end is nigh
I will not die,
I will not sigh,
I will not cry,
I will fly on high

Fear is far from my mind
There are much better things to find
67 · Apr 2020
Never Alone
Tracey-Lee Apr 2020
I stop
and listen
to the sound
of water
caressing stone
water running
along a path
it doesn’t know
water that
doesn’t stop

I stop
to watch
how she
juts & jumps
how she bubbles
how she glides
her sweet dance
with whatever

I stop
to look
more deeply
the shapes
she makes
her moving art
the sounds
the more to hear
her voice croons
her rhythm soothes
her melody roams

And I see
And I hear

She is not alone
each stone
each grain of sand
a leaf, a strand of moss
invisible mortals
are all instruments
and fellow musicians

This theatre
an interplay of
all existence.
66 · May 2020
Inaudible Entities
Tracey-Lee May 2020
I wonder what words the wind speaks
The vibrations of her voice reverberate on water
Does she chant mantras or the wisdom of mystics?
Does she spread the gossip of the cosmos or
the songs a divine deity taught her?

I sit and watch her endless soliloquy
It is a noiseless and unceasing energy
If I understood her mysterious language
What would my present experience be?

A gentle hum, an operatic crescendo,
a dulcet whisper or melodic rhythmic tempo?
Would she speak words or just use vowels?
Perhaps unimaginable symbols bent inwards
and turned upside down

Could her voice be like a singling bowl
or a sound only the Big Bang could unfurl?
Would the trees, the rivers and the bees
understand her messages and pleas?

It is a wonder and delight
To contemplate all life
as valuable entities
deserving rights
65 · Apr 2020
Nature's Game
Tracey-Lee Apr 2020
Spring is truly here
Daffodils and bluebells
Wherever one goes
A river of abundance flows

The lazy lambs asleep
Beside old grazing sheep
Ducks paddle along in pairs
Blue skies, water reflects

The chocolate bearing hare has been
Left us some, without being seen
Trees and hedges sprout new leaves
Spring has summer up her sleeve
63 · Apr 2020
Obscured Lens
Tracey-Lee Apr 2020
The limited world I’m seeing
is of my own invention
the mechanics of my way of being
and the lens for all intention

My essence is wild and pure
My heart is free and clear
Stormy weather and dark clouds obscure
The true nature, that’s always near

Whether Spring, Winter, Summer or Autumn
Seasons shouldn’t define my poetic refrain
I should remain unfettered by my microcosm
And take a good look at my world again…

— The End —