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 May 2014 Brandon
 May 2014 Brandon
Gazes clash across a sea of eyes
Cherub poison lethal injection
System over ride
A strangled knot of hormones
Fever pitch high noon summer
These butterflies have me spinning
A chaotic path towards the light
Towards you
Burning like moth to flame
Inches away we stand with silent tongues
Dancing to the rhythm of our vein's beat
Composing love songs
*Only we can hear
Winter romance just cannot compare to the melting tanglement of summer.
 May 2014 Brandon
There was always much more
I should have, could have
Held against you
Weekends left watching cartoons
When sitting on your lap
Was all I needed
Hours of listening to shot gun conversations
Mostly trash about my mom
You know she struggled 26 hours to push me out
Without a **** I was useless to you
"You don't need flowers do you?"
A statement, no question
As you walked out of the delivery room
I have no pictures of you holding me
Many scars for the times you did
We talk every few years
They pass by like blinking
I hear your methadone laced voice
Far off echo's of bedtime stories
Summer afternoon's next to the river
Your laughter bouncing off fish scales
I miss you.
This bridge between may be burned
Your body sick with disease
Tired with age
Lucky for us I excel at the breast stroke
I don't want to wake with nothing but
Your memory floating
On the surface of my childhood
It is what it is only works when we do nothing.
 May 2014 Brandon
You beg me with your white wash
A silent, aching pull of color
Splash your crimson love all over
Line me with your charcoal dawn
All day long I listen
In the car on the way home
Your plastic wrapper muffled
Seductive word play between your surface and my finger tips
Pull in fast. Race inside.


Sitting before you now in silence
To form third eye visions with brush
With stroke
Approach with caution...

(spaced out between constellations for fifteen minutes)

Sudden flurry of movement
Glasses tinkling
Water droplets dance in the late afternoon sun
Wild banshee hair tangled
Softly around excited shoulders
Hues. Dyes. Pigments.
Littered in jars aplenty
Coursing through my veins

You may run red but I, I run rainbow
Exquisite Roy G Biv slit wrist theory

*You have to die in order to be reborn.
 May 2014 Brandon
You've got your construction hat on
The project funds long gone
Sunk deep into the frame
Laying before you

Steel cut. Sharp edged
Yet you see the beauty in these bones
Know what it's like to go it alone
Having only support beams
To keep your shape

Call it a draw
                   Don't call it quits  
No more use for that cement mix          
Weighing down the boots you'll pour it in
Cold drop. No sudden stop.
Sinking into ill dug culverts
Lapping at scarred shores

I've stood this long without
Now I need your help
To weather the storm
It is difficult to ask for something you are unable to form words for.
 May 2014 Brandon
 May 2014 Brandon
All of us...and everything else
Is dual natured
For every positive there is a negative
Perfection of yin and yang
Yet we only praise the "good"
When in fact it is the "bad"
That we learn from
The sun warms : causes drought
The rain quenches : floods the fields
If all we had were good times
Great memories and our health
How would we know what to be thankful for?
Without disease, famine or struggle
We would not grow
No matter how much rain or sun
Embrace your trials. They help us to mold our spirit into what we need to survive.
 May 2014 Brandon
 May 2014 Brandon
I don't know this place
This face

A sudden drop in lighting
Temperature raised a few degrees
Lines of sorrow on a face
Once lined with laughter

What's become?
What's become of me?
 May 2014 Brandon
The base of my spiritual perception
Is like putty
Constantly being remolded
As I evolve
I'm glad for you, your stability
Happy that your interpretation
Demands the servitude of your heart
I cannot help that mine runs free
Flowing through gorges
Cascading down rainbow mist falls
Tearing apart against the jagged edges
Of my preconceived notions
Only to reassimilate new ideas of
 May 2014 Brandon
You flutter softly
With hope dusted wings
Against the cage
Of my sentry posted ribs
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