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 Jun 2014 Brandon
Summer's filling up all of the cracks
Left behind by winter
A sultry Spanish wind breezes through
Causing sweaty palms to melt
Into the blaze of young lover's hearts
They keep their hopes in ball glass jars
Holes punched through to breathe
Short lived still, like so many things
Their twinkle fading with the Dawn
 Jun 2014 Brandon
Colour of a blue eyed newborn's
Iris sneaking itself through
Marshmellow clouds lined
With pink mother-of-pearl
And my admiration.
I want to touch everything.
I work with my hands.
I can build whatever you need,
And am the best tickler
South of the Arctic.
I want to put my fingers through
Anything beautiful I see.
Always looking;
Wanting to touch.
That which begs to be touched
My mind caressing tree limbs
Breathing in celestial counterparts
To weave through this new configuration
Third eye open
Stumbled upon fathomless depths
Wide brimmed, wide eyed
Don't sleep, don't sleep
So much yet to soak up
To taste

That which begs to be tasted.
Skin, warm with wanting,
Wet with relief and
Passing contentment.
Lips that uttered
Curses now kiss soft
Fingertips tracing
More love than
Love has ever had.
All is new
To the reborn.
Here are my hands.
They see through me,
Look into you, and rest
Upon the centre of your
Innermost centermost.
An umbilical between
Godess and
I smile mouthfulls
Of everything.

Hopeful, hope filled
The silver edge to this cloud
Dropping rainbow 3pm's to halo
Around my grinning skull
I am simple in my sobriety
Chrystal cut clear in winter yearning
Seeing the forest finally for the trees
These wonders reaching down out of the darkness
Shedding light on this pale, pale mourning
Nerve tips trace along your dips and curves

And that baby-eye blue
Is now a full grown heaven
Full of sweet nothings
And nobodys,
Holding only such ideas as
Void and timelessness
In its handless hands.
I watch it with you; arm
Around your doll waist,
Shoulder against your
It's a new day.
A new, beautiful day.
A new, beautiful, hopeful
Day for us both.
Pots of gold on either end
Of this unimaginary
The first, third and last verse sets of this piece are written by Sverre Holter. Thank you for your kindness and company :)
 Jun 2014 Brandon
My windows point East
The first touch of soft light
Heavy darkness
Caressing me while still ******
Mist sways in ghost like swirls
Across the scythed field edging the yard
               I am thankful
Deer play, eating the harvest lost by machine
Tie dye Tuesday with assorted colors
Stains on cement
A robin's nest squatters are ready for flight
New wings shake nervous feathers
                I am healing
As the leaves unfurl
Warm breezes skate through every crack
Soaking up the sun with sable pelt
Side by side
Both hearts radiating love
Her gentle purrs reassuring
All is well
Summer reinforcing my frame
                 *I am
 Jun 2014 Brandon
The dearly departed
Leave us broken hearted
Empty but for memory weighed space
Our love lost in time
For yours and for mine
Never forgetting their silence graced face
 Jun 2014 Brandon
Sweet sweet mercy
You've got all of my serotonin receptors going crazy
Firing haphazardly from one side of my psychedelic nerve endings to the other
In synchronized ******* bliss
Your affection splashes in prismatic colors
Reflecting sea breezes, night skies
Too tight ribs barely contain
Unable to handle my wrecking ball heart
Breaking down these rainbow stained walls
I gotta get out of this skin
The sharp edge of your butterfly kiss
Will do nicely
Alice in Wonderland style
Curiosity often leads to trouble
Inked permanently across your tongue
I want a taste
*Just give me one taste
 Jun 2014 Brandon
The soft whisper of your breath
Against my nape
Sends shivers quivering down my spine
Thighs ache to part for you
"Not yet..."
I can smell my wetness permeating the air
Between our pulsing layers
Soft tongue snakes out to taste
Satiny swirls right below my ear
Every glide has me melting, swaying
Closer to the hazed space of your heat
Another *** charged moment and I'll explode
My plea reaches sigh focused ears
Heavy seconds pass until at last
The edges of your teeth sink into pliable shoulder
Your moan.
My scream.
*Our release.
 Jun 2014 Brandon
 Jun 2014 Brandon
From frigid to convection oven
Seasons change
Yet your loss is not linked with snow
Perhaps in the sun's distance
I found solace
An escape from the pain of grief
Tears still fall in June
When the bright lights of our beginning burned
The weight of your lips on mine
Will it ever ease?
I'd rather it wouldn't
Though bruised, I am thankful
Numbness has not taken hold
Winter is coming
I can still feel the cold
A day does not go by...
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