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Daynah Hartman Sep 2018
I can barley breath
I can barely speak
I can barely stand on my own two feet
I’m on my own two hands
Praying for mercy
Pleading for grace
What if I Cry till I die
I can’t breath anymore but I’m still alive
Daynah Hartman Sep 2018
Daddy left
Mamma *****
Still not smart enough
Best friend, who?
Someone from your family who loves you
Forget all that
Everybody keeps taking off
Feeling so alone right now
Stops eating for two days
Sits and cries on the bathroom floor
But you just see her as pretty girl, drama queen, perfect life doesn’t need a thing
Little do you know everything you see is fake
Fake smile
Fake clothes
Fake life
It all lies
Daynah Hartman Mar 2018
I give you my permission to tell me things
But only certain things
I give you permission to tell me I’m beautiful
I give you permission to tell me I’m smart
I give you permission to tell me I’m nice
I give you permission to tell me I’m great
But i do not give you permission to tell me
I need to be fixed
I do not give you permission to tell me I don’t try
I do not give you permission to tell me I’m imperfect
Because guess what
I am
And any one who thinks otherwise is
The imperfect one
Not me
Daynah Hartman Mar 2018
Sometimes... I want you to burn
I want to see you burn
But just sometimes
I want to see the pain in your eyes just like you caused the pain in mine
I want to see you cry all night just like I’m crying tonight
But just sometimes
I want to see you when you laugh and then suddenly stop because you remembered you’re not allowed to be happy
I want to see you be so mad at everyone for things they didn’t do until everyone forgets about you
But just sometimes
Sometimes... I want you to burn
I want to see you burn
But sometimes I don’t
Sometimes... I want you to strive
I want you to smile and go on with your life
I want you to never want to cry or be told
you have pain in your eyes
I want to see you strive
I want to see you love yourself even though I wish you’d love me too
I want to see you out laughing with friends and I want your laugh to be real
I want to see you strive
And for what ever reason you made me want to see you burn... sometimes
I want you to get over those reasons and apologize so I could want to see you strive... all the time
Daynah Hartman Mar 2018
I am not merely a description given by you
I am not just made of black and white
If you want to see my full colors
Don't look at me when it's dark
Wait till the lights outside
And that does not mean to
Get a flashlight and
Shine it only in the parts you want to see
Wait, why can't you just wait till you can see the full me
When you laughed and told me to leave because
I wasn't worth your time
The only reason i left was because you weren't worth mine
The thing is even when i walk by you i don't
Call you mean or just down right dumb
Because even though you might act like you are
That's not who you are
The other thing is i don't hate you
I actually want to thank you because
Without you i would still see myself as
Merely a description given by you
Daynah Hartman Mar 2018
She is the girl whom you ask who she is when a teacher calls her name
She is the girl who sits by herself at lunch
She is the girl who feels she’s a mistake
She is the girl whom you can’t see in a mirror
She is the girl whom you call the invisible man

She is the girl whom is told she is toxic
She is the girl whom has been told to be silent
She is the girl who is said to be your Imagination
She is the girl who can’t breath
She is the girl telling her self she just has to wait a few years and then she’ll be gone
She is the girl whom you call the invisible man

She is the girl who you never see cry
She is the girl who is fighting to stay alive
She is the girl who hides from the sun
She is the girl who is a broken smile
She is the girl who always lies
She is the girl whom you call the invisible man

She is the girl who can’t get the voices out of her head
She is the girl who is alone at a desk
She is the girl who doesn’t know how talk so she doesn’t
She is the girl who thinks she has no friends
She is the girl who wrote this poem
I am the girl whom you call the invisible man
Daynah Hartman Mar 2018
**** em with kindness
To make a better person
So that better person can
**** em with kindness

Don't **** em with guns
Don't **** em with slavery
Don't **** em with war
To make their mind go crazy

Don't **** em with racism
Don't **** em with sexism
Don't **** em with a prejudice
Who think their zany

Don't **** em with a mirror
Don't **** em with reflection
Don't **** em with words
To make them loose all affection
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