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Richard Graydon Jan 2022
Caged walls drip Tar.
My familiar prison cell,
Hopeless Escapism,
Futile Resistance,
Pathetic Optimism.
Fall, deep, deeper.
Into the place I called home.
Richard Graydon Dec 2020
I have so much to say,
But when I look your way,
My thoughts put on a play,
And I die a little today.
Obviously continuing on from my last poem Crush, I’ve realised that my attraction hasn’t went away I’m just able to ignore it better. This one is about that relatable scenario when you go to talk with your crush and the words just disappear from your mind.
Richard Graydon Sep 2022
A brilliant blue sea,
Sits idly, happy as can be.
It’s crystal view,
Sparkles as if brand new,
The cool calm water,
Hides a truth you knew.

The murky green ocean,
Resting a malicious devotion.
A shrouded blanket,
Covering it’s true intent,
For storms are brewing,
Which you couldn’t predict.
I moved back from one coastline to another, and decided to go see the sea. It really does change when you get up close.
Richard Graydon Oct 2022
A brilliant blue sea,
Sits idly, happy as can be.
It’s crystal view,
Sparkles as if brand new,
The cool calm water,
Hides a truth you knew.

The murky green ocean,
Resting a malicious devotion.
A shrouded blanket,
Covering it’s true intent,
For storms are brewing,
Which you couldn’t predict.

The grey clouds mirror the grey sea.
Their sadness shared as one,
Their hatred crashes together.
The land below bends to it’s will,
A painful joy of endless thrill.

Black waves crash upon the sea wall,
The oceans wrath revealed to all.
A dark bile brewed in ocean deep,
It’s hidden price, one too steep.
The coast now wrapped tight,
Trapped under the water’s blight.
The last two stanza were written as separate poems about the sea, however combined into one with the original view of the ocean.
Richard Graydon Jul 2020
As the violence of life drifts away
And there is nothing left to say
I hope we were worth it
And I’m glad we didn’t quit

As the shimmer of light fizzles out
And there’s nothing left to cry about
I hope we can watch again
And I’m happy with you then

As the kiss of warmth fades cold
And there’s nothing left but the old
I hope we don’t forget time
As I wish you were mine.
This all started because I was listening to some remixes of classical music and I heard one of Clair de Lune by Debussy and I said I hope this is what plays at the death of the universe blah blah. Basically this is me trying to describe the death of the final white dwarf, the person who the narrator refers to can be interpreted as a lover or as the final star which is why I like the poem.
Richard Graydon Sep 2020
The bird flys free,
And the wind lets him be.
To stop such pretty,
That would be a pity.

This air blows fresh,
Our sun warms my wing mesh.
But the moon rises,
With his cold dark prize.

My moon brings sorrow,
For pain hides in the shadow.
To walk towards death,
Is a fool’s wise tale.

The morning sun sings,
But only to an empty thing.
The hopes of birds
Are only empty words.
I wrote this during a psychology lesson on schizophrenia so I don’t know what that says about my work ethic or interest.
Richard Graydon Feb 2021
A foreign flutter, their distant mutter.
They speak of you, what to do,
My mind dances, I blow my chances.
She slips out of view, my view
So I stared to talk to this new girl and so far I really like her, I just feel like I’m being obsessive and annoying, even when she says I’m not. Ugh it’s hard.
Richard Graydon Mar 2021
The moment any thought
Is value and sought
After is when pride
Reveals a different side
A part of you
That shouldn’t be true
Greed takes the charge
And we feel large
Moves along the trend
And leads to our End
Ehh this is so so. Almost like how I’m feeling
Richard Graydon Apr 2019
I travelled this nation of ours
From North to South, East to West
Waiting for you to waste my hours
I spent it laughing, no need for rest
With a stomach full of drink and heart with love
A mind plagued without lies, a soul with peace
Never standing alone, strangers joined the link
Sun in our eyes, the rain starts to cry
Our sorrows pushed down
Forgetting our truth
And followed
The obvious
And walked apart
And faded away
One looked back
The other
Did not.
To be honest I didn’t know where this one was going. I took inspiration from a gentled voice singer called Kevin Costner on YouTube.  I would recommend anyone reading this to try out some of his songs; even if you don’t like them you can help him stay out of homelessness. Thank you
Richard Graydon Jan 2021
Time’s arrow slowly marches on,
Never stopping, nor turning for no one.
As Yesterday’s regrets cry dry Tears,
Tomorrow’s woes slowly appears.
The clock continues to Tick,
And the candle runs out of Wick
I haven’t had the mood to write so I kinda forced this one, and I think it’s obvious.
Richard Graydon Feb 2023
All I ever wanted, was to hold it.
It’s burning embrace I accept
ripping my body apart,
My mind hold strong
This is what I want.

It’s heat grows strong, my arms tire.
Must I abandon my dream
leave what I know to be true, a
husk of what I am, could be.
For now hold up my facade.

My face in shadow
I must accept what is true.
What I was is no more
my body torn, my skin burned.
Wax tears drip on my darkened
marble floor.
God I wish I could’ve held her just one more time.
Richard Graydon Sep 2020
I spend too much time thinking.
The Thorn hidden by the Rose,
And I act like it’s not me.
It’s petals mask a deadly secret,
I am not free, more time drinking.
For those foolish enough to touch,
I spend too much time drinking.
The red Rose stained warm,
And I act like I’m sane.
It’s petals laugh in the wind,
I am just a pain, more time thinking.
And it lives another day,
I spend too much time thinking.
The Rose that hides the Thorn,
I like it’s not me.
A deadly secret masked by petals,
I am free, more time drinking.
For those who touch are foolish enough,
I spend too much time drinking.
The warmth cooled red,
And I like I’m sane.
In the wind petals laugh,
I am a pain, more time thinking.
For another day, it lives.
I tried writing one poem and then putting a second inside it that sorta fits and I works at times but not at others. I also tried to use punctuation to mark which part of the poem it belongs to but maybe I’m making the reader out to be more stupid than I think. Oh well. C’est la vie.
Richard Graydon Jun 2019
In time,
I’d learn
Not to love you.
It’s been proven that thinking at night is not healthy. But poetry is, so it balances out.
Richard Graydon Jun 2019
Let the past die with faded memories
Let the future hide behind wishful dreams
And let the present haunt us with our lies
I have a bad habit of thinking of poems at two in the morning. I need new inspiration
Richard Graydon Feb 2020
It’s pretty clear I’m hopeless,
Well I say that because I’ve lost all senses,
I can’t tell what’s right,
Since I don’t live in the light.
All I do is keep resisting

I look into my distance,
And don’t see my death,
Just a hollow boy, my soul had left.
I’ve just gotten bored,
Please forgive me Lord

But I’ve disgraced your life,
So I’m punished with this strife,
I am just a mockery,
It fills me with joy that no one stops me,
So I can drift away softly
Would someone mind suggesting a title for this poem. I don’t like that it is untitled, but it does bring a sense of ambiguity to the poem’s image
Richard Graydon Mar 2020
If I disappeared today, would you wonder?
What way, I walked to the thunder.
If I went tomorrow, would you cry?
Would it fill you with sorrow, and ask why I try.

If you knew what I wanted, what I live for
You would be haunted, by what you saw.
I live to die, and I’m dying to live,
What I try, I don’t want to misgive.

My trust is nothing, trampled over,
So I was trusting, that you be my point prover
The one to push me, finally over the *****
Don’t worry, I’ll buy my own rope.
This was inspired by a speech my “friends” made saying that I needed more independence. However what they did not know was that I spend most of my time by myself. Muh Independence
Richard Graydon Sep 2021
Jagged rocks await the crash,
Sea salt sits stubbornly in the air.
I peer hoping for a rush.
White noise chokes the brain;
blank stares fill the view.
Nothing changes.
Richard Graydon Jan 2020
To whom it may concern,
Don’t let numbers define you.
You are much more than a 10
But what do I know?
My liking of you blinds me.  

To whoever is reading this,
Don’t let people walk over you.
You have a higher value than you give yourself
But what do I know?
My liking of you confuses me.

To the person this ends up at,
Don’t let words hurt you.
You are much more than just speechless
But what do I know?
My liking of you silences me.

To you, the one reading this,
Don’t let me tell you about you
You are much more than me
All I know is of sorrow and fear,
But my liking of you changes me.
I wrote this for a crush I had a while back and forgot about it. I just find it sweet now.
Richard Graydon Sep 2019
I promised to never do something like this again.
However I sunk into a low like that once more.
I feel the pit in my stomach again
I forget wether it’s blood or tears dripping
In the end who cares
Not me.
After a long break and a new time high I fall again. Sometimes I wonder wether I’m good enough. Well I guess I’ll never know.
Richard Graydon Aug 2021
The forest is silent this time of year.
It’s leaves,
shake no more.
The birds,
all left for warmer skies.
Just lonesome giants,
their empty cries.

I wave to the forest,
It waves back.
The style of poetry I have been writing has gotten shorter and shorter to where I can’t think past line 4. So imma try to write longer more descriptive poems. I also tried using spacing to slow this poem down.
Richard Graydon Jul 2020
Just staring at my heaven,
While you idly sat by.
I could not understand why,
As I cried till eleven

Just singing my little ballade,
While you gently swayed.
I couldn’t help but feel betrayed
As I thought of you

Just thinking of what I done,
While you calmly laughed.
I could not sit and just draft,
As I died a little.

Just dreaming of lives to be,
While you drifted from me.
I couldn’t see why you didn’t know
All I want is you.
I don’t know where this came from but I’m gonna lie and say I wrote it for someone to give to their crush.
Richard Graydon Jul 2021
You’re grace, you’re beauty,
A feat only a few achieve.
What do you see in me, me?
This was written as a birthday gift to a friend, and is my attempt at a haiku. Unfortunately I failed, with it having a 5,7,6 syllable pattern and not a 5,7,5 pattern. Hopefully they won’t realise.

After a while, on the 6th of February 2022 I figured out a way to make this a “proper” haiku and fit the 7,5,7 pattern
Richard Graydon Feb 2020
You don’t know me,
So don’t compare what’s in my head.
To what I do, my actions are only true
When I’m laying in bed.

You don’t know,
So don’t tell me what’s right.
And say I’m wrong, I know where I belong
It only exists at night.

You don’t,
So don’t tell me I can’t.
All I do is try, so don’t laugh when I cry
And tell me this isn’t what you want.

I don’t hate you.
So don’t say you hate me,
You don’t know what’s true.
Is this good. I’ve lost all real critics. I need to know how to improve

— The End —