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454 · May 2016
Nick carter May 2016
Admiring is something we do When we see something ............ And we stare long enough only to maybe just notice something no one else did
Its the small things that matter
Sometimes little things go unnoticed  
And under appreciated
So we have to think BIG!!!!!
301 · May 2016
Nick carter May 2016
I awoken with a sound at the door
I shouted hello
Then creaking on the decking boards
Runs down the stairs
And peels back the curtains it's a
292 · May 2016
Car share
Nick carter May 2016
He's funny
Only sometimes I look to say what the did you just say
You can't say that
Can't that's what your mother said
Clocking out he runs to the car
Why you running mate I'm driving
He replies In case you leave me.
283 · Mar 2017
The new pound coin
Nick carter Mar 2017
Looks flash and it won't roll like the old one faking its way through circulation .
Shinny and new like its mk2 it will be still sounder than the old round pound.
Welcomed into 2017 the new sound pound.
223 · May 2016
Beating fast
Nick carter May 2016
It's beating fast
I'm trying to think of words to carm it down
I relax it works slowing down like a train hear it and feeling it too.
I go on and my mind Go's blank I'm trying to focus on the the words on the screen.
I can feel it starting to get up speed racing faster I focus back at the screen thinking what to write but I'm writing this and it's slowing down again feeling relaxed in a dark room but it's cold with my hands out the bed
223 · May 2016
Stoned beat
Nick carter May 2016
I've had some
Oh no my hearts racing
I feel a pain
Pain in arm
Pains and needles ins my hand
I've now written pass this point
When I'm thinking  about what to write
I carm and it slows down when I put my mind back on it ,it races like a thunder track.
212 · May 2016
Nick carter May 2016
Thinking  outside the box
Is being inside the box
And thinking  of what you have
to get out
183 · May 2016
One more
Nick carter May 2016
For the night
As I feel
I'm going to sleep tight
180 · May 2016
Cycle your self
Nick carter May 2016
Suicide cycle
Is selfishness

Don't loose sight someone cares
Loosing sight is giving up
Remember good times
There yours to
124 · Aug 2018
Nick carter Aug 2018
It was time to sit up
In that forbidden naughty chair
Sat in the corner
In the cold
In the dark
Knock knock BANG at the door
Don't move a voice said from the other Side of the room
Time passes slowly as it's gone silent
Not knowing
What's  next

— The End —