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Even if your lies are served
On a silver platter
With gold flakes
It won’t change
How ******* disgusting it tastes
Thirty Nine Feb 19
I don’t respect you
I fear you
Thirty Nine Feb 18
If I killed myself

Would you still care about ugly face?

Or how much I ate?

Maybe you'd ask for forgiveness at my grave

Either that or you'll scream at my decaying body

Like you do to me now
Thirty Nine Feb 18
How can a world full of humans have so little humanity?
Thirty Nine Feb 15
My gagging reflex doesn't work
And as my tears fill the toilet bowl
I try to make myself nauseous
So that I can fill the toilet with something other than tears
They say eating disorders are caused because they want to feel like they're in control of something. I just want to see the numbers drop.
Thirty Nine Feb 13
I crave for the smell of my half broken ac
Drawing in peace
Letting my mind wander endlessly
But now I’m confined
To A B C and D
Bubbling letters
For all of eternity
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