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thinklef Jan 2014
We flip the page and write out our goals,
But yet we end up falling in the hole of circumstance,
Constantly been consumed by our own thoughts,
We are all familiar with that thy voice of confusion,
Apparently i was once in that uncomfortable position,
Were you have no mental authority ,
Were  your first thought becomes your final decision,
Authoritatively speaking you can gain full & total control of your mind,
First, you have to believe  
nothing works without believing,
Build your mind in a more organised & profound way,
Understand that your body is a vessel which respond to instructions,
And where does that instruction come from?,
The brain,
Your brain is the most sensitive and delicate part of the body,
Nothing is achieved without the use of the brain,
Now let's reflect back to where we started from,
We are about to work on your brain,
Now, understand that no matter the amount of thoughts that runs through your mind,
You have the ability to control it and pick the ones that best suit your condition,
Focus, without focus your can't achieve or attain your goal,
Now close your eyes and create an image in your mind,
The image may be what you want to achieve within certain period,
Eg,if you are saving your hard earned money in other to purchase a house,
Now close your eyes and create an image of that house , in a beautiful way..
Now let's go back to reality,
A friend comes to your house and tells you he found a beautiful car which is been sold at a very reasonable price,
You see,now your brain starts working,
You may totally forget about the house you are tryna purchase,
Due to the fact that the car is been sold at a cheaper rate,
But due to the fact that you have created an image in your mind of the house you want to get,
in such a way you have already seen yourself living in it,
There is no way anyone can change your mindset or persuade you in purchasing the car,
That is what is called,mind builder,
Apply this steps to your everyday life,
And you will see everything will start falling in place for you.
This isn't a poem but a little motivational note for the end of 2013..bless you'll..
thinklef Oct 2013
i wish,
i wish i could change the choices i have made,
right from childhood to adulthood,
i wish i could change the hands of time,
back to the time i knew nothing,
i wish i never made those wrong decisions,
that kept eating me up,
i wish i never met you,
i wish i never fell in love,
i wish every tears or mine ,
were tears of joy,
i wish right from time i knew right from wrong,
all along,
i wish i could change the world with my words,
making everyone know,
money is just a paper with printed figures,
i wish hatred never existed in our existance,
i wish distances didn't really mean a lot in relationships,
i wish people knew there's a better place above these walls,
i wish i didnt have to express my love,
when my heart beats only for you,
i wish memories were optional,
i wish for a better tomorrow.
thinklef Oct 2013
June 25, 2009,
It was day break,
I cling to my coffee cup as usual,
Scrolling up & down my computer screen,
I stumbled upon an article of a legend,
a man who fought for humanity, less privilege & even underage,
he gave the world all he had to offer,
I'm not his biggest fan, nor do I have all his albums,
I continued to scroll down & I was beginning to like him more,
I read quite few things about him,
the scandals, the conspiracies,
but still there was something about him,
his voice was so charming & melodious,
this most be a superhuman I said to myself,
His voice triggered into my brain,
as his words lingered trough my veins,
It left me in emotion pain,
His message was so clear,
I could easliy learn,
Still scrolling down the page,
I have found a new bestfriend i said,
i have only knew him for 50minutes & it seems like ages,
Just at the bottom of the page,
my mouth couldn't say what my see have seen,
my new bestfriend just died of cardiac arrest minutes ago,
just when I was getting to know him,
His name is Michael Jackson.
thinklef Oct 2013
Nothing feels good than having an angel by your side,
Someone who knows all your flaws & doesn't quote the law,
Someone who you can be awkward with &
Would smile & won't say a word,
I have searched all around the world for that special one,
Up over the foothills & beneath the mountains,
Truly they don't exist,
These girls come & go like cargos,
After building the relationship so tall like iroko,
Sometimes, i sit, i stare, i glance at this girls and wonder,
What do they really want,
They say taste varies,
Some dream of tall guys,
Who smell nice & doesn't tell lies,
Guys with abs,some go for guys with mba,
While few go for guys with integrity,
i call this mental confusion,
i love to be affectionate,
despite this emotional challenges,
But I have no one to share it with,
i have trusted so many,
Even when your voices are ringing sonorously in my mind,
i will forever remain a loner,
Truly not everyone is worth the stress,
Shoulders raised high been so unnecessarily sensitive,
Penning these long lines isn't even worth it,
I'm done writing about love,
It's time to face reality.
thinklef Sep 2013
Assalamu alaikum, may peace be upon you!
I'm Islam,
The religion of peace & ease
Islam is not hatred or adversity
or a course in the university
Hold on a minute,
I'm sure you are familiar with me,
Oh yes you're,
You see me everyday in the news,
Been accused of things I didn't do,
Are you amused or transfixed
Cause I'm been abused?
Lol let me break it down for you,
Like my brother kadir rightly said,
In his last poem,I'm not a terrorist,
They say,
I have become a threat to the west to the world in wide,
I have been black listed,
Among the list of the rest to the west,
You know,
It sounds so funny when I'm been addressed as a terror,
Some even go far calling me an error,
They say i terrorise & create tension
that's not my intention,
I don't give out such instructions,
I have obligated you to fast & pray,
& not discriminate,
I have obligated you not to hate & lower your gaze,
For lustful eyes crystallize Into habit & habit solidifies into circumstance,
I tell you not to use harmful substance,
For the pain won't subside,
it will only lead to suicide,
I tell you to respect others religion,
and play with your wife during your leisure,
I tell you to be kind to others & never raise your hand on a woman,
I mean if I tell you that,
Why would you raise your hand on a human,
I have given you a holy book of truth,
Sent from up above your roof,
Yet you go from root to root searching for truth & then you end up been used,
I tell you not you **** unjustly,
You may call me a saint,
Yes I'm,
Cause i've been sent by the creator to the creations,
I'm not a preacher nor a teacher,
But I'm here to preach to those who are wretched & rich,
My message to humanity is that vanity,
creates insanity,
So to those who are sensitive,
Take up the responsibility to defend my name ,
In time of shame,
Some i permit ,some i do not,
For you will have a shade in hereafter.
thinklef Sep 2013
It started like a dream and ended like a tree,
Just a single reaction growing into different branches,
nothing hurts more than trust ,
Breaking it and feeling lost,

Especially if it's from friendship,
that has a strong relationship,
My heart was once full of love,
for those who weren't my blood,

They have broken my trust,
Leaving me to rot, they thought,
I will never fall victim of broken trust,
thinklef Sep 2013
It's 3am,
The alarm never stops,
Red lights flashing so bright,
Another call to duty,
Driving on the highway smokes and flames reaching the sky,
I can feel the vibration & voices from distances screaming aloud for help,

My heart bleeds for these souls,
Only few might live to see the night,
Racing up the stairway,
My faith is unknown to me,
As long as my flesh & blood brings hope to man,
death I'm not scared of,

Tears highly undeniable,
As i watch these souls pass out in my very own eyes,
So scary,scary scary I say,
If this was a movie I'd fast forward,
Little are we paid,
running into burning buildings
While others run out,

I have got a family also,
My little daughter must be awake anticipating my arrival,
Dad promised he was gonna be home early,
Pick up,pick up the cellphone,
Baby if I don't make it,
Read this at night,
I will be by your side,
even when my shadow isn't visible,

The fire is becoming intense,
hell is not a place to be,
i can barely breath,
Hope when I'm gone my name will be among the great heroes of time?
I Hope the rescued will value their life ,
Knowing I traded mine for theirs?

Paradise i pray for,
Enough of the blazing fire.
Firefighters go through a lot, yet we consider dem as ordinary people..#RESPECT ....
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