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Aug 2016 · 204
thousandth to the last
i have that never
ending problem
and there's no time
for metaphors

feet on the
concrete cracks
that details war
going on in my head

the future, tomorrow and the next day
what form will it take?
how high will the bars be set this time?


i wish i was as tough as a dog;
more wounds
more fight left

and i wish this frail fighting
stance would be enough
to conceal my trembling body

i was born the heir
the favorite ******* of
the mother dog of poverty

christened with
lies to reveal


distance to ****

this is not my flag
it is my symbol
the ever rusting
seal of reality

the most rabid of dogs
in cages


the bluest among the
humming birds

together with
all the other dogs.

all our
stilt steps
fills all the cracks


the smoke storms
brings death in our
my lungs.
Aug 2016 · 258
signing out
the world is changing
and you know that
but let me say
that neither you or me or them
can do something about it

but there is a way. . .
you can put yourself far away
from the world
and it only takes a room
a pen and a paper with
the doors shut
and the windows closed
and write how furious and sick
you are with this ******* country
and its jobs and
over-your-diploma taxes

if it doesn't sound so appealing
then you should know that
I'm speaking on behalf of
those who are sick of it all
but has no choice but to live in it

freedom exists but too often
it is mistaken for liberation,
an unconscious act of abusing
what our soldiers and laborers
fought and died for;
all to be wasted in vain by
spending too much time
on noontime shows,
watching stupid
videos of attention seekers
and listening to politician's
promises through a microphone

the political remarks
of the nation seem
to be not aligned with
what an opinion is
and is now more of a
requirement for everyone
to see how intellectual you
could be and it is *******. . .

Lourd de Veyra knows it. . .
and if he's reading this now,
he'll say this is an example of it
(forever, this country is hopeless)

many people including me know
what powerlessness is
but these words serve as a tiny spark
before the artificial lights
the media and its audience projects

no matter how you arrange
the words, the truth is,
everything is possible like how
The Philippines and its people
(including me) became cleverly
brilliant but stupid. . .
Aug 2016 · 2.1k
shit day jobs and comebacks
a comeback with
a draw is no
comeback at all
no matter how
rigged the game is

we are demanded to
be ******
to end the fight
with a ****
no matter how
rigged the game is

and for sure after
each fight
the worry never
stops because
the last one means
there is
a next one coming:

another comeback

why do we go back if the
audience expects another
comeback after the last one?

o well
after all
we are the modern ****-gladiators
and before us are
the unentertained gods of insanity.
Aug 2016 · 385
paranoid to hell
I have been thinking too much
about what others see
when I walk past them;
and the adversities of my youth
contributed so much in this

and yet this is another
one of my babbles
where I know these words
will never be enough
to be louder than the hiss in your ears.

— The End —