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197 · Jun 2022
TheBlueOne Jun 2022
Consume and consume,
Trying to fill the emptiness.
I consumed and consumed,
Trying to fill the void.

Until eventually,
It was the one consuming me.
180 · Feb 2018
TheBlueOne Feb 2018
Everyone else is asleep
No one knows that she weeps
None bully her
But don’t go near either
She wondered if anyone cared
Because she wasn’t prepared
To go on alone
All on her own
If someone had just stayed
With friendship displayed
But no
Didn’t even try to put on a show
Maybe it was for the better
That they left her
Forget her
Upset her
She would be alone forever
Who would miss her?
People always leave
They could not perceive
How she was feeling
Because she was concealing
Not wanting to be an annoyance
Trying to cope with the avoidance
135 · Feb 2018
The Failure
TheBlueOne Feb 2018
Hard work was never enough
Telling herself she had to be tough
Always told her she was a failure
Go cry about it later
Worthless, nothing, useless
Everyone else was clueless
Hurting her physically
And emotionally
Not a soul cared
Always being compared
She began to think with absolution
Ending it was the perfect solution
129 · Feb 2018
The Mind
TheBlueOne Feb 2018
It walks, a mindless body
It has no hobby
Searching for one thing
It doesn’t know what it’s doing
Can’t talk
All it does is walk
Searching and searching
For one thing only, as it’s lurching
No one dares disrupt
As they could become corrupt
It walks along, without a hobby
Doesn’t talk, a mindless body
127 · Feb 2018
TheBlueOne Feb 2018
Yeah, I’m shy
I don’t know why
In front of a crowd,
No longer am I loud
My heart beats fast
Like a spell that’s cast
My hands shake
As if there was an earthquake
I try to speak, looking down at my paper
But oxygen is stolen by nature
I try to hide my face
I can’t, so instead I look at a random place
It’s hot and my skin burns
In front of people my stomach churns
I move and twitch nervously
I am scared, most certainly
I read my words
And though no one cares, not even two thirds
I freeze up anyway
I’d give it away any day
Yeah, I’m shy
But it’s something I must live by
124 · Feb 2018
TheBlueOne Feb 2018
I ran towards the woods
Hiding wasn’t good
He would find me
It was his specialty

Running quietly behind
I didn’t mind
Mostly amused, I watched
Through the woods she hopscotched

Resting, out of breath
I hoped the consequence wasn’t death
I looked around
He was no where to be found

She stopped
Due to her lungs being robbed
She couldn’t see me
I was behind a tree

I walked cautiously
Thinking I was soon free
I got rid of him
Maybe I’d go to Paris on a whim

She thinks I’m gone
Oh boy, was she wrong
Just a little while longer
My urge getting stronger

Almost at the edge of the forest
I kept heading west
I heard a branch crack
Then stopped in my tracks

I had perfected the art
Of which many victims had taken part
I snuck up to her silently
This is it, finally

I froze
My heartbeat rose
It can’t be..
Why does it have to be me?

I could sense her fear
She spared a single tear
Then I got her, I’m pleased
I could feel the life leave

A woman murdered last night
We don’t know if she put up a fight
Investigators at the site
This kinda thing isn’t right
TheBlueOne May 2021
Hit. Scratch. Punch.
Some hurt more than others,
Some sink in deeper than others,
But they’re all aimed at my heart.
The hole in my chest, only getting bigger,
More empty -
Until there’s nothing left,
And my heart is gone.
78 · Dec 2018
TheBlueOne Dec 2018
“It’s because you’re a teenager”

Isn’t that right?

“You’re supposed to be doing something greater”

Maybe I might

“Instead of sit on your phones all day”

But maybe it’s because of you

“Wasting your lives away”

That I have issues

“Why dont you go play outside”

With all the psychos out there, I’d never make it home

“Tell me why you lied”

You’ll never understand why, just leave me alone

“Get off your phone”

Maybe it’s because I want to get away from this cruel world

“Don’t you dare talk to me with that tone”

I just want to cry in a ball, curled

“Do some chores for once”

I can’t do everything

“Do better on your performance”

Guess I can’t do anything

“You’re so difficult”

I’m tired of life

“Grow up and start acting like an adult”

I really wanna pick up that knife

“Why can’t you do anything I tell

I don’t know, guess I’m not good enough

“You have lots of things to do”

Too many, and life’s too tough

“Fix your attitude”

I can’t do this anymore

“You’re always in a bad mood”

There’s too much going on, just get out and shut the door

“Why are you so dramatic and ridiculous”

I need help

“You’re useless”

I’m sorry. I don’t know how to deal with myself
74 · Apr 2021
I didn’t know
TheBlueOne Apr 2021

...Why didn’t they stop?
73 · Dec 2019
It is in Your Head
TheBlueOne Dec 2019
It creeps, it lingers
Your brain, it’s fingers

What is it?
Who is it?

Tired, drained, feeling stuck,
Emotions, and thoughts run amok

It crawls, slowly, getting closer and closer
Gnaws on your sanity, as you lose your composure

Until it reaches,
Where you’re shattered in pieces,
Your mind
Where you can no longer hide

You need to ask
It to unmask

It is who?

It is you.
63 · Mar 2021
The Window
TheBlueOne Mar 2021
It hurts how they look at me,
It hurts how they look but they don't see -
They don't see me.

It's as if I'm a window that people look through to see what's on the other side.

No one thinks about the window,
They just look through it but they don't see -
They see everything but the window.
47 · Mar 2020
TheBlueOne Mar 2020
The tears roll down her face,
Slowly at first,
Trickling faster as she fills her mind with all those thoughts;
The ones that made her feel so worthless,
So tired,
So helpless,
So sad,
Yet so... so familiar.
She drowns in the feeling,
Bathes in it
So long that the tears are now cold,
Dripping at the bottom of her chin.
You are not worthless

— The End —