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3.1k · Jul 2018
More than just words
Jocelyn Jul 2018
It’s okay….
I'm just tired.
No amount of sleep can get rid of the tiredness I feel.
I’m really happy.
My smiles are faker than the popular kids
When people try to ask what’s wrong and I tell them, it makes me feel selfish.
           S-Self centered
All my friends look so perfect in my eyes
        ­    E-Exceptional
And Learsi
I want to be as selfless and amazing as them but this thing inside my head says I’m not good enough to be.
These are more than just words.
1.9k · Jul 2018
Jocelyn Jul 2018
At first I only saw you
You, your brown hair,
your acne covered tan face,
your smile
just as it was

Then more of your personality started to show
and I fell in love you
Your silliness,
your sense of humor,
your sense of fun
But then your image changed to me

I didn't just see you
your smile
your hair
or your face

I saw someone extraordinary
the cutest smile
acne that complements beautiful skin
adorable curly brown hair

But then you said you didn't like me

And that destroys me
but i can't stop loving you

G  o  d  ,   s  t  o  p    l  o  v  i  n  g    h  i  m
                       ­    j.b
1.2k · Jul 2018
Cut my hair
Jocelyn Jul 2018
In the deepest of nights
the monster comes to me

It hurts me so much
but it says
I  t    l  o  v  e s   m  e

It tortures me deep into the night
consuming ever last bit of me until I'm almost
g  o  n  e

That's when I start to control myself
I look down at the razor
                            'This isn't what I want to do'
I tell myself but
I   d  o   i  t   a  n  y  w  a  y.

Cut, C u t, C  u  t
It doesn't hurt but it distracts me

I don't want to cut up my arms so. . .

snip, s n i p, s  n  i  p
I cut my hair instead and look at how pathetic I am

As the tears stream down my face I pick myself up and wait for tomorrow to get it fixed.
663 · Aug 2018
Jocelyn Aug 2018
We’re all as bad as we can be
We’re all as rebellious as hell
We’re all bullies

We all sneak out to smoke and do drugs
Even though we only 13
Even though just last year we were still in the same middle school
Even though we are still surrounded by the same people

All of us end up having bigger demons then  last year
Most of us are living ticking timebombs on the verge of suicide
Most of us are terrified of the future and will do anything to get away from that

We all yearn to go back to the time when we could just play hangman
Most can’t play hangman because we know hangman is the perfect example of if you say the wrong thing you can end someone’s life

We’re not all bad on purpose some of us are just
b  r  o  k  e  n
489 · Jul 2018
Jocelyn Jul 2018
The sun shines on my face through the blinds
waking me from my peaceful rest.
But I don't want to get up
I'm just too tired.

I'll wake up around 9 a.m. and just sit there.
It's not because I'm lazy, I'm still just too tired.
                                                        Why are you so tired all the time?

Oh, My depression of course!
You see, my depression weighs me down
and makes everyday so tiring.
Then it bothers me at night, even while I'm sleeping.
My depression makes me tired in the morning to torture me more!
404 · Jul 2018
The sounds of Silence
Jocelyn Jul 2018
The silence is suffocating
the demons sneak in through the silence
they scream that I'm
W  o  r  t  h  l  e  s  s
S  e  l  f  i  s  h
N  u  i  s  a  n  ­c  e
N  O  T  H  I  N  G

Shut up, Shut up, Shut up
S  H  U  T    U  P

But I stay quiet
even in the most painful moments

Those moments make me want to
S  C  R  E  A  M
M  Y
G  U  T  S
O  U  T

But again, I just stay
q  u  i  e  t
249 · Jul 2018
The Night
Jocelyn Jul 2018
The night is so beautiful,
the stars shine so bright

They make me so happy.

Lying down and looking at the space over you
not knowing what they mean or are.

Getting up and looking over the cliff
wonder what would happen if you jumped,
but then the moon tells you that you're important

So you go back to your car
and go home
244 · Oct 2018
Lost my mind
Jocelyn Oct 2018
There's only so much you can take
I guess I've pushed you to that edge that I never meant to
Now you say you want space
that's fine

I can't look at you anymore without thinking about what you said
I can't think about you without crying
Which is why I avoid my eyes whenever I pass you

Please forgive me and my cuts
Hug me tight enough to show that you care

Please talk to me

I think I

L o s t  m y  m i n d
229 · Aug 2018
I wouldn't love me either
Jocelyn Aug 2018
"He doesn't love you, sorry."
Oh, really, that's fine I wouldn't love me either.

"Oh, it's okay. I'll get over it."

I'm not surprised he doesn't like me
I mean there's really nothing to like about me!

U  g  l  y

S  e  l  f  i  s  h

        ­                           W  O  R  T  H  L  E  S  S

Everybody else is so
and perfect.

I'm nothing and he's something
So don't worry,

                 I    w  o  u  l  d  n  '  t    l  o  v  e    m  e    e  i  t  h  ­e  r
                                                            ­            j.b.
195 · Oct 2018
Jocelyn Oct 2018
Is it just me
or is the rain amazing
I wish we got more here

I love the rain because even though it makes you cold and wet
It feels comforting and warm, like a blanket
The rain also gives of a happily depressing feeling
It's beautiful

As the rain drips down my face
I cry
because the rain is like a friend
you can share your secrets and sadness with it
and it won't tell anyone

When I go inside I lift my blinds
get in my pj's
get a fuzzy blanket
make hot chocolate
and listen to the pitter pat on my window

Rain I love you
177 · Oct 2018
Jocelyn Oct 2018
I hate you more than anything
more than I hate myself
and it's all your fault

You trap me in a box
but I can't breath or see
You scare me
**** it
you TERRIFY me

It's like drowning
but I can see everyone around me

As much as I hate you
I love you
you were there to hold me
when nobody else would

I have one more thing to say to you
You take everything I love away from me
except my true friends
who aren't afraid of you
I don't mind anymore

But recently you took away the one person I love the most
call him what you want
I could care less
or simply
and that is why I say such awful things about you.

— The End —