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Feb 2021 · 145
Tats Feb 2021
The distance between us is an odd thing.
You're thousands of miles away, but you're right here.
We've never met
Yet I miss you, dear.
I yearn for your touch.
To hear your silky voice.
Nothing calms or infuriates me like you.
When our souls meet, I rejoice.
I pray no one interferes with what we're building.
I'll be devastated.
I just want you.
If anyone got between us, my heart would be assassinated.
I can't wait much longer.
I don't want to be a stranger.
If we don't meet soon
Our relationship will be in danger.
Just embrace me in your arms
Keep me safe, still, and warm.
I know we can make it.
We can weather this storm.
Feb 2021 · 118
Tats Feb 2021
The somber chill creeps slowly up your spine
Warmth is fleeting, the night divine
Memories echo, the promise they held
The love received is unparalleled

Longing for their electric caress
Yearning for the love to coalesce
Understanding their needs better than they
You refrain from need, time to hide away

You'd give them the moon if only they'd ask
Scared of rejection, you hide behind the flask
Your heart is pure, but your love is frail
You decide to hide your feelings behind a veil

You love them so much your heart overflows
You want to breathe their scent and frolic in meadows
Fear grips hard, and you shield your love
You've broken your heart, nothing more to think of
Jul 2016 · 632
Synchronicity of Two
Tats Jul 2016
The gentle touch
The sweet caress
Puts me at ease
I'm not under duress.

The look in your eyes
Tells me everything
I'm completely at ease
You have so much to bring.

I don't understand
This feeling
My heart and my head
Are simply reeling.

Our connection
Familiar yet new
Makes me crave more
I just need you.

I don't want this
To be in vain
Our synchronicity
Together will reign.

I can't wait
To hold you in my arms
Don't be gone long
I'll never do you harm.
It's been a long time since I've uploaded a poem. I'm just now getting back into writing them. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Aug 2015 · 425
Darkest of Souls
Tats Aug 2015
I see the darkness, and I yearn to join you. The darkness of your soul beckons to me. Come closer. Have a look. Fall in. Become one with me. That's what the soul says, but the person hasn't spoken yet. I teeter on the brink of insecurity. Should I leap? Will you take me. I'm a bit lighter than you, but my soul is just as dark. On the outside, I'm happy and healthy. On the inside, I'm just as dead. Shall our souls mingle? Find the similarities in ourselves? Will you let me? Please say you will.
Aug 2015 · 657
Beautiful Disaster
Tats Aug 2015
I'm the light in the corner.
You're the shadow upon the wall.
I'm the light happy step.
You're the footsteps in the dark.
I'm the full moon.
You're the howling wolf.
I'm the daytime.
You're the night.
I will die every day.
Just so you can live.
I will embrace you.
You will run and hide.
Won't you be my beautiful disaster?
Aug 2015 · 382
The Dance
Tats Aug 2015
Whenever I'm near you, my heart skips a beat. I know I shouldn't steal glances of you, but I truly can't help it. You're a forbidden thing, something I know I'll never have. But I'm drawn to you like a moth to the flame. I know you'll burn me up, but my desire pushes me forward. I dance around your smoldering gaze, hopeful that you'll embrace me. When we lock eyes, I feel like a child who's done wrong. But the feeling is so good. I feel like I should be punished, and I want you to administer the blow. The more I'm around you, the more I want to be. I dare not speak your name, out of fear of rejection. I will continue to dance the dance of death, in hopes it's you who kills me.
Feb 2013 · 820
The Essence Of You
Tats Feb 2013
Swirling in my brain
Thoughts of you consume
I'm defenseless
As you assumed

I can't break away
From your tight embrace
When all I can think of
Is your handsome face

I long for your touch
Your sweet caress
With you
I no longer feel stress

I want to travel
And see the sites
With you by my side
That just feels right

I can't describe
Anything more
Just, please travel through life with me
There's so much in store.
Feb 2013 · 523
Little Things
Tats Feb 2013
I love the little things
That make you you.
And the little things
That you'll always do.

The way you care
And how you show it.
I wouldn't dare
Think to split.

How your eyes look
In any light.
Like a babbling brook
But never trite.

How your poetry
Ignites my senses.
I must agree
I've dropped my defenses.

You've spoken to me
But not in speech.
I can't wait to see
How far we'll reach.

My love for you
Will continue to grow.
Within me, you imbue
Emotions that are aglow.

Don't alter
The little things.
But make an altar
For our hearts to sing.
Feb 2013 · 619
Three Little Words
Tats Feb 2013
Three little words
Can change your life.
Give way to happiness
From feelings of strife.

Keep you warm
On extremely cold nights.
Make you feel safe
During times of fright.

My life has changed
With those tiny words.
My life is anew
With feelings that stirred.

With you in my life.
I will never run
From feelings of love
Because you are the one
Jan 2013 · 372
Tats Jan 2013
Your eyes
Hold the promise of truth.
Your hands
Hold the promise of art.
Your body
Holds the promise of warmth.
Your arms
Hold the promise of safety.
Your fingers
Hold the promise to hold mine.
Your feet
Hold the promise of running to me.
Your heart
Holds the promise of love.
Your words
Hold the promise of happiness.
Jan 2013 · 494
Tats Jan 2013
The beauty in simplicity
The yearning for ecstasy
My world is now aglow
The vibrancy of it all
Consumes me
Engulfs my very being
I give in
And let it flow
As I long for a touch
Just a simple caress
A loving hand
To guide my way
And help me on this adventure into the unknown.
Sep 2012 · 482
To Be Your World
Tats Sep 2012
The road has twisted
My vision blurred.
What I have seen
Never actually occured.

My thoughts always return
To the image I had
Of you and I,
It wasn't that bad.

But it's not like that
I was such a fool
You were never for me
I really am a tool.

I'd have given you the world
And even died for you.
I probably still would
But you don't have a clue.

Yes, we are friends.
Close as can be.
But I want more than that,
Can't you see?

I die a bit inside
When someone comes along
That sweeps you off your feet
Yet I try and remain strong.

That one day you'll be in love with me
And stop my torment.
For my love for you
Is my ultimate lament.
May 2012 · 669
The Lone Song of the Siren
Tats May 2012
Sifting through the sea of eternity
Watching as my sanity dies
Life is just bereft to me
The water never lies.

Seeing creatures come and go
Wishing I could play
Sitting here, I sadly know
That they cannot stay.

They swim up to me
And let me pet their heads
As they swim away
I see them heading to their beds.

Sitting alone on this rock
In a sea of waves
Knowing the others mock
Calling me a knave.

I know I don't belong
With the other ones
So I'll just sing my song
And wait upon the sun.
Jan 2011 · 631
Your Darkness Consumes
Tats Jan 2011
When one is young,
Parents shape their future.
Life comes undone
Nothing you can suture.

One experience after another
Your mind sours.
The goodness in you, you smother
It retreats to a corner and cowers.

Left with only darkness
Your personality now transforms.
Your light is now a carcass
And your eyes are filled with storms.

The hate inside you boils
And comes to a head.
Everyone you know, recoils
As they fill with dread.

You feel like a ronin
with nowhere left to turn
The walls around you close in
This is what you've learned.

So do what you can
And live your life alone
You never had a plan
Your entire existence, you've blown.
Jan 2011 · 523
My Dark Angel
Tats Jan 2011
Where have you been
My dark angel?
Where do you go
When you leave my side?

I long for the nights
That we'll be together.
The months drag on
And still I miss you.

You touch a place in me
That I didn't know existed.
When you caress me
I can die happy.

Enfold me in your arms
And drink the life from my veins.
Grant me your gift
So that I may go with you.

Your cold embrace
Your marble skin
My quickening heart
Burns against you.

I know what you long for
And I give myself to you.
Show me your power
My dark angel.

I will never cower
Or show any fear.
I just want to be yours
For all eternity.
Jan 2011 · 546
The Torments of the Mind
Tats Jan 2011
Searching through life
For the ones who matter
Receiving nothing but grief
As the blade falls to the floor in a clatter.

Watching the blood drip
And splatter to the floor
She's really losing her grip
Her life, she abhors.

The room begins to spin
And she's losing her mind
Things suddenly begin
To become intertwined.

Reeling from the loss of blood
She shambles about the house
Things fall with a thud
As she notices red on her blouse.

Confusion sets in
As she tries to remember
She thinks hard, then grins
As she begins to see the embers.

Her heart has grown cold
Nothing to live for
She's not sure what will unfold
Or if it will even the score.

She lies in devastation
Seeing her life flash before her eyes
Since the beginning of her creation
She always watched herself die.

Waiting for the end
Hoping it will be swift
She can't make amends
As her life begins to sift.
Jan 2011 · 475
Through the Darkness
Tats Jan 2011
Stumbling through the woods
Looking for the one
Figures shrouded in cloaks
She wonders what's begun.

They carry her off
And chain her to a tree
It's raining, and she coughs
She can barely see.

Unearthly sounds pierce the night
As her breath catches in her throat
She almost dies of fright
As she sees the thing that floats.

Calling out to her
He tries to explain
About the fur
And all the nights of pain.

When she sees him
Out comes a scream of terror
He can smell the blood in her limbs
He's worried there was some error.

Where was his love?
He didn't understand
Why she was white as a dove
Lying broken on the sand.

He had made up his mind
He had to feed
He didn't have the time to find
The one that he needs.
Jan 2011 · 875
Abuse Me
Tats Jan 2011
Abuse Me

Here I am
Your doormat
Step on me
And wipe your feet.

Walk all over me
Like you always do
I can take it
I always have before.

Use me to clean up
Then be on your way
Ignored and neglected
Just like before.

I'll be your doormat anytime
And I think you know that.
Each time I think it'll be different
But I should know better.

You always leave me
Beaten and broken
I'll mend myself
I'm more than capable.

The scars are buried
Deep inside
No one will see them
Because I buff them away.

One day
I'll find the perfect one
Who sees the scars
But isn't scared.

He'll see right through me
Understand how I feel
He'll love me for me
And not change me.

When that day comes
You'll be sorry
That you can't come back
To wipe your feet again.
Sep 2010 · 574
Sorrow Thrives
Tats Sep 2010
Darkness creeps in
Slowly killing the light.
Loneliness follows
Why should I fight?

Nothing to stop me
Or my mind from wandering.
No one to care
I'm always pondering.

Thoughts of suicide
And death excite me.
You'll judge my decision
This, I can see.

You'll never truly know
All of my sorrow.
I always wonder
If I'll even see tomorrow.

So, go live your life
And be happy.
Leave me alone
To be with just me.

I'm fine on my own
And always have been.
Leave me to my strife
And to my silent sin.
Sep 2010 · 478
The Story to Come
Tats Sep 2010
My heart beats faster
As you draw near.
My breath catches
As I abandon all fear.

From the slightest touch
My heart melts.
I can't help but wonder about
The cards to be dealt.

The tide has changed
As forever it will.
We have this destiny
We need to fulfill.

An unwritten story
A chapter in life.
I know this won't bring
Any unneeded strife.

With you, I'm happy
I know true bliss.
If only your lips
I had here to kiss.

I'll wait for you
Till the end of time.
If for only a moment
You say you'll be mine.
May 2010 · 730
Grant My Wish
Tats May 2010
I've waited so long
For your love.
Is this just a dream?
Or are you finally mine?

Someone pinch me
I must be asleep.
You're the one I've adored
For so many years.

Now you say you love me.
Is this a joke?
Or did you finally
Fall for me too?

If this is true
Prove it to me.
My arms are open
Waiting to hold you.

Run to me, my love.
And tell me you're mine.
I'll wait forever
To hear those precious words.

So until you come running
I'll still be here for you.
Embrace me
And whisper your love to me.
Mar 2010 · 566
Lamenting on a Dreary Night
Tats Mar 2010
Loneliness seeps in
Gripping at her heart.
Making her afraid
As her love departs.

Running towards the door
As it slams in her face.
The one she longs for
Is the one she can never embrace.

Her tears begin to stream
As she falls upon the floor.
She wishes it wasn't true
Not knowing what's in store.

Her heart shatters
Like precious crystal.
She never realized
Her heart was so brittle.

Gasping for breath
She frantically grabs at her chest.
Her heart slows down immensely
As if taking a rest.

Lying on the cold hard floor
In a pool of blood.
Her life fades away
As if in a flood.
Mar 2010 · 630
Merging with the Darkness
Tats Mar 2010
Lying in the dark
Memories haunt me.
Watching for a spark
That will allow me to see.

Silently I wait
Looking for the light.
Should I take the bait
And float away in the night?

My patience grows thin
As I lie alone.
Will I ever win
As the bitter wind blows?

I've had enough
Of waiting for the good.
I'm calling your bluff
I always knew I should.

Reaching for the twilight
Rejecting the dawn.
I've never felt so right
My entire past is gone.

Starting life anew
Void of all that's past.
I'll forever be true
To my life, the darkness has cast.
Mar 2010 · 567
The Night Song
Tats Mar 2010
Crystal water sits still
Fireflies dance above the plants.
On-lookers get their fill
And it's never followed by rants.

Milky twilight overhead
Whispering Willows lilt in the wind.
The song of the night fills your head
As branches of the trees bend.

Daytime animals are lulled to sleep
As softly, rain begins to fall.
The willows quietly weep
And sway their limbs for all.

The night drifts along
As more animals drift off.
Nocturnal creatures join the song
Listen close, for it's oh so soft.

Crickets join in
As well as frogs.
There is no sin
In the evening fog.

Soon, the song will fade.
as the sun will come.
It will create shade
And the night song's done.
Mar 2010 · 635
Long Troubled Road
Tats Mar 2010
Gazing into your eyes
I see pain and sorrow.
Taunted by your past
And troubled by your future.

You've ridden a long road
And had times of pure bliss.
But underneath that
There is a deep sadness.

Do not be troubled
My dear friend.
This is just the beginning
Far from the end.

The road ahead is long
And bound to be difficult.
Don't ever stop
Or take anything for granted.

You needn't worry
About anything to come.
I'll be by your side
And will be forever more.
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
Magick of a Faerie Kind
Tats Feb 2010
In an enchanted wood
Surrounded by plant life
Faeries play
Never knowing strife.

When humans come along
They're told to hide
Forming a throng
The law, they must abide.

What would become
Of one who would stay?
Would she succumb?
Would that human play?

They'd never risk it
For fear of their immortality
Could a lone human
Outwit a faerie?

The risk is immense
She really shouldn't try.
But in her defense,
Her wings wouldn't allow her to fly.

The human approaches
The one tiny faerie
His presence encroaches
On feelings that vary.

Anxiety and zeal
But most of all fear
Is what she feels
As he draws near.

She darts behind a bush
Hoping he didn't see
She knows she shouldn't push
And should let him be.

He looks to the left
And then to the right.
He wonders if something just left
His line of sight.

He almost passes
The bush that she's inside.
But something falls, crashes
And he jumps to the side.

A tree limb falls
And collides with his leg
He begins to call
For anyone, he begs.

He cries out in pain
As the blood begins to flow.
Knowing its in vain,
His tears begin to show.

The time is right
For her to leave.
She should take flight.
This, she believes.

As she readies her wings
To get away from this man,
The anguish this brings
Is more than she can stand.

She emerges from hiding
Her heart beating fast
She shouldn't be siding
With humans, they're so brash.

She flies to where he lays
His breathing grows slow
She knows she must stay
The healing energy from her begins to flow.

With a sudden jolt
The man sits upright.
Before she can bolt
He grabs her, mid flight.

This must be a dream
He believes in his mind
Her wings begin to gleam
As he holds her inside.

His hand grows hot
And he releases his touch.
He becomes distraught.
This is too much!

Faeries aren't real
He says to the air
He begins to feel
A longing to care.

She flies to his ear
And whispers lightly
Faeries ARE real
So believe, if only slightly.

With a wink she's gone
And then a bright flash
He lifts himself from the lawn
This realization will last.
Feb 2010 · 524
Fighting For You
Tats Feb 2010
When times change,
And things seem uneasy.
The world spins round,
And you feel queasy.

When you're threatened,
And don't want to be alone.
I'll be there to guide you,
To ensure you get back home.

I will protect you,
But why can't you see?
That you're my everything,
My everything to me.

I'll stand my ground,
And never leave your side.
I'm fighting for you,
I'm along for the ride.

So when things seem tough,
And life isn't fair.
If you need to shed a tear,
You know I'll be there.
Feb 2010 · 609
Punishment of a Goddess
Tats Feb 2010
Sitting along the bank
Of the River of Life
She watches as life blooms
And miracles take shape.

They start so small
And grow so fast
Their capacity for learning
Astounds the gods.

The lone figure
Resting on the bank
Silently watches
As the river flows along.

Destined to watch
And not to interfere
The Goddess cries
Longing to touch.

The Goddess doomed to watch
Is being punished
She's never to know
The love of another.

To receive this punishment
She broke the law
She fell in love with a man
A human man, not a god.

Tortured by the view
And the beauty it creates
She begs for forgiveness
As more tears fall.

She lowers her head
As her cries fall on deaf ears
She holds herself and rocks
Wishing the pain away.
Feb 2010 · 521
A Promise to Come
Tats Feb 2010
Jealousy sparks
That horrid green monster
Making me wish
It was me, not her.

She snuck in
Right under my nose
I had thought
I'd be the one.

I can heal your heart
If you'd let me try
I'm better for you
Even you know that.

She doesn't understand you
And she never will
Especially on the level
That we know each other.

So once she's gone
And out of your life
I beg for the chance
To make you smile.

Promise me one thing
When she leaves
Say you love me
And I'll prove my love for you.
Feb 2010 · 504
Friendship Returns
Tats Feb 2010
A friendship blooms
Times are great
But the years
Tear it away.

Years roll by
And still no word
I think of you
But you're lost.

Left with a memory
And even that's slipping
Will I ever see you
Or hear from you again?

Then one day
A message comes through
You never forgot
The good times we had.

Things have changed
But some remain
I'm stuck here
And you there.

An offer is placed
And will forever stand
Come back, my friend
I miss you so.

Once again
We lose touch
And I long to hear
You call my name.

A year passes
And I give up hope
I've thought of you
Throughout the year.

Once more
I hear word
You're still alive
My heart rejoices!

Please, my friend
Do not stray
From my life once again
I need you here.

My previous offer
Is still standing
Pack up and leave
To be with me.

Times are tough
And friends are few
But I'm still here
And I'm still true.
Feb 2010 · 594
Trapped in Reality
Tats Feb 2010
Sneaking in the dark
She won't make a sound
Terrified of the others
Afraid that she'll be found.

She's forbidden to leave
Forever made a slave
Praying for salvation
Will she be saved?

No one to rescue her
Or come to her side
She weeps silently
The only sound is the tide.

Running faster now
She's almost to the door
Everything's gone black
As she falls upon the floor.

They drag her back
And lock her in the room
Once again she's alone
And faces her silent tomb.

— The End —