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Kody Ryan Hinkle Jul 2014
Fate will take a turn they all said
But now he lay with the blood spilt 'round
Wondering if he would finally be dead
If he would finally put himself in the ground
To take such a bright place
But turn it so dark
Something he never expected,
Would tear out his heart
His mind always in a constant race
His body in constant pain,
But what else is there to do
When it only hurts to stay?
When all the things he truly desires
Are all the things that hurt the most?
That push him towards the edge
And put his everything up on a post
To want nothing but to shut his eyes
And finally see it all end
To know that the only way to make it stop
Is to simply be dead
To finally see the rivers run red
And to fall into the eternal sleep
And never again will he feel his own heart
Drive a knife so deep
To live but not love
And never again to laugh
But only take his very soul
And watch it get ripped in half
Kody Ryan Hinkle Jul 2014
YOU say that I never hurt you
But I know that I did
I felt horrible for it ever since
And the guilt I always hid
YOU say that we parted because you don't date
And that I was a stupid boy
But you've been wrong the whole time
And you used to bring nothing but joy
YOU said that I was never wrong to you
But I know I can't believe it
I left you behind in another state
And I know I was *******
At last I realize who I was
That I was a horrible person, an *******
And with the loss of each of you
It ripped out a chunk of my soul
Miraculously two of my exes an another girl for whom I cared so much got ahold of me after I left my most recent ex, two of which had me blocked on Facebook, and looking back at my time with them I realized how blind I was and how easily I hurt each of them, made me realize how much I needed the changes I've made
Kody Ryan Hinkle Jul 2014
Sitting in the dark
With not but a melancholy thinking
A spark in his hand, a smoke in the other
All the while, on loneliness, overdosing.
But deep inside there is a single gleam
A light at the end of the tunnel
A bit of overwhelming joy,
What sends his heart into a tumble.
A thought of time to come
And a smile to have.
A time which he holds dear,
And a time in which he can laugh.
To hold one he loves so close,
One who sends joy from head to feet
In a moment can put him to sleep
Or make his heart jump with a kiss so sweet.
You have given me a joy, an inspiration, you are my reason to sit down and write, I will love you always, with all of my charred little black heart.
Dedicated to one particular amazing, beautiful, wonderous young woman, To Infinity And Beyond, my love will reach the stars <3
Kody Ryan Hinkle Jul 2014
The days come to an end
With the sound of thunder above
But the emotions leave not with time,
They can't drown the feeling of love.
To wait what seems like forever,
But in truth is only a short time
To see that one special person,
A girl one of a kind.
And again feel a smile,
That can't be brought on by brothers or sisters,
But it comes back around
Once he's held held her and kissed her.
A joy which is not easy to find,
Which can't be replaced or found in an everyday place,
But like a bird to the warmth,
It finds it's way back to his face.
Kody Ryan Hinkle Jul 2014
My best friends tell me to wait
To always be there for you
Tell me to be patient
That fate will hold true
So I lay alone in bed
Always fighting through to Friday night
With a constant pang in my heart
Knowing I'm not the one for who you write
Always trying to decide to leave or stay
For fear of one of us being hurt
But does the chance that I've been lied to
The chance I've been deceived, really hold that much worth?
Kody Ryan Hinkle Aug 2014
Don't worry I'll stop giving a ****
It's what you want, I'll stop fighting for you.
I'll take what I've been told
And I'll take the cue.
I'll stop trying to be that one
And I'll raise the flag, after I tear it in half.
Because I see now what you are,
Someone that I will never have.
So live your life with that ******* I see,
The *** must be good to not care about me.
I'll throw it all away
And finally accept the end.
Because all I'm ever going to be
Is naught but the best friend.
So go ahead, keep on doing what you're doing,
I won't try anymore.
I'll stop trying to be yours,
I'll just sit on the side and sleep on the floor.
Kody Ryan Hinkle Aug 2014
I live life through music day by day
Just sitting, smoking, tearing myself apart
Seeing pictures and thinking thoughts of when things were good
Before you told me I couldn't take your words to heart
And every day you expect not to be sad or morbid
To live in the light, but how when my life had always been in the dark
To sit idly by and watch
When you were what finally again have me that little needed spark
And to expect me to be happy
Even when I have to be away from you
But you always fail to remember
That's it's hard to be a bright happy Emo
But through it all I try to stay strong
To walk with my head held high
And fall asleep with joy
Instead of a lonely sigh
And for the first time in my life, I have a goal
To wait and be patient and live without harm
To let fate takes it turn
Until the day I can hold you in my arm
Don't take this too seriously when you read it, I needed to calm down after work and writing about you, good or bad (in this case good, I'm ok don't worry :) ) always seems to calm me down and cheer me up, miss you best friend
Kody Ryan Hinkle Aug 2014
It feels like my life is on repeat,
Going the through the same emotions every night.
Wishing that instead of a pillow,
I was asleep next to you, holding you tight.
That might I come home from work on Friday,
And here a "Mr. Hinkle" from behind.
Or with you sitting up watching movies,
Playing games until I feel like I'm blind.
Every time I come out to smoke I see you and my brother at the table,
Laughing as I stumble to the ground.
Running about the whole weekend,
Just wandering 'round.
But yet every night I'm here alone,
Not hearing your laugh, probably my favorite sound.
But constantly I get my hopes that I might come home to a surprise,
Yet you are nowhere to be found.
It's hard when you're so far from me,
Not being able to say what I need to say.
I wait for the day that you truly mean "I love you" as more than your best friend,
Because it hurts when it feels like I'm the only one who really means it that way.
Miss you MP, I can only hope that when I come home next week, that I'll see you that weekend so I can fall asleep with you in my arms again, watch stupid movies with you, and play the weekend away in my Xbox, I miss those weekends, I miss YOU
Kody Ryan Hinkle Sep 2014
You are my brother, my friend, my confidant.
At times you serve as my rock, my reason to go on.
And the hard thing is to know you have to leave for Mom,
And that when I need you most you'll be gone.
But when you come home
You'll find a place beside me
And with any hope you'll find your best friend too
Where we can be young and free.
When you are away, know you aren't alone
And that we'll help you to be strong, to keep pushing on.
And when things are at their worst,
I will be here for you and for Mom.
Kody Ryan Hinkle Jul 2014
It kills me to know
That you're always in so much pain
An that I'm stuck down here
Never able to do a thing
All I want to do is ease it all away
To hold you in my arms and feel your warm touch
To do everything I can to make it better
Because I want to help you so much
With a love like a fire
It burns from the inside out
But I can only sit at home
My mind filled with doubt
Knowing that soon you'll be so far
With states between us, instead of miles away
And wishing for nothing more
But for the chance that you would stay
But i will love you forever
Regardless of whether I see your face
And I will keep a spot warm for you
For in my heart and home you will always have a place
Kody Ryan Hinkle Sep 2014
What if I told you, with your footprints beside mine,
That with every step there was fear,
That a third set would start,
And yours would disappear.
And now I know, that erasing my set
Is the only thing I can do.
That even with all my love
I have to let you go, because it's what's best for you.
But to the end of my days my heart will be yours,
And I will always have a shoulder for you, my best friend.
To march through the pain,
Knowing you'll love him to the end.
Know that if l leave I have not abandoned you,
But simply that I know I'm not what you need,
And all I want is your pain to disappear
And for you to be freed.
So now it's my time to move on,
And time for me to be strong.
But no matter what happens or who I'm with,
I will always love you, no matter how long.
Kody Ryan Hinkle Sep 2014
Not a poem but a thought
Everything in life comes to an end, money, food, time, life itself
FriENDships end, time with lOVERs will be over, and family will pass away
Only one thing is eternal, DEATH
So I'm a dark person, deal with it people
Kody Ryan Hinkle Jul 2014
Sitting alone in a dark world
All emotion left by the roadside
And reminiscing those who left me behind
With everything dead inside
The ones that I held dear
Ne'er anywhere to be seen
Always leaving me at my worst
Of those alone, I am king
Yet ever do my friends tell me to keep my chin up
But when I'm no longer alone they hold my head under the water
And when I am single yet again
They expect me to look and not falter
But who in this world can stay strong
When those around him laugh from above
And those that he holds close
Do not share the same love
To love him for a short time
But then put someone materialistic in his place
To love him ever so much as they say
But yet always he is just a face
Spent all week reminiscing on the past, the one who left me for my "best friend" and then for someone who tried to get them drunk as soon as they met, the one who never wanted me until I gave up and moved on, the one who saw me as a trophy but only when her ex wasn't around, and the one who refuses to even recognize that we ever had anything, beginning to believe maybe I'm not supposed to be the man I am, is it time to stop loving and start solely lusting? That is my dilemma
Kody Ryan Hinkle Jan 2015
What if I told you of a girl with eyes as deep as the ocean
The most beautiful ones you're liable to see
Whose hair and whose eyes
Share the stunning blue of the sea

What if I told you that she gave a chance
To a monster like me
That through the darkness inside
There was a beauty she could see

What if I told you she was beautiful in every way
That she was perfect as perfect could be
From her smile to her laugh, the way she fell asleep
Curled up in my arms, clutching tight to me

What if I told you I lost it all
Because of a night of darkness she could see
And that what scared me the most
Is thinking we may never again be
Kody Ryan Hinkle Jul 2014
It happens again and again,
Coming in the morning waiting for hell to start
Looking to the weekend
To give a jump to my heart
And every day when I come home
I constantly am in a fight
To tell myself to just wait
For the day I'll never be alone at night
To live every day with a smile on my face
Because I've told you time and again
In my heart and and in my arms you'll always have a place
To spend every day with you
Clutched in my embrace
But it seems like it will never happen
As life drags on at a leisurely pace
Yet in the back of my mind there's a fear
Because no will always be the answer life makes it seem
So every night I lay in bed thinking
And I just silently scream
Life has a ****** up way of teasing you with something that's it never going to let you have

— The End —