Big ones, small ones many colors, or just plain black high up or flat to the ground leather, cloth fancy, sporty soft, hard made to get *****, made to look pretty some that tie up, some that slip on made to flop, made to keep you warm You may walk a million miles in shoes But nobody walks in the same pair
Relaxing, no worries, no cares no since of time Poles, lines, hooks, bait Catching, releasing, Rain, sun, clouds, night Hot, cold No work, memories Stories and you were just fishing
******, *******, ***, **** They strike anger into us What are they just words Worthless, stupid, idiot They make us feel like a ******* What are they just word
Make you feel Make you hate Make you smell Make you taste
Bring you back to memories of good Bring you back to memories of bad
In the end all they are just Words We let the littlest words We let the biggest word Control Us
Strong ? How do you defined strong? Lifting, carrying over a distance, going through the day without help? You just keep going no idea how strong you are. Looking for a way to defined strong you are. Beating yourself up because you dont know.
The Hero A person who you look up to in a time of need Mom? Dad? Brother? Sister? Family? Solider? Firemen ? Not defined by race, age, ***, Defined on what they did Hero's don't know they are hero's, they go on in their life without knowing Who will be your Hero? Take the time to thank your Hero
I sit at the your doors for you to wipe your feet on You run across with without care I get ***** from your filthy abuse You wash me, dry me, lay me back down But for what? For you to ***** me again The life of a door mat To catch your filth and not to care Just think one day I will not be there
Knock, knock there is a rapping at the door You just sit there Knock, knock again there is it You still just sit there You wonder who is it You get up look out the door More knocking this time louder Who is, who is you ask Louder and louder The knocking still goes on You open the door That was the opportunity You just go back to doing what you did before
We may be blood, we may be not We grew up together We always have each others back We fought each other We fought for each other We have memories of good We have memories of bad I wouldn't change it for the world You are my brother Now lets go get in some trouble
You stare into eternity with that daze glaze Like they are a cold glass of sweet tea on that hot day Like they are the answer before you knew the question. You stare and smile, that real smile that you only let a few see You stare deeper and deeper trying to see what if anything They stare back with this daze glaze ..:
Left, right, left , right, left, right add a 1/4 cup if this and a cup of that clear the land, smooth it out, mark the ground to be built you must do that to do that Left, right, left, right stir the dry before you add the wet lay the rebar, pour the concrete after you have do that now do this left, right, left
Motherly, fatherly, brotherly, sisterly, Unconditionally, unexpected, nurturing Kids, animals The one thing that you want, desire, need The think that makes us feel complete Cherish the love you have
Fighting, killing, bleeding, dying Winning, losing, destroying, Bodies, death, funerals, Volunteering, oath, life This War No winners, both losers Lost are the youth, family, history, peace What you think you have gain, you have already lost.
You turn the ground over you look through your seeds to plant you choose the right one you plant it you water it you nurture it watching it grow you pull any weeds that start to grow you watch it grow bigger and bigger slowly you see the reward after all that love, dedication, sweat you put in the garden rewards you
Bricks, stones, wood, fortified Tall, long, thick, deep Couple feet long , millions of miles long Put up out fear, hurt, protection, To keep people out, to keep people in They go up easily, but hard to take down
Easy come Easy go It makes the world go round You need for everything You want to so you can feel like everything It brings you happiness, joy It brings you hate, discomfort We need it You want That little thing called Money
Beating, pumping, crushed, breaking Leads us down a road to the unknown Betrayed, hurt, unforgiving Opens a person to many different feeling Allows us to feels alone, brave, loved Just beating, pumping away
From the day we are born we are dying We spend that time seeing what the world has to offer We grow We See We do Most of all We lived We have regrets We have a blast We get into trouble We still lived We have first loves We have best friends We have enemies Yet well still lived We work We marry We have a family And we still lived We have lived the life that we set Then we die Some will show up Some won't care But Yet you Lived you life
Just thinking about life and how it goes. Just things happen so fast. Dad is in ICU. So this just helps me
He has what he need but he wants more He looks for it everyday He wants it It took years for it to come to him, but he lost it He talks about it, he tries to fix it But he can't If he open his eyes he would see it It is right in front of him But he wont except it Its like he is reaching for it but can get it He is looking for the love from one He has many who love him but he just doesn't see it.
Who are you? Are you who you think you are? Is that you in the mirror? Looking at yourself? Are you looking deep inside or what on the outside? Well what do you see? Really? What do you see? Nothing? Look deeper, no deeper, almost there just a little bit deeper. Are you caring? Loving? Helpful? Needy ? The person who you think you are, is not who you are! You have walls, you are building them , hiding behind them. Not talking about you but rather you are running from who you are. The person you are is scared, is running from their life, who is trying to forget who they are. Yes, that is you . Don't believe me? Just look at who you are then. Now become YOU
I hide From me I run From me I am scared of Me I am a brother, son, father I try Do I try hard enough? I fail Am I a failure? I seek the unknown For pure pleasure I drink To hide the demons I am me Me is better then that I have over came that I am better then all of that But that just me