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Zio Reyes Aug 2017
I wear a halo that won't glow.
I have scars that don't show.

All the while the church is on fire.
I seek solace from the Devil's ire.

This body is cursed.
I seek light only to be reserved.

My halo doesn't shine, so lay rest to this soul of mine.

They told me the ocean wasn't deep, but I felt the floor yield under feet.

At the time I was grinning, all the while the sinning. Intoxicated my head was spinning.

This halo shines no rays, but it did in younger days.
Zio Reyes Aug 2016
My shackles are tight, my body is tired.
I think of my plight, and feel I'm mired.

I watch the approaching sunrise,
I wearily close my eyes.

I remember the work I've done,
my efforts not for a meager one.

The esurient corvine looms so dark,
I look into it's eyes so cold and stark.

With great avarice, it lunges into my flesh,
rapidly tearing as if to thresh.

I feel myself slip away,
I wish that this was my last day.

I wake to see the approaching sunrise,
this endless death is my prize.

The esurient corvine looms overhead, my only wish...

...I wish to be dead.
Zio Reyes Apr 2017
Rays of light piercing clouds over the shore, I beheld in great awe all beauty and galore.

For even stronger than any hate there is desire and need. In my heart lies the budding seed.

A force in my that grows greater every day, I long for the words of which you say.

Speak to me and give me peace, look at me and be at ease.

Be you, kind.

Be lovely, be sweet, and let me cherish you.
Zio Reyes Feb 2019

...let us see...

...I 'like' my favorite foods. I 'like' playing games with my friends. I 'like' figuring out puzzles.

As you know, there is a vast difference between liking something and loving something.

I love my Father, I love my Mother, I love video games, I love music, I love poetry, I love sunsets, I love fighting, I love researching, I love winning...

...but do I love you? That depends... see, above all these other things that I love, I love you so, so, so, so much MORE than any of them.

So, it's either that what I feel for you is something BEYOND love...

...or because of you, you have changed my definition of love.

So, do I like you? No.

Do I love you?

More than you could ever know, more than I could ever express in unlimited eternities, more than can be put into words, more than can be heard through music, more than any creature that has ever existed has loved anything or anyone else, more than Jesus loved humanity, more than I love everything else, more than Stephen Hawking loved science, more than Kanye loves Kanye... this unearthly, ethereal, unnatural, ungodly, powerful, terrifying, omnipresent feeling "love"?

No, it is much more than that, so much MORE.

It is more than either of us can understand. For if I were a man of faith, I would believe that us loving one another is not only proof that God exists...

...but that I am his successor, for only Gods that have shed the mortal coil can be as happy as I am with you..."
Zio Reyes Apr 2017
A single beat of a sullen heart gave strength and vigor for it to start.

A fiery torrent welling up, a future glimpse of the runneth cup.

Show me your heart, lass. Show me fragility made of glass.

Show me that fire that I know you harbor, and I'll show you a flame so greatly larger.

Smile dear, for with me you have little to fear.
Zio Reyes Mar 2017
Colors spring to life when I hear your voice, never regretting my heartfelt choice.

Days are filled with joyful sunshine, because of my knowing that you are mine.

My chest goes light when I'm met with sight of my Angel of light.

I fall to my knees in awe of this great love, this great power from high above.

Like the angel...
Zio Reyes Feb 2017
White walls and narrow halls.
Feet in the shallows, mind at the gallows.

My internal rivals, clergyman handing me Bibles. No indication what it means to be, no sign of what it means to me.

Life passing me by, that burning urge to cry all my life.

I don't want death, I just want breath. Considering what I'm worth to this tiny big Earth.

How about some tea?
Zio Reyes Jul 2019
Well the preacher from Sunday, will he love you come Monday? Will he turn up his nose to your work stained clothes? Will he sit on that pile of rising tithe? Will he cackle and laugh as you wriggle and writhe?

To see greed in the eyes of someone you trust. To see greed in the eyes of someone you trust.

Well your neighbor from Sunday, will he like you come Monday? Will he envy your life, or maybe covet your wife? Will he pray for your death and maybe wring you of breath? Maybe see you down to your eternal rest.

To see hate in the eyes of your only friend. To see hate the eyes of your only friend.

Well your family on Sunday, are they proud come Monday? Will they call you disloyal if you don't bend your knee? Are you rooted so deep into that family tree? Are you their faithful slave for eternity?

To see shame in the eyes of the ones you love. To see shame in the eyes of the ones you love.

With their pompous grin, they say you're tainted with sin. They say The Holy Gates won't ever let you in.

With a Bible in hand, you start to take a stand. Then you finally found out, that there's no room for doubt. So you tear up the roots of that family tree, then you string up the fruit for all the world to see.

Well your neighbor from Monday, will he make it to Sunday? Will he bleed like slab when you've taken your stab? Will he fall to dirt as he grips on your shirt? Will he slowly pass, as you carve your path?

Well, you lay eyes on the preacher as you burst through the door. He's always counting his cash, forever hungry for more. Is he ready to fly to the kingdom on high, or maybe fall down the pit where blazing fires are lit.

Well the lawman on Monday, says you're hanging on Sunday. And you sit there and laugh with eyes as vacant as glass. You turn the page of your book to give it one last look.

Then use your last breath pray on God's Holy day.
Zio Reyes Mar 2017
When I am laid in Earth, I pray that I may not trouble any innocent heart. For when my heart is weighed, I know that I shall be found wanting, withered, without and weary.

A life of evil I have left in my wake, for even with my years of atonement, it is still much more difficult to create that which is so easily destroyed. Forget me, Earth.

Forget this ******, raw nerve on your beautiful face and let the Sun purge my sins.

Remember, though...

...remember to always smile.

I love you.
Zio Reyes Mar 2017
I may have had too much loneliness to drink. I think that I have become drunk.

I'm looking at all the pretty, pretty colors on the birds that fly by and it makes my heart ache something fierce.

"My, my, aren't you a special thing! Right fit to make my heart burst with sickness." My hand jolts in rythmic patterns as I hold the blade and fight tthe urge to drive it into my eye.

I"m just finding outlets and sticking paperclips into them. My teeth clench and my tongue hurts from the strain. Where is my brain?
Zio Reyes Feb 2017
With no indication for what I was meant to be,
I stood all alone and heard "Hell gapes for thee".

The blood in my mouth, a sign of youth.
The lines on my hands, the novel of truth.

Into the pit a poor child was flung,
nary a meager requiem sung.

Should there be a heaven,
my entry barred by the deadly seven.

Should there be a Hell,
I'll show you a bright soul quelled.

I've got a soul of onyx and gold,
it only stops when I grow cold.

I grow colder every day.
Zio Reyes Feb 2017
Like the Angel you are, leaving a beautiful scar.
My once so warm and flush is now a cold star.

The smile I gave turns to the grave,
longing for the soul I couldn't save.

All alone in a dark place, never to see your blessed face.
My heart longing to join you, slowing in it's pace.

You pushed me home, all alone.
You sent me back for sins to atone.

Like the Angel you are, leaving this horrible, grand, disgusting, beautiful, festering, warming, excruciating, comforting scar.
Zio Reyes Feb 2017
Everyday I write and sit.
A poem a day,
but some are ****.
Zio Reyes Aug 2016
You came from the sky and held out your hand.
You gave warmth to a frigid land.

When I took your hand, you took my soul.
When I held you, I felt no cold.

For the place in which the Angel passed was my spirit.
I fall into the depth of my mind and I hear it.

You gave me life, and took it with you when you flew away.
Into the sky where the Sun and Moon live, into the sky where I'll be someday.

Mi Ave Marie, mi Angela de Sangre.
Your Lilium echoes in my head, twisted with the hateful dread.

Blessed be the water, essential for the Martyr.
Zio Reyes Aug 2017
Love sick and stricken so gravely with grief, I reared back my arm and I pulled out his teeth.

The blood in my eyes that tells pages of truth, an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.

Kicking the body that lay on the ground, Satan's imps cheered as they all gathered 'round.

Telling of evil so sweet and so wild, I leave behind peace so tender and mild.
Zio Reyes Feb 2017
The water at my feet can no longer be called the shallows.
My eyes sink into my head as I walk drearily to the gallows.

Scars on my hands tell pages of truth,
the misguided anger of my once youth.

The days I spent eating hoppers in grass,
drinking in every sunset as if it were the last.

Swallow my soul, O sweet shade, so that pain may abate.

I face, again, my last sunset.
Zio Reyes Mar 2017
The magic of light binds together
that which time aims to weather.

The strength of light hold fast
that which should never last.

Hearken thine demons to the light,
they shudder and flee at the sight.

Every day there rises the light so high.
Every day I watch with awe filled eyes.

Unknown to me if Nature or Lord,
I give thanks humbly with great accord.

Per Omnia Saecula Saeculorum.
Zio Reyes May 2018
As cold wind blows, the sinner he knows that Archon light is coming.

The sinner he cries for all of his lies, for now quickly he's running.

The Archon light is close behind as the sinner knows not where he is going. The Archon light is on his neck and shows no sign of slowing.

Like a boat at sea in a raging storm, the sinner is frantically rowing. The Archon speaks "These are the sins you're sewing".

At last a white blade is raised on high, the sinner has been stopped.

The blade is clean despite the neck of the sinner it had chopped.
Zio Reyes Nov 2017
Like the sun in the sky, the waves of the sea, you mean so much to me.

And though the stars they shine the sky is so dark, I need not worry for you shine in my heart.

Stay with me and we'll be in our world of great love. Hold my hand and I'll show you a world above.

What you mean to me is greater than what sun means to flowers. In my chest because of you, I feel so full of power.

Life without you is a life without breath, I swear I'll hold you until my death.
Zio Reyes Nov 2019
When I measure my worth I find my soul is weak and poor, I stumble through my house and leave my jacket by the door.

I sit and think and contemplate about my life gone wrong. I know not many that would even care to hear my songs.

I stand up slowly and I raise my arms up to my side, the shadows are my partners as I hum, and dance, and slide.

The lonely song I sing is not mine, not mine alone...

...I know that somewhere out there is a soul without a home.
Zio Reyes Apr 2018
Going through the daily changes, I feel the slip of mental ranges.

I beg the devils to stop what they're doin', for soon I may lie cold and in ruin.

The sweet smell of blood that lingers around, I feel the crawl of my thorned crown.

Tell all these demons to stop what they're doin', and send mercy to this soul who lies so in ruin.
Zio Reyes Feb 2017
I know this love of mine will never die.
I know the light will shine, and I'll say goodbye.

Can you hear me, O Laurelia of the stars?
Are you afraid of me now, this man of Mars?

Can you feel it? Can you feel that I can see your soul?
Can you see me? Can you see that I grow old?

The note in my every song is carried into the wind.
The calling of the Lilium, mein vunderkind.

For all my promises, for all my talk, for all the times that I fought for you, for all the times that I told you that I loved you, for all the days I spent holding you, for every kiss, for every song we sang...

...I failed you, my love.
Zio Reyes Aug 2016
A thousand songs I'll never share.
A thousand words for which none care.
In a ******, agonized floating silence, they just stare.

The reaching music of the night that calls to all lonely ears.
Take my hand all those who need strength for fears.
Follow me and stand through the years.

A constant crawl through dirt and filth to reach the light.
A path of thorns and poison to walk in blight.

My blood is my gift to you. I shall sacrifice my every atom to give the world a smile. I will give you my life so that you may see that there is light.

Help me carry the stone, help me find a home.
Zio Reyes Sep 2016
Not sublime, not so fine. These old-timey rhymes cost nine a dime.

A blue-collar scholar, a photogenic schizophrenic.

The big voice preaches, but I'm eating peaches. In Spanish class, the dog teaches.

Really hot with a funny thought, mice get caught climbing a lot.

The day has ended, with laughs intended.

The sunset is orange... orange...


Zio Reyes Mar 2018
Striving and toiling all my life, my only solace was a heartless knife.

Days and days spent bathed in blood, only for sad thoughts to come and flood.

Eaten by guilt my soul weighs heavy, anger rages forth from a broken levee.

Years spent searching for a kindly ear, but no one near.

— The End —