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Ajey Pai K Mar 2019
'Tis like this-

The pride of men is locked in mirrors.
Laying dormant, bound in fetters.
This prisoner is presented to a fool-
Ever at the end of a fruitful groom.

Ajey Pai K
For Peace. With Love. The Silent Poet
Ajey Pai K Mar 2019
Is there a thing-
to which The God-
may thankful be?

In a million prayers,
would The God,
my silence see?

To the God who-
rarely answers thee,
What odds offer-
a better chance to me?

So, in a million prayers-
For my solemn silence,
The God is thankful to me.

-Ajey Pai K
For Peace. With Love.
Ajey Pai K Nov 2018
I see the moon in a balmy blue ocean,
Undulating in its restless waves.

Oh these foolish waters!
Find love like a little girl,
With waves hitting the shore.
The sea goes to war with itself,
As the rising tide falls in love
With the image of the moon-
That the falling tide tries to erase.

Irony sleeps in a coffin every night
For when something so deep,
All consuming and powerful-
Be so fickle as to fall in love,
With a mere image that projects,
But only on the surface,
There's nothing one can do.
What can you do when you fall in love?

For Peace. With Love.

The Silent Poet.
Ajey Pai K Nov 2018
A letter came my way,
Neat and decorated.
It smelled like my lover,
Writing from the east.
There was no salutation,
Or such sundry words.
There was no warmth,
Owing to early winters.
He wrote to me of things-
That had changed off late,
And of the people he'd met,
And of his all important job.
He wrote of the many things-
That wouldn't interest me at all.
No sooner than I'd thought-
To write back with passion,
My pen ran dry of its ink.
For good reason so, I guess.
I had just realised that-
I would've penned a comma,
Where he'd put a full stop.
Ajey Pai K Jul 2018
The devil isn't hidden in darkness.
He is in the eyes of the girl you love,
And in the smell of the man you desire.
He is hidden in the tiny crevices of your morales,
And in your thoughts of sinful deeds.
So, do not dread the dark,
It is asleep like the will of God.
Beware of those echoes in thought-
That speak the will of demons.
For the real dwelling of the devil,
Is in the prosaic details of your life.
Ajey Pai K Jul 2018
With bodies made of stardust
And minds driven by dreams,
Mortals write on papers of time.
Like scrawling words at the seashore.
At the behest of purpose,
And a night's deafening screams,
Art is made in the image of man.
As he is made in the image of God.
And as waves of years hit,
Glories fade and wash away
Like the words in wet sands,

Then a symphony of souls comes to a halt,
To be sung by faceless people in the future.
With love. For Peace.

The Silent Poet
Ajey Pai K Jul 2018
Little drops of water
Descend from above.
The nimbus in the sky,
Of dust and dreams,
From everlasting stars-
Make up the ocean
That bring life:
To you and to me and to the world at large.

A universal message of Peace.
With love. For peace.

The Silent Poet
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