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Stevie 7d
I realise
I fantasise
Tap dancing in the rain
On pointed stars
With chocolate bars
Replacing crack *******
No trippy stones
Still jumping bones
Swinging from chandeliers
Filling up holes
Picked in my goals
By overwhelming fears
Try taking care
Of those who dare
To differ from the norm
With healing hands
Bring troubled lands
Some shelter from the storm
Embrace the sun
See all as one
And silence every scream
I'll try my best
Like all the rest
I'm living in a dream
Stevie 7d
If I say
Sail away
For the day
We could lay
On a beach with the finest of sand
Hit a bar
Play guitar
Go too far
Name a star
Dance whilst singing along with the band
When we're done
We could run
To the sun
Have some fun
Take my heart  heal my soul hold my hand
Don't be shy
Let's get high
Laugh and cry
Question why
We keep trying to keep up with demand
Up the game
We're the same
Call my name
Burn the flame
Take a chance and let's see where we land
Stevie Oct 3
A graveyard"s rusty creaking gate
Obeys the wind's urge to create
An atmosphere sliced open by the knife
The dark his blanket from the cold
A flying fox's wings unfold
His take off brings the dead of night to life
A mist rolls over antique stone
He tips he's not in here alone
As something scurries quickly out of sight
His isolation closes in
The reek of his most recent sin
Is sensed by every creature of the night
The demons want to flay the lot
A witch shines up her cauldron ***
The werewolfs put their bid in for the bones
A vamp already claimed the blood
The organs bring a tidal flood
One zombie and her thirty seven clones
Fears roots hold firmly to the ground
A screeching almost deafening sound
Has cleared the field with supersonic stealth
The gods he always heard were near
Decided not to interfere
The big man's here and wants him to himself
Stevie Oct 2
She asked him if he had a light
I have he said to her delight
And reached into his pocket for the flame
Her strangely dyed unnatural hair
Warned any bold enough to dare
To ask her for her number or her name
She gave his arm a gentle stroke
Then bounced a little as she spoke
I've asked six others none could help me out
The bus is overdue I'm late
I'm not quite sure how long he'll wait
Forever going by that bone jangling pout
The horror he tried to disguise
By closing up his tell tale eyes
Was felt by every soul for miles around
His hands had done the rounds to find
An emptiness that filled his mind
The promised spark was nowhere to be found
He turns on heels to walk away
The echo from her it's ok
Left every nerve end screaming for a guide
His saving grace a local shop
The standard goods for readies swap
She had a smoke while waiting for her ride
Stevie Oct 2
She hovers over hallowed ground
Creates the most delightful sound
Runs with the fox hunts with the hound
The goddess of the night

A heart as cold as arctic ice
Thaws every time she takes a slice
Her virtue doubles as her vice
The goddess of the night

The power to bring giants to their knees
Unlocking hearts with master keys
Her hug disguised her fatal squeeze
The goddess of the night

A juggernaut of wit and charm
When reapers took her by the arm
Was they who wound up at the farm
The goddess of the night

She's out there now still standing tall
With scissors for your paper wall
Deciding if your due a call
The goddess of the night
Stevie Oct 1
You touch me without any use of the hands
Accept me without the outrageous demands
Throw a dream in the air just to see where it lands
Hug my soul with your daily embrace

You look at my darkness without showing fear
Sift through all the garbage to keep my feet clear
Tell me truths I may think I'm not ready to hear
Hug my soul with your daily embrace

You put love in my heart without snapping at strings
Let me soar through the air with a flap of your wings
Have me feel like I'm walking the valley of kings
Hug my soul with your daily embrace

You enchant me without any use of a spell
Quench my thirst with a free go on your wishing well
March your heavenly body straight into my hell
Hug my soul with your daily embrace

You have opened a door without slamming it shut
Chased the terrors who ripped out a hole in my gut
Slipped right under my skin without making a cut
Hugged my soul with your daily embrace

— The End —