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311 · Jun 2019
Tea and biscuits Jun 2019
Singing birds
The silence was so eventful
The breeze whispered your name
Hopefully,winter leaves
Seeds in concrete
and trampled
Kisses followed
by  bite marks
A temporary reminder that will soon fade
284 · Apr 2019
Tea and biscuits Apr 2019

Caught staring with fascination at nothing

blinded by a glimpse

tepid in approach

a slight slouch on the concrete sit

tossing around words in my head that I see fit

my lips  keep moving not knowing what I'm projecting

not a meaningless conversation as  she cracks a smile

my ebon skin with a sudden rash

Not in a rush to return to company but intoxication could prove fatal to this conversation.
170 · Jun 2019
Tea and biscuits Jun 2019
The night clouds the skies
The stars blur as I dampen my liver in vines
Idle conversations  just to pass time
My conscience with its eyes closed
Slowly moving into a pit that those who came  before me have filled with spit
Ejecting toxic clouds of smoke  That thicken the  air
I get comfort from giving Smooches to strangers
Sliding my shoes in altramentous floors groin touches  groin
As the acoustic sounds further intoxicate me
I don't yearn for the  thatches
The silence is loud
Irritation to my ears
Intensifies my thoughts

— The End —