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T Cup Jul 2021
I am
Neurotic in love
Never grew out of it

Someday, I hope for something better

Better than
Any woman who seems to have caught the eye of who I’m sleeping with
And taking it as evidence that I am not, nor could I ever be
Someone’s first choice
T Cup Jan 2016
They say time makes things easier but that simply isn't true,
I still can't fall asleep on my own without you.

I relate to Sylvia Plath often through many things she has said,
Especially "I think I made you up inside my head."

I dream mostly about kissing your lips or holding your hand,
As these thoughts bring more peace than toes in sand.

I could spend hours writing but there wouldn't be any point,
I'd still face the night alone, replacing you with a joint.

Being high makes the loneliness easier to bear,
But instead of gripping a lighter I'd rather it be your hair.

A puff of smoke drifts openly toward the moon,
While I close my eyes and hope to see you soon
T Cup Jan 2016
School matters.
T Cup Dec 2015
No matter what I think about,
I can't get you out of my head.

You are the only one that I want...

No one else turns me on.
No one else is as handsome, smart, or perfect as you are...

Do I want you back?
A: Yes
T Cup Dec 2015
you don't know what you're missing, until  you've lost it.

I want my soulmate back.
But there's no way he would want me back now.

I am:

Even though the two of them were the biggest regrets of my life,
They will also become his.
And I do not want that.
This is not poetic, but it **** sure is real.

I've ****** him over, with two others
Both of which aren't even half the man he is

A.J.B is my soulmate,
But am I his?
I'm a ******* piece of trash.
T Cup Dec 2015
I used to hang on every word you'd give me
Now, I look at my phone and roll my eyes when I see your name,
Isn't that a shame?

You're so **** annoying.
Tricked myself and everyone else that I actually had feelings for you.
I wish Colin would leave me alone.
T Cup Dec 2015
I can't get A.J.B of my head,
No matter what I've said.


I can't even get wet for someone else.
Nor do I want to be intimate
Regrets regrets regrets
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