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Ethan Leo Mar 2019
Forward march! As my mighty general screams
Load the guns, the cannons! Prepare the battle schemes!
Where is the glass cannon? Let it aim the sky
The glass cannon is ready sir! Let the foes prepare to die!

Fire now, fire all! Into the enemy lines we go!
Draw your swords, pierce the hearts of every foe
That crash and boom, is that the glass cannon i hear?
Yes sir! The glass cannon is covering us from the rear

Cut them down, let the foes scream in despair
Leave none alive, they are not worthy to spare
Oh sir! The glass cannon! The cracks are starting to show
Keep firing! **** them all! Care not if those cracks grow

Regroup to the glass cannon! My general cries out
Stand your ground, defend it! Think not of rout!
My general! A stone is thrown towards the cannon’s head!
Fear not cadet, it is worse to be taken alive than to be found dead
Ethan Leo Mar 2019
Note to self; whether by accident or by your own design,
Always bear in mind that you'll be happier with time
Tough it out, take a breathe, and forget what was yesterday
Do something new, let go of the blue, and smile away

Note to self; be happy the way you want to be
Chase your dreams, live them out, dont wait and see
Take the risk, seize the moment, and get out of bed
Remember that home is behind, the world is ahead

Me, myself, and I, can brighten up the cloudiest day,
Me, myself, and I, will push through, come what may
And when someone says " I cant see you being happy on your own"
Note to self; true happines is felt, not shown.

So spread your wings, fly up, high into the sky
Live a phantasmagorical life well before you die
Let the judgers judge, and let the haters hate
Note to self; its my life to live, not theirs. Checkmate.
Ethan Leo Mar 2019
After years of dwelling inside an empty den
I never knew this heart of mine would love again
A ray of sunshine you are and in my heart you bring
A radiance that makes me glow like the fields of spring

Your smile warms me down, right thru the core
Your voice, oh your voice, it makes me love you even more
Your touch lights up the darkest shallows of my heart
You made me believe in love again, believe in a brand new start

The look in your eyes frees me up from a winter’s chill
The warmth of your embrace brings to me all kinds of thrill
You bring the bounce to my steps, you make me widen my smile
Oh little do you know i’ve never felt this way for a long, long while

Right between the eyes, you hit me with cupid’s arrow
Oh please love me today, and please love me tomorrow
Because just like sunshine, you turn night into day
And just like sunshine, i hope you’ll be here to stay
Ethan Leo Mar 2019
As you stood by the doors and walked down the aisle,
I've been holding my tears back, but did let go of a smile,
And with this ring I pledge thy vows to you,
All of which i'm certain and hopeful to hold true

With these lips, i'll spare no truth be told,
With these eyes, i'll only see you to be more precious than gold,
With these ears, i'll heed your words to heart,
With these hands, i'll craft only you, my staple art

With these feet, i'll follow you to the edge of tomorrow,
With these grasps, i'll hold you tight in times of sorrow,
With this strength, i'll carry you to the highest peak,
With this pride, i'll temper, for you, i shall become meek

With my thoughts, i'll think of you every single day,
With my heart, i'll love you with a love as it were in may,
With all that i am, i promise you, i'll give you my all,
For these are thy vows, i'll swear it now, i swear it all.
Ethan Leo Mar 2019
I'm sorry my friends, but i must depart
Thanks for the memories, they will be in my heart
I cared for you all, just so you may know
But our days are over now, the sun's getting low

And to you my sweet and loving queen,
Stay as lovely and perfect as you've always been
Kiss me now and hold me close for i'll miss you so
Remember me as i was, and may you let me go

My dearest siblings, i know i made you cry,
But all of it was necessary, i hope you'll know why
I loved you hard, i just did not show
Please be strong for me, don't let a tear flow

To my parents, i'm sorry, i've failed to make you proud,
You were the best in me, i just cant say it aloud
I'll say it now, as my hearty beats slow,
I love you mom and dad!, i'm sorry, i must go
Ethan Leo Mar 2019
Here we are, by mind, by heart, by soul
With putrid thoughts as black as cole
You ask me;"was that it? Is it all over?"
"Yes, i think it is", i pretentiously answer

And in my mind i cry out the jolliest boons
But in my heart i sing the most sordid tunes
Then one day you ask; "how are you, my dear?"
"I'm alright, i'm happy" i answer with a tear

My pride had me believing i did the right thing
But deep down i lack the happiness only you can bring
"I miss you", oh i can still hear your heart whisper
"I miss you too" i cry out knowing we would've lasted forever

I know i'll regret this more than i ever could
And i know what i did was cold and unjust
But love comes in exactly as love should
And love leaves exactly as love must
Ethan Leo Mar 2019
I wish i was there with you when it happened
Hoping and praying all wounds sustained would mend
I wish we could've joked around and tucked our belts tight
Oh how i wish i was in that passenger seat that night.

I wish i could've slowed you down, make you turn to the right
I wish i could've warned you ahead since i had clearer sight
I wish we could've had a few more bottles 'til we couldn't walk
Oh how i wish i was in that passenger seat, to slow you down with a talk

And if things panned out just as it was supposed to be
I wish we were together for the last time, you and me
I wish we would've gotten up from our beds and a few more drinks
Oh how i wish i was in that passenger seat, before reality sinks

I wish i could've picked you up from the street where you'd usually wait
And go on to the party listening to songs you love, but i hate
I wish i had dropped you home safely and say "cge sy"
Oh how i wish you were at my passenger seat, you wouldn't have to say goodbye.
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