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717 · Feb 2014
the day i missed out...
Ta'nijah white Feb 2014
I come to school to learn but its why am i bored allday it dont have to be that way so i decided to stay home one day then i came back the next
everyone ran to me tellin how much i missed
i say hey i was gone for a day i much can it be
well lets see
so there was were 7 fights with girls you dont like
your crushed said he likes you
your real mother came to the school with gifts for you
there was a black out in our school
tupac came back to life..
so did micheal jackson we had a food fight it was so tight
and did i say beyonce perfored in the cafeteria with jay-z
and she called you up to hold blue ivy....
and justin beiber sat at your desk and said he likes your drawings
i would never miss another day out of school me im gonna stay in school
629 · Jan 2014
The demon inside me....
Ta'nijah white Jan 2014
hard work dedication all the same the devil put his hand on me now im insane i have no friends i dont even want any because friends stand for forever remaining indeeded endless nagging demon snakes  i use to have a family but their all gone now i wonder what happen some say they left town but i thinked the died because only i know the demon that lives inside only me no one else you cant make peace with a snake its self i dont dream but when i do i see the other side of me it takes over i try not weep, why you ask because i cry no ordinary tears i cry drops of blood the type of blood that is not fully bright but very dark red because i know who i am and im not me but im him and a part of me still lives but it suffers, everyday i pray,and ,pray,and why does it have to be this way? AND YOUR GOD SAID TO ME GO TO HELL WHY DO YOU BOW TO ME I HAVE NO RULE OVER SHAME ON YOU TWO YOU ARE THE DEVILS CHILD NOW FLEE HOW DARE YOU TRY TO BOW TO ME!!! now i know and understand thats why im standing by my old man HOW DARE GOD TRY TO PUT SHAME ON ME I KNOW WHAT I AM SO THATS WHAT IM GOING TO BE MY NAME IS DARE SHAME DEVIL I AM THE DEVILS CHILD SEE HOW YOUR SO CALLED GOD MADE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........
430 · Jan 2014
something creeping
Ta'nijah white Jan 2014
i hear something and its creeping in my room i hear something creepin and its all through my home i try to find help but it's like im home alone i try to found were it's coming from but how theirs creeping in every room i wish i knew what it was so left that night i came back and someone or thing was their and it was creepin i screamed guess no one heard me but IT i looked i did a research on IT befor IT was the CREEPER who comes after death knocks on the door so thats who was at the door around two or four guess its my time to go so what was IT creepin for?
some things you have to say like when people say fate was a mile away and then that pertson die the next day or when someone says the devil lives next door so i guesss thats what all bad heat was for ,or when someone says that death was there at the funeral and you see him at your door i will say hmmm i guess next time you wont door any more saying that IT was three because next IT will be there waitin for you to open the door!!!!!!!
391 · Oct 2014
Ta'nijah white Oct 2014
I gotta question can someone help me find the answer what do u call a turtle with no she'll is he homeless or naked? I gotta another question what do u call a girl with no care? And why is the world here? Who invented fear? What is hell foreal? Do we live to die? Why is God not here? Can he here me cry? Why is the devil knocking at my door? Can you tell him byeeeee? Why did my best friend die and came to me in a dream and said don't kiss him goodbye??
383 · Feb 2014
when you feel broken
Ta'nijah white Feb 2014
When you feel broken like a rusty token like a piece of led rite off a pencil then a voice inside you says your not broken cause if you were then we wouldn't see all the beauty you hold inside like a beautiful piece of painting you just can't hide
368 · May 2014
today is tomorow
Ta'nijah white May 2014
today they say its on for tommorow today is the day they were all waiting for tommorow today is yesturday the day the said wait till tommorow but tommorow is today and yesturday was tommorow.
the days go by and they get tangled in your head mixed up dates thats funny isnt it.
359 · Oct 2014
Fuck life
Ta'nijah white Oct 2014
**** life forget it I'm tired of trying, I mean yeah im not perfect but im never lying life's just full of heart break and people lying and how would feel if the ones you love just started dying,i feel this pain I swear I never felt befor but now it's like I'm so lost on the outside of my house like someone locked the door **** life I'm tired of trying cause when the whole world  ends foreal who's gonna be around
359 · Feb 2014
Ta'nijah white Feb 2014
darkness flow through my brain across my mind it remains though i cant see it just yet i know its their and its growing in side me for i fear that it will over grow and i will see the darkness cant help it but now people fear me why? i can tell you but you wont believe me darkness is growing in me for i fear i cant control it any more lets see how far i can go for i fear that THE DARKNESS IS ME!!!!
dont be afraid of the darkness i relized its not the darkness that blocks the light but its WHATS IN THE DARKNESS THAT YOU SHOULD WORRY ABOUT
337 · Feb 2014
whats heaven to me?
Ta'nijah white Feb 2014
People say its were you go if you are good when you pass away but hey heaven to me is were my loved ones are a place were all my worries are free but best of all a place were its just you and me I never felt this but I have to say I see heaven in all ways
324 · Apr 2015
Ta'nijah white Apr 2015
When you love someone,
You would do whatever to keepem happy, not makem the jealous type but make people jealous of his type only because no one else can have his type cause there's was only one him now his extinct because I just stole the last one of his types
Lovïngg somebodyy
289 · Feb 2014
who am i?
Ta'nijah white Feb 2014
who am i why do you ask i am that person you need to understand the person that controlls you the person who stands by you and you still ask who am i? well thats rude
275 · Feb 2014
Ta'nijah white Feb 2014
lost i cant find no one not even me  were am i ,i dont know were do i belong who knows were did i come from that cant tell only one i know is that person who lost me is lost as well i know he thinks about me every second of everyday if i wasnt so lost maybe we would think the same way but now i just say im lost can you find me because i cant maybe he will find me again but HOW DID WE GET SO LOST
lost cant be found looking for the person that lost you but there never to be found

— The End —