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155 · Oct 2017
Eunoia Oct 2017
How we crave love,
Yet afraid of being in pain.
153 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
No one dared to look into her eyes,
For they are afraid to be a stone-like human,
No one dared to look into her eyes,
That's why no one ever saw the pain and loneliness she's feeling inside,
She used to be like us,
But cursed in the name of love
So the question that remained in her mind is
"Is it wrong to fall in Love?"
Greek Mythology Fiction installment number one
152 · Aug 2017
My Past Life
Eunoia Aug 2017
There's a hidden story behind my eyes,
A warrior girl who died in a war,
But no one can see her deep scars,
For she keep them inside her lonely heart
There's a hidden story behind our eyes
151 · Sep 2017
Shattered Fairy Tale
Eunoia Sep 2017
What if Cinderella didn't left her shoe?

What if Snow White didn't bit the apple?

What if Aurora didn't pierced her finger on the needle?

What if Ariel didn't want to dance?

What if Belle never looked for her father?

Can we be less hurt if fairy tales never put our hopes too high?

Can you imagine your childhood if the idea of having a prince and happy ending was never invented?

Can you imagine yourself having a bland childlike dreams?

Can you imagine yourself sulking with the idea of love?

But as soon as we grow up

Memories will fade

The dreams that we prayed for every night became lies

We discover that life was not made up of glams and love

Fairy tales was made up to save every child from early drowning of life's misery

Just like her

She once believe with happy endings and prince(s)

But look into her eyes now

She is broken inside

Crying her eyes out

For the child who's living inside her was killed by the reality that says

'Pain will be your friend, Rain will be your music and night will be your favourite time to wake'
151 · Sep 2017
What is?
Eunoia Sep 2017

Have you ever questioned yourself what's the real deal with these words?

Every dictionaries can give you the meaning of that words,

But they can't never provide the feelings that was hidden between the letters,

To trust somebody is a though choice
For they can fool you with their voice
But people need to trust
For you can't love someone you didn't trust,

People can easily be mistaken by the idea of love,
They can't differ the meaning of 'like' and 'love',
But to really love someone is too hard to achieve,
For it is when you really can't answer the question 'Why do you love someone like him/her?",

Sacrifice is not like giving up your material things to do some errands,
It is the fact that you can let people go that makes you happy just to keep them at ease,
It is when you'd rather let them hate you for the actions you've taken for them to be safe,

Pain is like something went missing,
It's like something inside you shattered literally,
And your heart was too bloated with the emotions you're containing for too long,
It is the feeling that your body went numb, your breathing went hard, your brain became blank you wanted to scream but no sound escaped your mouth and your tears can't come out,

Being strong can't be measure physically,
It's not how you act you don't care,
It is when you cry every night,
You became the strongest person in the world,
For you are facing the fear everyone scared to have.
150 · Sep 2017
Eunoia Sep 2017
The thing is
I can easily forgot their names
But yours always remain
146 · Aug 2017
She's no princess
Eunoia Aug 2017
She never wish to be save,
She never wants a prince who's riding a white horse,
She never chose a crown and dress,
For she is the knight who's going to save herself.
144 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
Naked body,
Presented in front,
I wanted to devour you with my ink and soulful words,
For I am so turn on with the idea of  writing my undying thoughts
140 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
There's a wonderful boy inside my head,
Whispering promises,
Saying he'll stay.
136 · Sep 2017
Why do I Write
Eunoia Sep 2017
They never listened to my voice,
That's why I turned it into words,
Papers and Pens are my colleagues,
When everyone was too far from me,
I am the shattered pieces of masterpiece,
So I used my spilled blood as an ink to create a new beginning.
How about you?, why do you write?
136 · Sep 2017
Eunoia Sep 2017
It took a hundred of days for him to confess,
But she waited long enough so she decided to find a new love.
131 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
Your words are my antidote,
Your kisses are my comfort,
Your Hugs are my haven,
But you, yourself will be the reason of my downfall.
129 · Aug 2017
Birthday Wish
Eunoia Aug 2017
I wish you well,
Promise me you'll be good to him
I wish you well,
Don't look back for I am standing at your back wishing you could still be mine
I wish you well,
But baby it still ******' hurts
128 · Aug 2017
His Favourite Bed
Eunoia Aug 2017
Eyes Closed,
Pale lips,
Cold hands,
I'm sitting next to you,
Watching the stars lighting up the sky,
Tears are flowing down my eyes,
My heart wants to burst beacause of the emotions it's keeping for too long,
I am dying with the silence conquering the supposed to be admirable night,
Tell me how to ease the pain while watching you sleep in your favourite bed?
This poem is dedicated for my grandfather, Tay we'll visit you this friday wait for me, I'm going to tell you everything that happened to us
127 · Aug 2022
Eunoia Aug 2022
You know the ending was near,
The rust already eats our sunset's beauty,
You say it's golden, while I spoke of it as plated
They say the water can help it reflect its former beauty but the latter did the opposite; It corrodes;
Faster than what you wished and hoped for, and as it kills you slowly,
I have found the reason to breathe again with my body only stained with the color of rust and the smell and taste of it that I'll always associate with blood.
127 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
She is blinded by his love,
******* with his words,
She is aware that the keys are placed in her hands,
But she doesn't want to use it because she is afraid to bid him goodbye
126 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
How to unlove someone who's not worthy to be loved?
123 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
Take off your clothes,
Lie down in bed,
Close your eyes,
Be intimate with me tonight,
Let me touch your body with my soul,
Let my lips and tounge accept your flaws,  
Scream in pain,
It's okay to be hurt,
For I'll be giving you too much  pleasure to change this sorrowful night.
My kind of ***, this is the last poem for this week For I am going to disappear for a few weeks or months because of the errands I need to finish, but I'll be back as soon as I can finish my works and share again my other poems to all of you! Bye
122 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
Let's cut the chase
Let's do the bargain
Send me your love
And in return
I'll give you my heart
119 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
I made my choice
I chose you
You made your choice
And you chose me to be an option
118 · Aug 2017
Morning Bliss
Eunoia Aug 2017
The birds are singing in the trees,
While you are kissing my cheeks with your red lips,
You're whisphering "Baby wake Up" In my ears,
Oh! Honey it was indeed a Morning Bliss
117 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
You can do anything
You can't do everything
Eunoia Aug 2017
"I like you, From the very first time I saw you and I envy her for seeing you first than I do"
112 · Aug 2017
My favourite Song
Eunoia Aug 2017
I wanna play my favourite song,
But I can't bear to hear the tune that screams everytime i press the keys
I wanna play my favourite song,
But I am too afraid to remember the pain you inflicted to me
111 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
She didn't know
Who will leave or stay
So she pushed them all away
110 · Aug 2017
For Thee
Eunoia Aug 2017
This is for thee,
My one and only rose,
Who's sitting next to the cliff,
Feeling the cool breeze,
I tried to come near you, but your thorns made me bleed
The wind whispher to my ear and said
Fly and be free
Your color is too bright, for my self that's too dense and light
For this love is for thee,
My one and only rose,
From the dandelion itself who always break and fall.
106 · Aug 2017
The Possibility Of Us
Eunoia Aug 2017
We have this connection that we need to leave behind,
To stop this feelings that somewhere, someday will soon be collide,
For I know from the very start that what we really have is just a lie.
Sometimes we need to put and end into something that's really not meant for us
103 · Aug 2017
Eunoia Aug 2017
I am torn between the
Sunrise and sunset
To the
Sun and Moon,
Rain or Shine,
Believe or not,
Cry or laugh
But the hardest choices from all of that is
I am torn between
Loving or hating you,
For I know that breathing will be too hard for me if I'm going to let go of you.
100 · Aug 2017
Summer Love
Eunoia Aug 2017
School year ends on the last month of March,
Classmates will become strangers to all of us,
Paperworks and tests are finally done,
This is the moment I've been waiting for, to treat you as my Summer Love

We hide behind our textbooks,
Stealing kisses behind the comfort rooms,
Holding hands under the desk is my favourite part,
It's like an assurance to me that you are only mine,

To love each other for them is a crime,
That's why April to June are my favourite months,
Because this is the months that we don't need to hide,
For you are no longer my teacher, outside the camp.
Is there any rule for love?
99 · Aug 2017
Her Ideal Man
Eunoia Aug 2017
She wanted to find someone who will put her life at stake then save her,
For she knows that princes doesn't exist in reality they are just an illusion for our child-like memory.
98 · Aug 2017
Let's Make a Poem
Eunoia Aug 2017
Autumn leaves are falling,
One by one,
I'd like to catch them
Before they drop on the ground
Let's put our words together, help me finish this poem and make it a masterpiece just comment the phrase or words you want to be the next verse
86 · Aug 2017
Tell Me
Eunoia Aug 2017
Tell me how to breathe in this world full of grief,
Tell me how to live in this world full of fanatasy

— The End —