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Eunoia Aug 2022
As I refuse and restrict myself to eat;
The anxiety and guilt began to eat the remains of my thinning sanity.
As I continue to conceal;
The more I am drawn to devour the night, never to be seen in the daylight.
Eunoia Aug 2022
She's walking down the aisle
With her father by her side,
She's looking at her man,
And God knows she's so In love

Perfection is her name
When I saw her in her white dress,
Imagine me in her place,
Is the illusion I've been seeing,

I looked away when their lips collide,
And says 'I do' without any doubt
My heart wants to burst in dismay,
Wants to escape this tragic event,

But ruining this day is not my intention,
Can't afford to see her eyes consumed by negative emotions,
She's giving me a million reasons to love her,
But there is only one reason for me to hate her,

For I know that this is the last round of the fight,
The epilogue of the fantasy I always dreamt about,
She finally wears the crown I've been admiring at,
For she is already the bride of the man I love.
Eunoia Aug 2022
You know the ending was near,
The rust already eats our sunset's beauty,
You say it's golden, while I spoke of it as plated
They say the water can help it reflect its former beauty but the latter did the opposite; It corrodes;
Faster than what you wished and hoped for, and as it kills you slowly,
I have found the reason to breathe again with my body only stained with the color of rust and the smell and taste of it that I'll always associate with blood.
Eunoia Oct 2017
I can still remember the night you told me to looked up the sky,
You point out the brightest stars and show me how an image can form every time you slid your finger to fill the gaps they have,
It was blurry at first,
But you looked into my eyes and said 'Just Focus and wait',

So that's what I did,
The image became clear,
Just like how our relationship to me,
I finally connect the actions you've done,

How your hands felt cold everytime it helds mine,
How your lips tremble everytime you kiss me goodnight,
How your hugs became suffocating whenever you caged me in your ams,
And how your words became knives whenever you said 'I'm still the one',

Your promises was dead a million years ago,
Same as how the stars fades everytime the morning came,
So when you told me to looked up the sky one last time,
I saw our constellation,

It was the brightest of them all,
But the shine it's giving is too blinding for my eyes,
And that was the last image I've ever seen,
For I name it 'Broken Stars' just like how we end the love story we had.
Eunoia Oct 2017
I am blinded by the lights,
Their claps sustain my life,
Can't recognize the person now,
That eyes are no longer mine.
Fame can be dangerous
Eunoia Oct 2017
Who's the real blind in this world?
People who lost their vision literally?
People who shut their eyes when it comes to love and reality?
Tell me, Who is?
Eunoia Oct 2017
Everything that fall gets broken,
But sometimes broken things become masterpiece
Just like flowers and leaves during autumn mist
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