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TSBP Feb 15
my favourite colour is blue

My favourite crisps are bacon rashers,
because one time I spent an hour convincing my friend to try them,
and now every time we meet she brings a bag to share

My favourite film is how to train your dragon
I would watch it with my dad,
late at night, on that sofa he no longer owns.

My favourite fruit is kiwi
A childhood friend I no longer talk to taught me how to eat it properly,
at lunchtime in year 3

My favourite animal is a dog
Charlie would never chase a ball, or play tug of war,
but he would always curl up next to you in the evenings like a good dog should

My favourite colour is blue,
Or at least that's what I told you.
I think really, my favourite colour,
Is the smile om your face, when you find something blue to show me.
The shades of the sky,
A trinket from a charity shop,
A painting of the ocean,
All remind me of you.

My favourite colour is you.
TSBP Feb 15
I go out clubbing, and bump into some friends,
We spend the night dancing and laughing

Life is good

I wake up early enough to see the last glimmers of sunrise settled on the horizon

Life is good

I play my favourite song while I brush my teeth

Life is good

There is just enough milk left to make myself a cup of tea

Life is good

I meet my friend, she helps me buy makeup, we talk about our childhoods

Life is good

I don't know what younger me thought life was going to be like,

But this is so much better.
TSBP Jan 1
there are so many times, I remember
when my mistakes seemed so terrible and important
and I now I just see how young I was,
how those mistakes weren't as bad as I always thought
I hope future me is thinking the same thing
about right now
TSBP Jan 1
my sweetness you are
my stars and my moon and the
foil to all my plans
TSBP Feb 2022
Your smell reminds me of comfort, hot chocolate and warm summer evenings. My dear you make roses smell plain
The soft canvas of your skin makes me feel numb. I think of warm desires when you hold me.
You taste like home cooking and sweet sensations that linger on my mouth. I would like to taste you again.
Your voice sounds like lull of midnight rain, your laugh dances on my ears rendering me speechless
When I look at you I am captivated. Your eyes are more alluring than life itself, sunsets don't compare
You overwhelm my senses and fill me with happy things that I crave.
TSBP Mar 2021
There was a gentle nothing floating
A god came along and, upon not seeing the calm nothing,
conjured it into being.
The nothing (now named Yulserf)
looked to the god and asked
"why have you created me, you wretched power"

The God was offended by this question
and simply answered
"I have done nothing more than make you whole, so you may exist as is so"

Yulserf cried for three hundred days and three hundred nights,
for he had not wanted to exist
but was.
Finally, the God came back
to Yulserf's sobbing, and relented.
And so, the happy nothing did as nothings do,
and didn't.
i dont even know, dont take this seriously
TSBP Feb 2021
Like a bursting hearth,
An explosion of life swelling my chest.
Seeing the smile that stretches my heart,
And knits butterflies out of my anxieties.

Let the world quiet for you.
Let trees bend and rocks hollow to serve you,
You who sits on my pedastol.
Let skies age like old photos,
So that my love for you might be made all the more apparent.
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