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159 · Nov 2019
Everything you do
Matt Buyanga Nov 2019
I appreciate everything that you do,
Very helpful and thoughtful too.
From the beginning, you've been there for me,
When I was down, you were strong like a tree.
You offer so much, a heart that is kind,
Thinking to help others, in your beautiful mind.
Your qualities combined, are extremely rare,
You wake up each morning, with a smile and care.
Everything you do, I respect and praise,
You're a wonderful person, you always amaze.
Wish to say thank you, deep in my heart,
For so many lives, you're a big part.
Matt Buyanga Nov 2019
Love can't be described.It has no shape, it has no form.Love is not an object.Love does not conform.Love enters our livesThe moment we are born.From the cradle to the grave,Love's in everyone.Love burns like a candle.That sometimes flickers but never dies.Love may be invisible,
Although it's right before your eyes,Love can leave you empty,Love can make you whole.Love can make or break you,Love is in your soul

Love is in your heart,
Love is in your mind.
Love doesn't discriminate,
Love is always blind.

Love is universal,It encompasses the globe.No matter where you are,Love has a language all its own.To love another human or whatever it may bewith all of your heartCan be seen as a work of art.You brush, you stroke, you pour, you spill,And upon each action your heart will fill.Hours are spent in an endless gaze.That shall remain for all your days,With each addition to the paper,
You realize your love will never taper.And in the end you will finally see,That all of your mistakes were meant to beLove is all around you.There's plenty of love to spare.You cannot see or touch it,
But love is everywhere.Love's the greatest power,
And yet it is so small.Love's a gift from God to be shared amongst us all.
138 · Nov 2019
Mere Words
Matt Buyanga Nov 2019
I searched among the card displays,
To see if I could find,
A little something that would say
Just what was on my mind.

However there was not a one,
That captured it just right,
For no one else can understand
Just what I'd like to write.

I even find it difficult
To try to write it down,
For how do I portray to you,
The love that I have known?

I close my eyes and what I see,
Is someone I adore;
A person who is beautiful,
Right down into their soul.

Mere words cannot describe
The many qualities you show,
The love and caring nature that
You share with those who know.

Your kind and gentle temperament,
Your sweet angelic smile,
Your softly spoken sentiments,
That reach across the miles.

Your smile and laugh that sparkle with
The softness of your sighs,
The way your face lights up a room ...
That twinkle in your eye.

The loving gestures through the years,
That quickly come to mind,
For always you've a gentle word
To calm and soothe I find.

I struggle and I search to try
To find some words anew ...
And yet I cannot capture
All the things that make you you.

I shall therefore, be satisfied
That you must simply know,
Just how I feel about you,
For with words I cannot show..
A description of someone.... I’ll end it there.

— The End —