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Mar 2018 · 250
Swagatika Dash Mar 2018
In the search of a true face
across the world
   I see many faces…

Some unfold what they are
and some persist
under the veil of futile glare…

While one being a saint
emits divine fragrance
and evinces the ultimate path,
another behind saffron
keeps usurping
the modesty of the earth…

While a doctor justifying his duty
works a lot and
returns someone’s breath,
another with sham assurance
and selfish gain
revels in welcoming
the naked dance of death…

Where one reveres women
as fortune
one pushes her in to
the jaws of inferno..

Where a net of conspiracy
lies behind a crooked smile..
Where illusive tears
play with emotions
determined to drown others in woe..

Beauty there is deified
And yet
carnal desires rule supreme..

Hiding under
honeyed speech
man proclaims
deceptiveness is alien to him…

Giving a blank look
he projects himself as innocent
but there remains in him
a hidden criminal mastermind…

Who promises himself
as the Truth’s son
is in reality
a matchless fraud…

Swearing to be a true friend
behind you
he walks with your enemy
hand in hand…

Unpredictable and strange
are everyone..
But the time’s rain
washes away
all pseudo makeup,
drags out the disguised
of his castle…

But all of a sudden
my search seizes the real point
I find Nature and child’s heart,
with truth, are not poles apart..

display only beauty and simplicity..
That’s why on earth
the living incarnation
of divinity, both are..
By Swagatika Dash -"TRACK OF A TODDLER"
Mar 2018 · 207
Swagatika Dash Mar 2018
Thousands and thousands
eons ago
sweet songs perhaps
were coming also from crow..

But submerged in the world
Of machines
Man, running after
the futile pleasure
is devoted in losing its
life’s music…

May be being neglected,
the melody of the crow
died away
and converted in to a harsh cry..

See them!!!
Something in their ears??
It’s the modern devil
Like inseparable part of ears
it seems….

Perhaps the sparrow
failed to rival it..
No more twittering
No more chirping
No more jumping
and no more fun..
Helpless in conveying
its emotion,
we see now
its total extinction…

In the hope of
drawing man’s attention
Cuckoo is struggling
In the midst of
a fatal cacophony..

The world knows bee
for its honey
not for its buzzing..

Only appetite, and greed
rule here..
No value of their passions..
No value of their emotions..
Freedom has no value
for these beautiful creations..

As in Nature’s lap we are
so should be they..
As Nature’s children we are
so should be they..

How many days
in industries’ roar?
How many years
in vehicle’s roar?
How many ages
to stand on
a restless threshold?

come back again,
man will knock at Nature’s door..
Will demand the
lost melody..
Will desire the same music
for peace..

But Oh!! God
let not the day be so late
so that the entire harmony
vanishes forever
under the burden of
the stressful life,
in the hunger for peace
and Nature’s tune,
the whole human race

By Swagatika Dash "TRACK OF A TODDLER"
Jan 2018 · 442
A Living Legend
Swagatika Dash Jan 2018
From the time immemorial,
a full bloomed Lotus
in Odisha “Chilika” is…

By its panoramic
and scenic splendor
like bees, get stretched,
the tourists,
both local and from overseas..
Pilgrims come
to relish beauty and
bow before deity…

The whitish aura of winter
here seems vibrant..
The permanent avian nest
forms a paradise
for winged guests
and displays nature’s bounty…

Surrounded by bluish water
it’s an island divine…

But a matter of surprise
instead of their reflections,
maidens on the surface of
the deep lake,
see a divine face…

With the touch of lake’s water
devotees feel a floating legend
the saga of a tragedy,
the tale of Jai…

Along with her father
newly-wed bride
was on the boat
to her in-laws’..

What a horrid trend??
With his own sweat and blood
a gardener helps a flower bloom..
And like huntsmen
in-laws pluck her,
and she has to go
to an alien empire…

A Floridian day it was..
Looking gorgeous
her ruby costume,
to the envy of Robins …

Unexpectedly became perilous
the brazen,sanguine sky
and jeopardized the lake…

Scary became the
chorus of birds…
Darker than shadow
the sun seemed…
As if the puffs of a phantom,
body felt the wind…

With a drastic cyclone
they encountered…
Like a frond the daughter shivered,
and the father time and again
consoled her,
to wisely tackle the situation
appealed to the boatman…

But Alas!!
The boat capsized…
The floating dazzling veil
announced a cruel mishap…

All escaped
except the bride…
A father lost his daughter,
a sweet love got melted,

Swiftly began to shine
as an innocent,
the unabashed sun..
Blood stained looked the sky…
As ignorant the bluish water
Serene Environs
came to her usual throne…

As if all were pre-planned….
In the veil of Nature
caused by
the background criminal,
the brutal fate…

But to atone for her sins
perhaps Nature
made Jai Goddess Kalijai,
the reigning deity of the lagoon…

Invoking her blessing these days
sailors venture out…
From all catastrophe she saves,
as a belief goes there..

Today also many claim…
A long wailing is heard
in the dark night,
that is of Mother Kalijai…
Not for her tragic death…

But perhaps against
the bad custom
that still governs the girl’s lives…

Not horrifying,
rather it’s the symphony of life,
in which natives
feel Goddess’ presence
and feel secured..

The largest brackish lake
of this continent
is turning more salty,
say the scientists…
Perhaps due to her tears…

More and more salty
it will be ,
till the society eradicates
the evil trend…

Based on a Odia legend "KALI JAI"
Published in my book
Swagatika Dash
Jan 2018 · 217
Swagatika Dash Jan 2018
Oh!! Behold the still one...
the wan, and the innocent face
The closed gloomy eyes.. Behold!!

There were days
when dreams treaded
those restless eyes..
Oh!! See…
These very eyes emitted
rainbow-hued bliss
Today too ..
the peace of a saint..

Feel the flow of the blood
that is frozen,
the potent warm blood
has collapsed
and he lies unconscious..

And Listen!!
No more responds to
even a single word..
The erstwhile talkative mouth
is rendered dumb
by the decree of the
the God of the South..

Many and many
prolonged wailings
too hard to bear
accompanied by warm tears
all around to bring him back
to his usual veins..
But all   in vain
Tears do nothing
but roll down and down
fused with pain..

Perhaps some strange power
has made him deaf
From the life, the soul
has flown away..

these chill veiny legs
that severed
“work as the God”
and moved here and there..

The man was perhaps
the rarest of the rare..

But now
All visits postponed
but planned beforehand
lie there paralysed..

Everyone’s face sings a lament
but not a single mark of ache
in him
Just as a piece of stone...

The man was a man in days ancient..
He is dead
And now
he exists only as soul..

See!! And See!!
The blackish smokes
engulfing the body
I see everyone’s happiness
fading away in the dark fume..

Here I see the rising soul
leaving all
to house itself in the
eternal abode..

here I am in total confusion
Whether to be sad
for the “near and dear is dead”
or to rejoice
thinking, of his “salvation”…
Whether to join
the tear-filled and swelling eyes
for “he will never come back”
or to relax
thinking “the real man to his real nest
has returned”…
Whether consider him “wasted in soil”
Or as “the pristine form to the Elements  return”

Published in my book
Swagatika Dash
Jan 2018 · 202
The Phoenix
Swagatika Dash Jan 2018
The ethereal mist of a new dawn
stung me with a blue emptiness...
In the middle of chirping crowd
with a stone inside
I stand alone......

Your instant flight
like a puff of exhaled breath
vanished in the nocturne....

The pearl white ash says..
This funeral will never end
no celestial air can put out
the burning pyre in you...

Where death is born
we must die...
Like vegetables,we are
on the frying pan
and HE is ready to dine.....

Everytime with a delight,unknown
I was hovering around you...
Let me again feel your warm embrace...
Let me kiss your palms time and again...
Let me again tell you howmuch I miss you....

Let me defeat the time...
Let me hear again
my heartbeats
in yours
and yours in mine forever...
                             I lv u Grand maa

— The End —