One day,
he will look at me and smile,
not worry.
One day,
he will hold my hands,
not check my wrists and thighs.
One day,
he will see me laugh,
and not search for tears hidden in my eyes.
One day,
he will dance and smile,
not hold me and cry.
One day,
he will kiss me in the mirror,
not cover my eyes.
One day,
we will go on adventures,
not terrified to go outside.
One day,
we will playfully banter,
not bicker and argue.
One day,
he will look at me and joke around,
not watch himself,
worried he will cause me to fall apart.
One day,
we will be happy.
One day,
we will be healthy.
One day... One day.
To all of you who are at that "almost"
Dreaming for the "one day"
To turn into "today"
Becuse I understand.
And it will happen.
....One day.
Also for DreamMare
Who makes me feel a little less alone
Keep writing my dear.
There is healing in it.