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Dec 2012 · 710
Guardian Angel
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
I don’t mind leaving myself completely vulnerable,
Go ahead, expose every ounce of me.
I have been exploited,
I have been used,
I have been beaten down and broken,
So many times,
To the point where…
Leaving myself wide open,
Is nothing new…

I’m rarely ever religious,
But my spirituality is at an all time high.
Let’s say there is a higher power,
And let’s say it did create mankind.

Cause I believe in guardian angels,
Angels with no wings on their backs,
And no glowing halos upon their heads,
But angels, that walk among us…

Angels, that are you, and me…

See when this higher power made man,
They saw that he was alone,
(For we all feel alone sometimes)…
So this higher being gave man,
The gift of a woman,
A friend, a partner in crime.

We are meant to have our fellow human’s back,
Not stab it, and betray them.

So I extend my hand,
To anyone willing to take hold…

See because I am so torn apart,
I understand what truly lies within
Every human being’s heart…

I can comprehend the fact that,
No matter good or evil,
No matter pure or deluted,
We are all human,
Bound to malfunction…

We all have our trials,
Our problems, our demons if you will…
But we also have one another.

I know for a fact why I’m here, living,
I was created to open eyes,
To let people know,
You are never, ever,
Truly alone…

I remember what it’s like,
To feel like you’re invisible,
To think you have no value,
To believe you are a nobody…

And my dear friend,
I can honestly look you in those wonderful eyes,
And tell you,
From the depths of my heart,
I am here,
And I’m not leaving…

You might think
You mean nothing to the world,
But you mean the world to me…

I don’t care who you are,
I don’t judge a past you can’t change,
I just want you to know,
If you need me, I’m here…

See this is how I mend my own broken pieces,
This is how I sew back together the tattered soul I wear,
I give my life to my fellow man,
Not for something in return,
But because I know,
It only takes one smile
To make happiness contagious.

I leave myself as wide open,
As a public library,
With no key for the door…

I ask you to invade my mind,
To walk around, and explore…
In hopes you will walk away,
With some piece of me,
That makes you more complete…

For we are all broken into small particles,
But we have each other to complete
The puzzle of ourselves and life as we know it.

So I willing give you any piece of me
You wish to transfer to your internal memory,
And gladly will copy any file you wish to store.

I life not for myself,
But for the thrill,
Of knowing…
I can create a smile upon your face.

Now do you understand,
Why I let you pick my soul apart?
I want you to not be afraid to dig deeper,
I want you to look me in these eyes,
And see this beating heart…
And know,
Just because you think you don’t belong
In a world such as this…

You will always be a king/queen
In this pulsing, breathing, human being.

Because the only reason
You believe you are a nobody,
Without value or price,
Is because to me,
You carry something
No one could ever buy…

For to me,
You are priceless and precious,
And should never be for sale.

You my dear,
Are a guardian angel…
Watched the movie "Titan A.E" and it got me thinking about the human race and all that jazz. So that's how this poem came about.
Dec 2012 · 326
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
I can't sleep alone because of you.    
Cause having you by my side,
Is something I value most right now.
You and I have only been,
For roughly one month...
Still I trust you with,
My heart, my mind, my soul...
My true self.
God, you're making me fall in love.
You're holding my heart in your hands,
I'm letting you inside,
For you I promise not to hide.
But I'm also crossing my fingers 
Hoping I'm not dreaming.
See your pure touch 
Leaves me screaming 
Wanting nothing but more,
Of you...
Just having you,
Even for just a moment,
Is enough...
Cause when I'm with you
I am happiest.
Dec 2012 · 373
Behind Her Eyes
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
They say her eyes are beautiful, but they dont have to see the pain that hides behind the iris. They dont have to witness the madness and chaos that controls her mind; they dont have to notice the anxiety that holds her back from achieving anything she could possibly want. See behind those ocean eyes, is a world of hurt. So much to the point where she doesnt even know her own true value and worth. She just allows her mind to take over, to beat her down and control her. She tries so hard to fake a smile, but knows they arent convinced. Still they do nothing to help her feel less alone. All she ever desired, was to be held, to be told she means something to someone, and could never be completely alone. But in her eyes she wears a mask to hide the fact that she is desperate for a warm body next to  hers. She just wants to be reminded, of how it feels to be loved, because she so often forgets what its like. So take a look into my eyes, and see I am that girl, just dying for someone to search deeper to see how i really feel.
This is just the first draft fyi
Dec 2012 · 436
Immortal Beauty
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
Endless possibilities are echoed in a melody.
A song that brings the soul to life,
With a chorus that can make the body rise.
The lyrics take their place within my lungs,
As I exhale the words, the song is sung.
A beauty flows in every note and cord,
My mind skyrockets, my imagination sores,
Creating immortal music within my heart.
For this is not the end of a life,
But the beginning of a brand new start.
Time is still running out the hour glass,
For we all know,
As all time comes, it soon shall pass.
But as far as I’m concerned,
The music deep within will last,
Continuing even after we all are dead and gone,
The tune will remain, the soul move on.
For music never truly dies
As long as within a passionate heart it lies.
my love <3 for music
Dec 2012 · 445
I Love You
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
“I love you”
Frequently said,
Not so frequently meant.
How can you say the words
“I love you”
Like they are only worth a cent?
Tossing eight letters up into the air
Waiting for a lonely breath to reply
“I love you to”
Not meaning what you say
Just saying what SHOULD
Already be known,
If you really meant to say
“I love you”
Then I wouldn’t feel so alone.
I hope you choke on your words,
Maybe then you’ll know
How bad I hurt
Hearing “I love you”
Repeatedly lied to,
Running round in circles  trying to figure out
Did they really mean it?
Or am I
Just another…
Victim of love,
Another one sided relationship,
Told that I am cherished
But not important enough
For you to save the
“I love you”
And instead SHOW me love!
Show me what it’s like to have love.
Show me kisses in April rain.
Show me midnight phone calls.
Show me an endless embrace.
Show me that you’re vulnerable.
Show me that you are in fact in love.
The best love is blind
Trusting your partner to care.
Save your words for better lines
And replace “I love you” with
“Don’t hang up, just 10 more minutes”
And “Don’t ever let me go”
Use you words
Craft them the mean something more
Than just “I love you”.
Then when your guts
Can’t hold those three syllables back,
And your sick of showing,
Tell me you love me,
Because then the words
“I love you”
Will be all you’ll have left to say.
Basically how much I hate hearing "I love you" before I'm ready to hear it
Dec 2012 · 611
Why Am I Sorry?
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
I’m sorry I’m not like you.
I will NEVER be, like you…
I’m sorry I strive to be my own person,
I’m sorry I don’t mimic every trend,
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…I’m NOT sorry!!!
Stop making me feel, like being me is a sin!
Stop trying to convince me to cave and give in!
I stand alone, in a crowd of many
Who still don’t seem to see,
All the pressures put on me to be:
“Normal”, pretty in pink, little Miss. perfect,
And conform to societies standards
Which I consistently break…
A person should NOT have to ask permission
To be who they are inside,
It should be a natural reaction to be true
To not fake out what’s in the mirror.
Some people wake up every morning
To a reflection they wish was NOT their own,
Due to society saying they don’t fit in,
That they don’t fit into those size 0 or 1 jeans,
That they don’t fit into society’s elite group of people,
They don’t fit in anywhere, anymore…
Thus outcast…they say afraid and confused…I’m sorry.
I’m sorry, because I’m NOT going to apologize anymore,
For simply being me!
Everybody has the right to be themselves
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
You know that feeling
When you get inspired
Something deep inside you
Is locked and loaded
Ready to transpire
Making thoughts come to life
Making what you feel
Burst into flames
And burn…

It’s like a warm campfire,
And the smell of
Smores and hotdogs
Are on the tips of your tongue,
Like back in the days
When you where younger…

Cause when you’re four years old
Everything seems to be so alive
Cause you’re not worried about
“How the hell will I make ends meet?”
Or “How will I survive?”
You’re so focused on living
That life tends to slip away…

When life slips,
You soon begin to notice,
That things aren’t the way
They used to be,
Seeing that inspiration
Doesn’t come as quickly…

Sometimes it’ll take
What feels like forever,
Just to get those
Old dusty synapsis to fly,
Take flight and mirror
What I feel inside…

Cause digging deep is easy,
Translating it though,
Can take some time.
See my soul
Speaks Latin,
A language of love to the core…

I only speak English
With a bit of French
Which is quite poorly done…

I try so **** hard,
Just to pour out my soul,
And let you splash around
Till your soaked with my ideas,
Shivering with my experiences
I just want you to understand…

What I’ve been through,
What I’ve survived,
How I was before I had to fight,
Just to stay alive…

See when I was little
To be inspired
Was a natural state of being,
Now it’s just
Plugging my mind
Into an outlet
Hopping the socket
Isn’t dead yet…

Cause I’m dying a little
Each and every day…
I just want my words
To have some meaning
So when I am gone,
They’ll all have something to say…

I don’t wanna change the world,
I’d be satisfied with
One heart,
One mind,
One soul…

Cause ever since I decided,
That putting my pen to the paper,
Was a good idea,
I’ve wanted to impact
To change someone,
Just one…

Cause life’s a big domino effect,
If I can open your mind,
Maybe you can do the same some day?

All I want is to inspire,
So I pour out my soul,
And write my life away…
I was listening to "Blood Poetry" By: Grieves and totally just got this odd feeling that I should yeah.
Dec 2012 · 795
Candle Lit Memories
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
Candles lit,
And the lights are low,
“Night Moves” By Bob Seger
Set the background tune…
This is a perfect moment
Just waiting to happen.
Reminiscing about
Smokey shot-gun kisses,
And long nights
I can’t forget…
Staying up
Just talking…
We’d go on and on
About whatever
We could think up…
Still those days have past,
You and I
Have moved on,
Leaving times
Such as these
In the dust.

Candles are glowing,
And all sources of light
Are dimmed…
“Alive” By Adelitas Way
Plays over and over
Like a Goo Goo Dolls song
I used to sing…
Taking me back to
Standing out on the slow songs,
At all the school dances…
Reminding me,
I’ll always be this
Hopeless Romantic…
Someday I’ll find him,
But for now,
I just dream…

Candles start to flicker,
And the lights in the room
Begin to get dimmer,
As the sun begins to set outside
The song “I Will Be There”
By Art Of Dying
Is ringing out my laptop screen,
My mind starts to dream,
Back to the days of childhood fun,
Back in the day,
When we would run around
Like we ran the West Side of town.
Riding our bikes up East Pass
Just to hang around
The Walgreens and Papa John’s
Having fun
And forgetting,
Someday we’ll grow up…

Sitting on my apartment floor,
All grown up
And on my own…
I light one more candle,
The Guardian Angel lights up,
Sometimes I just
Have to remind myself,
I’m not alone…
This new place,
Isn’t far from home,
But every now and then,
I have to remind me,
It’s not too far away…
Same goes for all these memories,
They’ll always be here,
Sitting in my heart
Waiting for someone
To ignite them
And let them burn
So when I return,
They’ll be warm and cozy,
Making these four walls,
A little less scary…
basically about what it's like to know you are indeed growing up and the adjusting it can take to be comfortable with it.
Dec 2012 · 807
The Image of a High
Sunny Snow Dec 2012
Time speeds up, as motions slow down. My mind begins to wander, my ears observe the sounds, eyes start to drift from place to place, aimlessly floating as my synapses race back and forth. I am transparent, loose, and free. Jumping through my past, present and a potential future; peering through the hour glass, watching time literally slip right through my hands. Tracing the figures that outline what I know to be you. This soft, caressing touch, gentile hands brush the skin. Everything's enhanced, every sense heightened; so much to the point where any doubt, any fear, any anxiety is diluted through the image of a high, because I am invincible, yet so mortal and real. Every feeling I observe I can completely take in and experience to the fullest. This beauty and appreciation for my life, this open frontier, and my adventure is out there...waiting to be explored.
What I've heard about what a high is like, and some of what I know...

— The End —