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1.8k · Nov 2018
Lost mind
Sumeria Nov 2018
My mind is empty my heart is cold im lost in this maze call life hear me o lord for god is within my soul im connect to the cosmos the bring light. Night fall s sun rise just to live the yday for this life is just cycles wat was yday is now for the time is cycles karma wat going come around but my. Mind is empty so u say but i have the key of life for im the chosen one who can decide life and death for im the mega of all living thing for i have melanin so i rule over you and take back my spirit. For u have lock my power tht i had and distory my key for the day will come when. The game is over and i win . but til then my mind is lost in the dust.
476 · Nov 2018
Sumeria Nov 2018
Why u gone away frm me why u took every part of my soul with you u hurt meand for Tht i must **** u. Why after u took my precious temple. Tht once was an Secret place. Why u did this to me i cant eat cant sleep im feening for your love dnt leave me for who going  love u.  why.. Damit tell me.. I have gave u everything gave my time there wasnt noting i will do at one point of time but u change ... I change yes u change for the love is not there it time for me to go to be free. Wait .. No ... And the time forward. Im crying siting here wishing u was here but dam i cant bring u back rip
340 · Apr 2019
If i....
Sumeria Apr 2019
If i die dont come to me as a peace offering crying over my body i dead in a better place away frm you. Please speak for the time will come when you see me again and i ask you wat have you done my love to be in my presence then i will ask you did you love the ones was less fortunate then you did you show your love in a way to get my attention. Then you will say i havent did none of wat u ask me then i will say depart frm me i dnt knw you and never once gave me a chance to show your my blessing i had for my children so now im here u ****. My body but not my soul i am tht i am and tou will suffer all the day tht will come til you understand tht power lies with no man on this plane just . Me your ppl makes me sick just to knw you contradicting my words and twist it around for your favor i will say my words is the only thing tht i show as a Covenant between man and me. You let these false teaching lead you and your loved one to doomed.  The only way to turn is question every teaching tht come toward you and trust your heart for i live in the temple and not the church. For ppl speak so high of the church. Is noting more. A sinners playground i tell u the truth turn away at once thus say the lord
Sorry guys if i mispell words. Im using my cells and things come. Out wrong at times
285 · Nov 2018
Sumeria Nov 2018
Time will set you free . free to live for the hour will come when you will be no more. Free your pain frm the hurt they cause. I promise i will save you from foolish people.let me rule over you my child for your heart is pure not evil like your yourself from this world. come home. Come to me and i will stike the hands of your oppressor again the time is near be the one will say i must rule. On my mothers throne and despite the foolish ones tht will try **** you say to them have you learned nothing despicable child there heart is evil they come for u in all forms so come to me and set ur self free.
Sumeria Jun 2019
The stars, the moon the sun and the earth is one beautiful  realiy. When you meditate when you just let tht logic thought tht only ur left hemisphere of the brain  kicks in. Then you see day from night but when you are in a 3d stage you will say apples is just like oranges. The way u deal with pain is wat we been taught  say a pry  an only God knows wats best and we turn da cheeks and suffer in silence  *** we train to submit to  an allegory man. With a allegory story with a book  tht u must knw wat u reading to knw the truth behind every word tht was written.the truth is  we all or spirits  tht will go and will return.  The age of Aquarius is approaching some let tht logic thinking come in play some just scared to let it go well watever da case maybe we all know something is more to us then wat we been taught. So next time you wanna use your free thinking just look at the little things such as dogs and see they are  just other formed of u and when you realize tht gasp tht in and you see the stars, moon, sun and the earth is a big reality.we must come in terms before it to late. ☮️
249 · Nov 2018
Sumeria Nov 2018
My love u gone and i missing everyday no call no letter just the memorys i stored in side of my heart time gones ny and I cant believe you gone my tears i cry is only a few more of them can roll dwn my face i love u so much the moment i say u can be replace the time we spent cant be explain. I wish u was here to stop my heart from aching. U must fill my present. For it heavy. I wish i would relive the moment when. Act the way i did. call me.. Please call for u need me and i need u my heart is heavy thinking bout you it like i can reach your soul come back to me.
187 · Nov 2018
Sumeria Nov 2018
Time will come my love and u will break my heart i will kiss you three time after tht you will become my enemy i must go and tell the ppl for i spent 16 long years with you and u hurt me. Hurt me so bad i think im not going love again til i saw him he is every. Things you are not see...  When i cryed tht cold night he was there hearing. My cries hoping i come to grips.  Time will comes were u will be the one thts crying the one will have no good days for im in a good place time cannot stand still because you will not live this monent forever you will not hurt me again go away time.
185 · Nov 2018
Dear you
Sumeria Nov 2018
Hey can you hear me. Im in your soul beging for you to free me. Time is hard and you need Me to free you frm the pain within hey... Please focus on your inner you for the day and the hour is near for you to fight fleshly things i cant do it along. You live in a time were you people worshiper cars money and fashion you my child think you have a image to uphold and my silly child they just an illusion. Come im knocking at this cold heart u have *** you rather forget about me and love on the things in your land tht u dnt possessed only thehands of your enemy. I cant help if u keep pushing me back look im your soul and i trying see my way in you heart can i come in.  Dear child.
Once again it all about peace and love try to love another. And love yourself most of all for each and one of ya have to speak wonderful thing within yourself so today look in the mirror and say something good *** the universe evolve around you love sumeria x
184 · Aug 2019
I was Lonely
Sumeria Aug 2019
I'm feeling lonely. Try to reach out to u but you far away with out a  trace you seem me crying though out the night why u left me. Why u couldn't lift me up when I need you the most now you got me looking like I haven't eating in years. My mind is not the same because you abuse my train of thoughts with your insecurities now you gone  and I'm the one who partaken with those self esteem problems. Everyday I sit in my room Wondering if u going call rocking back and forth to the sound of the rain hoping you come back *** I DNT think im going find a love like u , but wait was. Tht love? I'm starting to think maybe it wasn't I mean my MoMA didn't tell about love and daddy well I didn't know him so maybe it wasn't love maybe i was getting mistreated *** I didn't know my worth. Tht I'm a queen and  you should had treating me as a beautiful lady tht I am but you didn't I got these scars to prove it you beat me day and night for 15 years  call me ugly when I dress up to only to come home with a srry card and the mental and physical abuse will continue. Itell you to go  but 5 min later call back.smh why why why I was doing this to myself . But I'm writing you my first love or wat I think is my first to say thank you.  I'm woke I'm happy and I can tell you first hand i do really feel sorry for you and I hope your seed u put in me doesn't grow up hating himself *** the color of his skin because I saw u one day with a white girl and heard u treat her better and  word on the streets she only there for tht fetish but hey it time for u to be a fool.  karma is so sweet when it comes around.
174 · Jun 2019
Dream pt 1
Sumeria Jun 2019
We're are you. I can't find you are you in a dream of mines *** Everytime I wake up you no longer with me. I wanna go to tht place again with you. Today seems different because we had a fight last night  to the point we're I woke up crying. Now this getting weird.i can't talk to anybody *** I'm might be lable as crazy so wat I should do . I'm tearing up inside because I'm scared to fall asleep . Then I fell asleep. I'm no longer can wake up I'm stuck in my dreams trap. I'm screaming trying wake up but I can't fight with a demon tht I can't win .please somebody help but I realized they can't hear me. Finally I'm woke wait o no blood on my hands my gosh I **** tht demon. I was never in a dream I was in my natural state of mind. I'm must confess. Dear be my 7 charkas please help me understand the things I'm going through in these days I'm seeing my whole life before my eyes. I'm looking at ppl like they can't be real I see thing place in my life on purpose  is crazy  demons in around can't trust anybody. Then I realized  I'm the one . To be continued
170 · Nov 2018
Sumeria Nov 2018
Im weak for you i want you to love me but you dnt. Im siting here thinking why im pretty im **** but why her i do things for u to notice i fix. My self. Up in a way to be happy. I see you everyday just for u to walk by and not even say a goodbye noting im embarrassed *** i love you and you dont love me wat! Wat im doing so wrong for you not to notice me then i look up and you hold ing someone else hands tht not me. Tears down my face how i didnt notice u...... Wow foolish to ever look at you in tht way im weak please help me
to come in term with this cant turn back now.
170 · Nov 2018
Sumeria Nov 2018
Kiss me for i will set u free frm this land for i see your  the future tht u will deny. Me 40 time it only 12 time wen u call my name and 12 time when i will come in your life for a reason. And disown u for u will have pain on this earth kiss the one who deceive me for the kiss will be deadly. *** you not repent for your sins foolish child. U **** your mother in cold blood so i will **** you for my name speak volume for iam tht iam and u will take the rod and strike the foot of ur enemy for the enemy is your friend *** ya both sin. Kiss me for i tell everything you wanna know hell you go and u will never return to me for the kiss will be forever.
168 · Nov 2018
Sumeria Nov 2018
Siting thinking about yesterday thinking bout how we use to love each other siting in my room. Wating on your call but you dnt call me. I walk with a smile but i cant play my innerme. Why u hurt me like you did do u know wat i will do. Well let me tell you.  All the days of your foolishly life you will be hurt and they wouldnt come to your aid you will be hungry for food u will not find. *** im angry and u disown my love for you. I will disown you when you come to me i will not knw you go.. Go... Away you maggot.  Then you will die without a care to people u will go and will not come back as another *** when you was alive. U didnt see the vision i had set for you for the time will come .and i shall say  love dnt live here anymore
Its all about love you guys peace love and happiness
163 · Nov 2018
Do u ever
Sumeria Nov 2018
Do u ever hear my voice. Im here waiting for u to unlock my door. O im sad because u didnt find me knock.... Knock. Im up hear me come to me. Im crying to see you i wanna go home. I wanna see the power uphold. I love you... See wat they did to me o course you dnt cause you sleep. Wake up my opessor is holding me frm come full force. But when i do it going much to pay i will love the ones who love me and hate they evil ways for i had spoken g.o.d almighty noting will comw through me but the righteous ones

for im the chosen one but i cant get out *** this. Body is sleep wake up.
151 · Jun 2019
Save the drama.
Sumeria Jun 2019
Save the drama as I go away from you. U seem like a toxic flame,tht my heart can't let go. My soul you can't explain perhaps you try. Perhaps i ruffle your demons then you turn around and bash me,call me names say im crazy but whatever you do just know I touch you and you can't explain. My words tht I write some want get it some will and some we'll just hate and the haters will always hate.we are living in a box, a box were we can't see the universe as  my ancestor once known. We stuck in this maze we call life not knowing the majority of the ppl is not real. More as a puppet. The way we think is not one can say they are freethinkers.  save the drama when you speak to me I'm your  master and you are my people and when I say you falling from the will of the creature. Is lot of this you must do to order to remain in my thoughts, my heart and soul u can't have a burning soul if wanna know this places I'm taking you to . You have to be one with the yourself no idols will compare to me. You are not in your higher self so you not going take my writing to understand my love for my people. But surely I Tell u every thing has life has name  and reason and a purpose. So as for u stop look for this man in the sky tht will never proclaim you as one. Never will seek your need and wants but some how you find tht he right on time . It was the universe revolves around you and your thoughts. So save the drama, so you say well I will it as long as you walk away from this box and come home.

— The End —