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Feb 17 · 101
Water colours
Sukanya Basu Feb 17
I wish it could be simple as that,
An old man wearing a hat

And yet, I am stuck with his pension funds,
And the way his sons and daughters run;

Like an old age home stuck with seizures,
I like my paints measured,

My skin itches, it cannot set me free
Like water colours are meant to be.

I like control and precision,
Just like their parent’s decisions.
Feb 4 · 33
Macbeth’s daughter
Sukanya Basu Feb 4
Not when the woods walked towards my house,
Not born out of washing hands,

Only out of the witches delirium,
I **** my own and call me king,

I trust the wolf and blame the sheep.
I am a Shakespearian anecdote and I follow fairies in their trail,
My loved ones turn on me,
Plot my downfall
And look down on me when I’m frail.

Aye, Macbeth’s daughter,
Aye yet coward and shy,

I trusted with my eyes closed
And let the Birnam **** me dry
Nov 2024 · 104
She is asleep
Sukanya Basu Nov 2024
Hush! for she might wake
I just hit her head with a rake
Tiptoe till my midnight turns to dark,

I just told her that it's her mind
She is not running out of time
She is not the two by two in Noah's arc

She kept telling me he is good
She's adamant and rude
She's acting like her mother, she is blind

I told her time and time
Men are sick and unkind
Yet she kept talking about him,
she isn't smart.

So now that she lies dead,
I can look for the winter ahead
Summer was about him and so was the fall

I killed myself for it all.
Oct 2024 · 54
Good Grief my taxes
Sukanya Basu Oct 2024
Beyond the east the sunrise,
Beyond the west, the east;
There is no wonder, thirst,
Only monetary schemes,

The traveler in me seeks no streams;
The mind only hops on taxes and pills
Scheme, Marry or ****

Anne creeps up in your philosophical nightmare
The headless chicken,
The world is in despair!

My shoes, these shoes,
Not biblically on wine,
Give me another soul Balthazar,
I'm running out of time

Balthazar, my Balthazar
Dear, Dear neurotics!
A cat and a mouse shall not make the house!

Dear Michelangelo,
shape David again,
maybe my nose, maybe my head,
Maybe my eyes!

Tell Da Vinci I am running out of my mind!
Oct 2024 · 43
1 am
Sukanya Basu Oct 2024
Do I have teenage hormones?
Because the inadequacy is kicking in,
It's the same old hour, the familiar claustrophobia
Of a dead moth

As he pushes the rock against the mountain,
I too am the same
Familiar faces in new carcinogens,
Familiar tasks, familiar name;

A black hole for the soldiers
As between the Russians and Ukraine,
I fight with my livestock
I fight to stay insane
Oct 2024 · 39
Traffic Lights
Sukanya Basu Oct 2024
I seek no poetry,
poetry is for the dead,
Men still want a dead wife
And for his dinner his wife's head

My leaves of clothes of wool and nicities
Are my cunning way to lure you into the future
The future starts with I,
F is for fathers who are mothers in disguise

Dear men, Dear Sir
I do not seek to abide your faith,
To be women is not about my *******

Sit down young man, you sound like a cat cry for a wolf's tale
You joke around about my future
When you are a joke as well

You push a girl child into another man's eyes
And then cry about a feminists' tale
You rupture her nurture, make her La Lorona,
See her haunt you in your dreams

No man's cry is a woman's dream!

Peace be with you and your picket fence of excrements!
Oct 2024 · 45
Sukanya Basu Oct 2024
"Et tu Brutus?" The heavens sighed
My soul was cast to depths united,
Where angels fell, with wings unmade,
'Twas her who held the serpent's *****

She called me forth to her dark bed,
Where shadows whispered of the dead.
I was the Lion, fierce and wild,
She was the lamb, a fallen child.

Yet in her eyes, no soul I found,
But voices that in madness drowned.
How dare she rise where angels weep,
And through my heart her poison creep?

The Mind, a storm, gate of fire,
Where Heaven's breath and Hell conspire.
The ancient ones, they wept and spoke,
Of mankind's curse, its sacred yoke.

My soul, no beast of earth's domain,
I cast aside the primal chain.
"Though art no man, but God's own wrath!"
The stars cried out along the path.

"Et tu Brutus?" the stars repeat,
As serpents coil beneath my feet.
'Twas she who struck with heaven's *****,
In innocence, my soul betrayed.

The rolling guilt in fiery flame,
The ancient war, the endless blame.
I stood as Satan's child reborn,
In light and darkness both I'm torn
Oct 2024 · 57
Sukanya Basu Oct 2024
My cat had 9 lives,
He gave 8 to my willingness to create impossible cuisines
of leek, onion, wanton, bone and whiskey
and 3 more to hand my flight to Dublin,

To meet the poets and see why they are dead,
To feed me soup that my grandmother made
A unique blend of garlic and potatoes that were green
And chicken broth and her picture, amongst other things,

She looked weary
As though it would rot
She smelled my soup
And said it wasn't hot

I can't make the soup
I can only pour a double shot.
Sep 2024 · 54
Letters to my old man
Sukanya Basu Sep 2024
Well surprise, surprise,
You were right,
drawers up my sleeve, move away from the cars
Do not step into the light

You were right

You were right about the Earth,
The grasses are fois gras and carbonated cats
The men were ghastly, they sleep on mats
The bazaars are noisy, the jobs are cruel

I am too broke to afford fuel

In these harsh economic catastrophic millenial hyperbolic cholera meddled opera of mice,

You were right father dear,
You were right.

I looked at my knees and knuckles of black,
I looked at my face, my eyes were sad
I looked at the ship sinking in the garden,
And just when I stepped in the road,
I saw these meadows of sheep and pubs of glee
Some drunk widowed man
Wanted to marry me
And I said to him
"My father was right, You are a disgrace get out of my sight"
And as he lowered his wife,

He said I had my father's eyes.
Apr 2024 · 104
Sukanya Basu Apr 2024
I'll probably call it sickness,
sickness of the mind,
the wrath of terrible timings,

I freaked out at escapades,
kind of a terrible night,
we are two people,

We don't want each other in our sights.

I am sick of it kindly,
Good sir, I will shapeshift into your complaints
I will be invisible and unsociable and kind of insane.

These pills aren't doing me any good
They are cheap from the local goodwill
They are made of rainbows and **** stained thoughts
And still I swallow them gladly.

I wonder how in a forest fire,
I walk with naked arms,
Take a spin,
give me a pill
Let me fight with your naked guns.
Feb 2024 · 84
Sukanya Basu Feb 2024
There was an Indian tale,
About the Indian sap,
Delicately wounded, delicately jabbed,
precariously tender, ostentatious sad
She was the Indian child of doom,
Her poetry was bitter and bad.

She wrote poems about the famine,
the *** of the crazy and the kind,
Often wrote about dreamers and pirates
And of the ill of the mind

Years and years have gone through,
She has yearned for the Odyssey of the great,
But all she wrote was the depression,
the depth, the sorrows and the hate.

She had written about the men
She had not known about,
She forgot their names, Mike or Rick
Or about the one that was stout

Well, what about the one that had hurt you,
Oh wait, all of them did,
This wasn't a circus or a mayhem
Or a story or a gist

She wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote
Till she could write no more
She realized she never knew herself
She was alone on the dance floor.
Sukanya Basu Nov 2023
The stale fish and the bedroom alabaster,
I quickly change into
My pajama bottoms and gills,
To slice my neck on the charcuterie board;

I glance at my watch as I turn in the grill,
This boy loves me;

Why else would he be smiling and putting truffle
On my pajamas with ruffles,
My roomates pretty baffled
About the boy in my kitchen

He was pretty with eyes that died
He asked me out on a friday night,
I chose to love instead of fight or flight,
He was the southern sea,
Oh what a glee!

Its a shame that it’s almost December,
The time I mourn my yarn
I knit a spider web for Christmas

And put my mouth to the barrel of a gun,

Maybe he could slice me kind
Sep 2023 · 124
Sukanya Basu Sep 2023
And gasping for air,
It is a polluted wasteland.
The way you unbutton that ghastly shirt
and sigh along your neck tie

Good sir, Do you want to step out for some air?
Cats and Dogs are dead everywhere

I push and pull
You pull and push
You had me inside a 5x5 cage,
I wanted to die of old age;

I tied the tie in a loop
and forced fed you a month-old soup

You choked, I gasped
I developed a rash
Your face became blue
I love you too

And yet, when I cut your tie
There were tears in your eyes,
A story about Wanton boys and flies;

You broke my cage and let me free
But kept in you
A part of me.
Jul 2023 · 145
Sukanya Basu Jul 2023
I clean my room 10 times a week
Photos of my childhood and linen sheets,

Vacuuming its and bits here and there
But there's still dirt everywhere;

I try to save myself but I'm stuck,
I wake up inside a garbage truck.
Dec 2022 · 194
Sukanya Basu Dec 2022
To this day,
Keeping my scorpions as witness,
The shovels and the little dead girls from my uncle’s basement,
I love lamenting for my loss;

It is the truth that I bask not in Love’s glow,
I bask in death of you.
Sukanya Basu Aug 2022
Malini, your skin is beautiful
Like summer skies beneath clouds,
Do not scrub your skin
You are my kin,
Make your mother proud.

Leena, sing Vande Mataram in a pub in Illinois,
Be bold when men take you for granted,
You are your mother's soul
And someone I always wanted

And say, who your father,
Your mother and your blood,
Say father is a role
Not decided by the gender
Father is a shelter,
Father is home.
Father is a man of your achievements
Father is the man of the house,
Say my mother is my father,

She's a lion, not a mouse.
Aug 2022 · 264
Sukanya Basu Aug 2022
My manager had to told me to keep my pants up,
I shared glances in the pub,
I flew my Aunt to Orlando
Her ashes were warm

Then I came back home,
And stripped a little more
I stripped and stripped till my skin was on the floor,

I lay here naked
With my flesh baring it's naked self
And took a look at my poetry notes

She said to bare my soul to her
I did so I did so,
Look at me, look at me!
I cry!
I did so!
Jun 2022 · 189
Sukanya Basu Jun 2022
I don't think being brave means not having any fear.
We are human, fear is survival instinct.
However, I think being brave is being afraid,
Yet not giving up on it.
Jun 2022 · 156
Sukanya Basu Jun 2022
I hope when I turn around,
I can feel your face,
You can tell me when things are not okay.

But when I did,
I was holding air.
I hope I turn into Ash.
Jun 2022 · 163
Sukanya Basu Jun 2022
I hope I meet you one day again
When you do not hate me anymore,
We might even laugh with our wedding rings on,
Our children holding our hands,

We would look at each other and smile;
"What if?" I'd say
"What if?" You'd reply.
May 2022 · 150
Sukanya Basu May 2022
If only I knew,
My house was burning,
I was delusional,
If only i knew.

The truth was I cried not about your smile,
Nor your kisses on my forehead,
I shed my tears for a little me.

She sat on a pyre and burnt herself.
May 2022 · 151
Sukanya Basu May 2022
I have heard of women
Who bear not children,
They bear dreams and swords;

My mother knew she gave birth to a Viking,
But nonetheless, a sad Viking.
She washes her face as she goes for wars,
Tell her, let her know good sir,
Butterflies are not her enemy.
Apr 2022 · 144
Sukanya Basu Apr 2022
I blame my father,
For carrying me in my arms,
telling me how to walk
And showing me how to love;
It is scary how my set of men
Terrifies me when I talk;
Love is a false situation.

I blame my sister
For playing with me in Indian Afternoons,
Riding carousel
Showing me how not to be Epicurean,
All I found in my friendly mud
Was I;
And none else

I blame my mother
For teaching me ways
How to sing Do Rae MI,
How to do good
Tell me it's a lie,
I am but a Villain for Daffodils.

I expect naught;
I cry in my lobby.
Apr 2022 · 139
I'll meet you on Thursday
Sukanya Basu Apr 2022
It's flattering to know;
I would rather talk about varsity leagues
And male machismo;
The leaves, my dead imagination and about war,
And yet channel my thoughts to events where my burial would be the centre of a clown's birthday,
I wonder who ever are clowns in a Clowns birthday?
Impoverished thoughts,
My writer is fantasized dead,
Might be for you to look at me once,

In my imagination you stroke my hair,
In my imagination, you call me yours.
Feb 2022 · 147
Sukanya Basu Feb 2022
Honey, when I am buried in a box,
I want you to tell my teenage tampons,
Black tees and socks;
Tell her that she's not dead,
She is buried in pain
Tell her write on a paper
She has a name
Honey, when I am dust in the board,
I want you to know that chicklets fly after they are sore,
My mother said ten and 5 scores ago
Your body is fine
You need to dance on the floor;
Honey, when I am cat litter on the shelves,
Pay no heed to the friends that I cried for and helped,
They played their highschool drama
And didn't pick up my call,
They will give no **** about you
When your grandson is tall;
Honey, I am not here anymore
I hope you know there are plenty of fires
And plenty of doors,
Dead and decay I may rot and smell,
But honey,
The people who betrayed
They are all going to hell.
Jan 2022 · 241
Sukanya Basu Jan 2022
How can police be rewarded and Satan is hell?

They both put bad men in jail
Jan 2022 · 145
Sad girl from Dakota
Sukanya Basu Jan 2022
She is sad and she is in my trunk
I'm smoking cigarettes wrong,
Maybe I am drunk
Miss girl from some sad place thought she could play
She got shot in the day
Jan 2022 · 139
Dead king
Sukanya Basu Jan 2022
My king rules a cacti
His subject is as prickly as he
He goes on wars every night and day
He calls his enemy as "me".

The reason he is dead
Isn't tyranny or hate
And it isn't the fall of monarchy
I assure thee so;
My king lies dead
Of his saddened ill fate
He planted a tree and as true it can be
It grew legs and walked out of the door

What good is a king,
If he can't love anything
As little as a tree and not any more.
Dec 2021 · 126
Sukanya Basu Dec 2021
In the light of the war,
I am woman of all;

Woman, mahila, mujer;
This is more than your nephew
Who came out of your aunt,
There are artistic chemistry
More epiphany under the sun;

My hip bones are strong
But so is my mind,
You have unleashed a beast
I won't be shunned, I won't be kind;

You have released the Kraken
She comes with claws
Yet she always saves her newborns
From other Kraken Jaws
Nov 2021 · 599
Sukanya Basu Nov 2021
Drive properly, do not hit the baby cow!

This beef steak is lovely, hurry up and eat it now
Nov 2021 · 654
Sukanya Basu Nov 2021
This winter, the clouds followed me
I knew no more who I wanted to be

But I knew that it was either sparrows or the humming birds'
Or paper planes carved out of obituaries flying in the sky;

Mother, I want to fly.
Nov 2021 · 1.2k
My beautiful boy
Sukanya Basu Nov 2021
My lovely ten,
It was a summers evening
The boys were out playing;

If only I knew
If only I knew

My teacher said I would do great things,
He would call me his pretty boy,
A notary twig
He would hush my toes,

I wanted to scream,
But the beautiful boy said he could play no more.
Nov 2021 · 144
Dear Anna (2)
Sukanya Basu Nov 2021
Your soul matches the colour of the perfume that my mother wore,
I now know how it feels to be dead, it is just wind kissing your face and you are stuck on a lonely boat,
I thought I would meet you but your body lies cold
In my memory, you're still blushing and your red tshirt is pretty bold
I guess I take my journey alone as I came empty
I heard your sound in the trees above
And to me that was plenty;
My time on Earth is now a memory and a foam of milky stars,
You might not be here with me,
But I know that you ain't far.
Nov 2021 · 310
Dear Anna
Sukanya Basu Nov 2021
I think of meadows Anna,
We are in a time loop,
It has been the meteor
And we put in on pause;
Anna, I don't think the world is ending anymore,
I am happy with aeroplanes and magnets falling off the fridge and Kim Jong Un marching to Mars to punish a new colony,
I will no longer read papers or wait for approval,
Just for 3 minutes, you are mine Anna,
I will smile, as the grass burns along us,
We are married in death.
Sukanya Basu Oct 2021
Say, what wouldn't I do?
Would I paint the sky gray?
Only if the sun would set
After an eternity,
I would rest my decades in your rarity,
Nay, I say,
I would travel my minds pasty lanes
Where the waves crash in an empty island
I would sink in your skin,
Close my eyes to begin
The taste of your silence;
Remind me to talk about the world and it's problems
When the sun covers it's last ray;

My love, I would marry your soul
And make it my own,
If I could have you for a day.
Oct 2021 · 129
Sukanya Basu Oct 2021
You aren't him,
But you are you.

When I'm gone,
I'll pray for this compromise;
I'll pray that I get to live again,
In the heartbreak hotel,
And promise myself lies;

I love you for you,
This poetry does not belittle
I chose you,
I did not settle.
Oct 2021 · 135
I tried
Sukanya Basu Oct 2021
You may think that I am not enough,
but look around you,
Is anything enough?
Is it a deaf man's problem if he cannot hear your pain?

I'll pick up myself again, and paint your image blue,
I will pursue other forms of torments
And if it makes you happy,
I'll fall in love with you again
And cry about not being enough until you smile

Can it be clearer than a day that I write to me
And complain about trivial things
Like how it used to be?

Death is trivial, I can cry about death,
But I cannot cry enough about possibilities,
I wish it had been a hassle or a disaster,
But it was beautiful

By god, I say, how can I replace you?

Didn't I try enough?
Didn't I?
Oct 2021 · 496
Sukanya Basu Oct 2021
I don't need the air to make fun of my hair,
I'm not Billy Joel's piano man;

Sing me a freedom leash
That bounds my determination to boundaries,
The gin bartender turned out to be a professor of physics,
I'll tell him next life that calculation is wary,
My eyes brings no flight or fight response,

I am but a weaver.
Oct 2021 · 496
Sukanya Basu Oct 2021
When I dream,
I fly;

I fly till I lose myself in the blue;
Then the world has stopped fighting,
There is no politics

And I snuggle with you.
Sep 2021 · 126
Sukanya Basu Sep 2021
She smokes three packs a day
And her hair is not meant for little kids

She has blue and red
And a bald spot

She tries to be the man of the house
And yet she is pointlessly barking at
Her neighbour's dog

I hope she fits in her jacket.
Sep 2021 · 632
Sukanya Basu Sep 2021
I cannot be happy.

I have tried
Is happiness like butterflies?

Preache me Mr. God
Am I a sweet child or am I odd
I need an appointment with you good sir
You have 5 star ratings on yelp
Yet you broke me down like a stripper on debt
You are the misuse of the term help.
Sep 2021 · 125
Maybe I will
Sukanya Basu Sep 2021
And now it's raining,
What a perfect day to ****!
I have washed the blood
With my blackened eye
An wrote you off the will;

I hope that you find amusement
When I fight your battles
I'll keep shut, bow my head
And I promise I won't tattle

It's a shame on a rainy day
To **** men and joy
I hope I can replace him
With another boy toy.
Sep 2021 · 113
Sukanya Basu Sep 2021
"What is 'Revolution' mum?
And why are there men with hats?"

"They fight for the country baby,
They are the good lads"

"Then what is my sister doing?
Holding placards and such?"

"Oh, that is nothing,
They are doing just for fun"

"She cries at home mum,
I don't want her to be sad,
When I asked her why you don't support her
She replied that you thought it was bad
Mum, she fights for the right things
And not for lies that are sold,
She says maybe you are deluded
And your thoughts are frail and old."
Sep 2021 · 192
Sukanya Basu Sep 2021
Your adjectives are
arrogant, abusive and arsoholery;

My adjective is
Aug 2021 · 139
A Writer's Guilt
Sukanya Basu Aug 2021
I thought I put up a tent,
I racked up chains, chards and Chopard
It was inside of beast,
I Flared,
Flabbergasted, I knew there was
An indecent stare,

I put the candle and the pen in his pancreas,
And wore what was left of a man,
A writer is a friendly beast,
Beast he heard and he ran.

I Write of Sonia the Mexican peddler
Of two counts of forgery and what not,
A writer's guilt is that he forgets man,
And he becomes the God.
A writer's guilt is Bible's trouble
To determine a Lord.
Aug 2021 · 271
The plant that shies away
Sukanya Basu Aug 2021
Critical of rain, mud or touch,
There was a plant that shied away.
There were days when men kissed men
But this rotten plant shied away.
It's leaves would curl up whenever there was war;
I simply sighed in dismay
It wasn't a plant for all.
Jul 2021 · 144
Sukanya Basu Jul 2021
And now I am in the floating world;
I dare not say where my talons reach
On a wasted bar in an
upscale town
Or an alley where Fatima found her treasures
In the long lost desert of the warm hole,
Warm hole, I guess the intoxicated parental hugs and childish glee,  
I look up from the clouds,
To the endless possibility of the diamonds
That often singers wrote about.

I say, dear sir,
Who am I to stare at her face,
Who am I, to debate regarding astronomy
To appreciate what the clouds offer,
To gaze at endlessness.

To look down at earthy abrasion,
To scratch a letter about the sky,
I am no Euclid,
I cannot calculate severity.

That begs me to differ
That,  people plainly cannot deduct  
signals about lost thought,
The algorithm of pain.

Poetry begs of loneliness despair and the will
to obligate any will to look at the sky
As only diamonds of beauty,
I too am no exception;
Alas, to bring a clown to an opera
Is no different than associating pain with love.

/I too am in love/
/I too was in love/

And certain beings of certain genders
Makes you feel whole,
The last ingredient of banana bread,
the parmesan of a Michelin plaza

And yet towards the end,
all the love come to a halt,
and no ingredient can complete it whatsoever.

Heraldry: would you rather be the next karate kid?
What is the conclusion of your armory,
to be in love
as always is a momentary pause in the general affairs of society?

Have you related to a succulent plant?
Well, I cannot,
I am but a group of the ant farm,
boring away in close proximities of career-oriented blabber,
Naysay, it is not culture nor an obligation,

I simply do not have the courage to fly.

I lack in art and imagination,
As a poet, it is quite a blasphemy,
But dear Lord would you call a layman a poet
If he dare not risk beyond boundaries of nomenclature
You call her a fraud,
when she dare write and not live
when she dare speak and not do,
She is not a poet, good sir,
She is a prisoner of propaganda.

I do not remember days and years,
but it was once in July,
The sun was setting,
And calling over to take the place in the night sky,

Needless to say, it was an abrupt end with no closure,
but she took it out on the sun
Whilst her muse ended things at the barrel of the gun.

Truth be told,
I am sick of ballads,
I am sick of subway seats
I am sick of occupancy.

I dare you to sing a rhyme
Which you sang with him behind
And hush your tears,
because you bestowed the music in his grave.

I am angry,
I did the same!

Well, enough of angel tears,
I take back my sun,
I take back the sky,
I take back the dreams!

I am ready to see sunsets.
Jul 2021 · 145
Your face is melting
Sukanya Basu Jul 2021
I do not know why people follow rules,
They stand in the traffic amongst the red and green,
Like they are a **** reunion.
I lost my cat amongst the red,
The abhorrent hide and seek game of floundering.
My mother tied my braids,
My father marked my grades,
I cannot feel emotions.

Yet, I see your melted face and I cradle you in my *****,
Are tears gasoline?
May 2021 · 132
Sukanya Basu May 2021
We are doing nothing but dancing,
Like mad Men out in the open,

We are dancing with our bitter selves;
You have a black eye,
I have short sleeves

And nothing compares our mad dance
But a quiet room and one more chance.
May 2021 · 130
Metropolitan Man
Sukanya Basu May 2021
He had a car that made his mother proud,
A metropolitan man, a man of dreams!
The women had their phonebooks out,
And their legs well below their skirt,
The metropolitan man shook their hands
And bought them drinks for what it's worth,
His dentist said that he'd retire soon
For his smile was **** pretty,
The Metropolitan man had a solid plan
He would rule over the metropolitan city!

We heard his wife was under care,
She fell down the stairs,
how unfortunate they said;
Well, you and I know they are lying,
She was a prisoner in the metropolitan cave.
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