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283 · Jun 2018
A Different Tide
Nathan Koehn Jun 2018
The moon looks different now
It seems much brighter here
It sheds a clearer light
On the nights spent on the rooftop
I can finally see what I was hiding
The feeling words failed to describe

My fingers curled
Hands clutching a hard truth

A chord was struck
Cold air penetrating my lungs
And I feel like this might last forever
Part 3 of my series The Scarecrow. Follow me for more of my story!
202 · Jun 2018
The Beginning
Nathan Koehn Jun 2018
The hour is late,
The fresh dew cold and crisp on my feet.
A few more steps and I'll be gone,
past the point of no return,
where the agony of looking back
will finally cease.
I have dreamt of this moment,
of the release of all feeling.
But looking into the black abyss,
I find that I am still afraid of the dark.
Hello all! This will be the first in a series of poems I will be posting, hence the title. I will be using this series to describe the events that lead to me becoming The Scarecrow. Follow me to learn more about my story!
126 · Jun 2018
Nathan Koehn Jun 2018
This was the start of something
A blown whistle
A curtain lifted
To unveil my secret

This was a scratch at the surface
A glimpse of anguish
The explanation
Of why no one can find me

This was a whisper
Soft and low
A string of words
That never left the air
This is the second part of my series The Scarecrow. Follow me to learn more about my story!
106 · Sep 2018
my grand finale
Nathan Koehn Sep 2018
Solid columns anchored in sand
A corridor leading to palpable darkness
Liquid embrace which will grasp my being for eternity
Washing away sin to give way for ever lasting peace
I do not tread fast into the abysmal wake
Each step a shudder of the lens
capturing each moment of my grand finale

— The End —