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Pull out the teeth,
Of the dog you raised,
Promise to be gentle,
This sick freak,
Smelling of ****,
Biting your hand,
When you do it,
The blood where the gums hit the skin,
The blood,
In the fur,
And I said
Love is pain,
it must be,
If this is the way you choose to live,
And you want it,
An animal in your house.
Yesterday when my nerves and brain were fried
By the sun,
And we all yelled at eachother in happiness because it hurts when your alone for such a long time,
We ran all around the burning town,
And later,
The full moon and the smoke from the chimney,
Swallowed us whole
Don't say you're afraid,
Not to be known,
Hope cove or a garden or anything,
Maybe a future,
Always tell them,
I come to you, big and autumn and empty,
Collecting rocks for these tin shelves, open the skin,
Now and then,
The bone compartments,
You are only a moment,
You are me, my mind,
Has made you,
Dance in the sunless alcoves,
This could be anything.
I find myself here,
Irreversibly attached to one body,
Tearing at the flesh of the ocean,
On fire and silently praying,
That this time,
It opens for me.
I am scared because you were soft,
and love, all I know how to feel is small,
dull pain,
like a twitch when the body hits the ground.

I was screaming this at you and you were holding me,
I was touching you and I was the whole sky,
you were some kind of saviour,
and it was for bleeding.

I was thinking, I could die in your arms, like that
strung up stars in my chest (I am calling it heaven)
watching the body fall (it’s going to hit the ground, soon, but for now it is hung in the air,
it is just like the stars).

I was thinking, I could die in your arms, like that,
reaching into you and forgetting my breath,
The pulling of the waves, and you.
On this earth, I exist,
Weeping into the willow of these ten fingers,
No more.
To be so safe and so sad,
And if the summer sends me sun,
Then I say try your best,
Because even gravity and me,
Fall to the same faults,
Some icarus melting,
The wings that spread from under the shoulder.
We look for what we do not have,
And I am crying over truth 60 times a minute,
Making the woman with the cigarette dance,
I’ve never been an emotional person.
I have been asked - do I even feel at all?
It is a question in me
In this moment,
We are briefly beautiful.
What you wanted,
Was to be known,
And I met you,
Like the end of a summer,
Like the start of something dead,
An entirety to feast on,
It was the right way to live.
spread her wings, like magic, or like flight shot dead
How do I write, in a language that communicates,
There is something in me - there is something in you, that we share,
The same ache, if it exists,
I could show you,
But I have never been good with words.
That was me in the moment gone bland with the colour
of petrol wash,
clinging to the skin,

city bear me,
tell me I'm still a child,
tell me I have a long way, to go,
before I loose the light,
glinting pupils,
a thrill,
caused by stupidity.

Looking blindly,
strung out like sunlight,
through dirt,
distorting the view,
transitory spaces, again,
I'm not coming home.
Hand me the map to changing,
into myself,
despite the scars,
that break with the stretching of skin.

Despite your eyes,
looking right through,
me, ghostly apparition,
with no insides to parade,
weaving performance,
Joking, joking,
I will bow to no one.
The blandness of growing, shedding selves till we fit the story, we were told
she absolutely adores you
I always said my skin meant nothing to me,
Lonely *****,
What does it do? Homeostasis fossilised everything. That's what,
Lets keep this romance with monotony going,
String the waltz, tie the wrists,
I am chasing it, I play the part,
To be a fool,
To be everything everywhere all of the time.
big car light
Old machine, my heart,
Tastes blood, tastes hurt,
You were before,
You are after,
A part of you, beats faster,
Take me home,
Give it the answer,
Cheap meaning,
Real feeling,
The thrill of loneliness,
Pulls me in,
Like the moon pulls,
At the ocean,
Overcomes in waves,
Let it rinse me down,
Make me pure,
Make me found.
Some truth of life I am edging towards,
A heartbeat,
Like the infinity of this black hole, wearing my own molecules,
Dark cavity in my chest,
What is it to have this skin, stretch,
The borders of some strange breaking,
These waves are all over me, and I just think that one day, I will drown in it,
Is grief not love persisting?
Shield yourself from a stabbing monotony,
And don’t let it fall,
This charade, this game, this bet on your instinct,
I was born into a body with a fist full of fear and something to loose,
Only myself.

— The End —