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There's an image,
And I bow down deep,
deep deep until my sweeping
movement brushes my face against the
face of the earth,
and finally from the core of my satisfaction
A painful pleasure breaks free,

No longer a shaking creature,
Weakly calling out for freedom,
But undeniable life,
Flowing from me like a forest fire,
And all the world begins to sing,
In anger.
And all the winged creatures fly,
out from the stretch of my arms,
And I feel no fear,
Only gratefulness.

Let's run so fast our spines begin to bend,
With the weight of our joy,
Let's punch out holes in the night sky,
And let the cold stars shine through,
All my prayers are answered by my own hands.
May 2024 · 265
It is a gift to exist
Life moves fast, life moves
very rapidly.
when I ask my father what to do with my hands,
he repeats back to me the story of my mistakes,
in which nothing gets done.
He tells me that my habit of staying inside on sunny days,
is a hereditary flaw,
and I copy his movements and gestures.

I take to sleeping for entire days,
I eat like a prince,
even my eyes encourage feasting.
I mistakenly call the sky by your name,
and it sounds beautiful on my tongue.
References: (title) some American TV guy
Jan 2024 · 124
then am I strong
I find myself here,
Irreversibly attached to one body,
Tearing at the flesh of the ocean,
On fire and silently praying,
That this time,
It opens for me.
I don’t want you to look in,
I don’t want you to see me changing,
I cannot bear my shame with dignity,
My body won’t fit under the table,
Known tenderness is devastating.

I will become a great insect,
With a hard shell,
I will tune myself in,
To the room, and rub my
Wings together.
Still I stand here in my victory,
I have speared love through the heart,
It is gone from me entirely,
Now I am become whole,
Panting, animal and clean,
Freed from feeling.
Fled from me,
Shaking, convulsing,
Now love's body lies heavy on my back.
Nov 2023 · 926
Days will leave
The time will pass,
You will have love,
There will be more sunlight,
You are still a part of the world despite.
a poem to calm myself
Nov 2023 · 3
Sunflower four
Like you always do,
That carefree distance,
We could be afraid, laugh too much,
It’s the unknown, and the mud between our toes,
You carry my things in your bag,
I’ll drop what I have collected, through holes in my pocket,
It works out like that,
I love you out of habit now,
Reading quietly outside your kitchen,
Watching you dance at the top of the hill,
Holding your hand on the big ride,
I’m quiet sure that,
You’re never getting rid of me.
Oct 2023 · 113
Man of dust
An amateurish drawing,  
the sinews, the vibrant
and shuddering thing
of human bodies break into existence.
I ask you where is the heart?
   It is my arms like sunlight,
          It is the palm of my hand,
If I had to take a guess.

The solitary land cannot hold us,
Shaking with relentless intake of breath,
                            Exoskeleton earth,
                                    Our god, four hands.
Not even a fool,
can encompass you now,
bruising arms,
pulsing with malice,
blood flows, everything lives,
a meal of milk, bread,
to spur you on,
shine brightly, beautiful thing and
dying too, I know you
I know you are evil,
silent and praying to
the wrong god,
I’ve seen you down to the core
before, and I will see it
again, we love you.
Sep 2023 · 195
We love you fighting,
fists up all dull eyed,
we love you still, spitting
life out like fire breath,
to thaw our skin,
tell us home is a fireplace
and you are sticking
your hand right in
to feel its warmth.
Beauty torn,
Beauty spinning,
In my minds eye,
Shaking form, metamorphic,

Rolling back into the sky,
Heaving body, admittance,
Heavenly creatures, heavenly,

Apparitions to be beloved,
We believed,
Hold me close, like I’m bleeding out in your arms,
Tell me I’m one of the good ones,
That I’ll fly higher than Icarus ever dreamed.
Sep 2023 · 122
Entirety in infancy
Name the structure,
It is your own skin,
Arms beautiful, obtruding
There’s this old heart,
Eating at the centre,
Shaking, with ecstasy and fear,
I don’t want to be so young,
To endure the spectacle of,
Myself constructed,
A home inside of me,
A whole village, and every inhabitant,
Breaking the sticks off my back,
And standing new,
Unafraid, splinters, dug into soft palms,
Holding the body.
Aug 2023 · 213
You will never be as lovely as you are now,
Lonely and brushing, your fingers against the rough hands of life,
It’s waiting behind for you despite.
Aug 2023 · 440
Destruction myth
You look exactly the same to me,
Eyes wide,
Some strong conviction,
Painting the features,
Open mouth, speaking the same words,
Over and over,
“Love, I want to go home”
And I’ll say,
There isn’t a place like that,
Anywhere in sight.
Aug 2023 · 143
Bus poem
Nothing has ever been so pretty
As sunlight tangled in green leaves
Spreading like fingers
Over the scar of the road
I am not strong
I am not used to love
Aug 2023 · 138
Earthly bodies
What’s lived and loved has died as well as you and me,
And dust returns to dust,
Pain is easy,
Moving and alive.
Jul 2023 · 301
There is a boy in me determined not to live,
Determined to be sick,
He claws and rages against my insides,
My very own soft animal,
I know,
I know,
I know,
What we have is temporary,
And meeting it with the most undying love,
Is the only answer I’ll get,
But he’s hurting me, and god,
Do I want to take a handful,
Of that hair and
Make him understand I have power.
But the boy is me,
And looking in,
At the scene,
All you see is a flailing emulsion of flesh,
Hell bent on purifying itself,
Meeting it all with the most undying love.
Draft, really - but I’m too lazy to artfully construct it
Jul 2023 · 102
A good man, holding worship
For the accumulating mass of noise,
You brought,
Your face - bright with tears, clean with sunlight,
You were going to be,
That was the promise,
You were going to live,
Some heaven, ascension into,
A cleaner kind of pain.
Jun 2023 · 226
Hack at the flesh,
A feast,
Left out for you,
Flayed myself right there
Let the skin fall,
From the bones,
See me right down to the marrow.
Stamp dirt into forgotten parts,
You were dancing,
A blood smeared face, is watching you,
Now, leaving,
Glancing over your clean shoulder at
The naked fool,
Lying arms crossed.
Jun 2023 · 657
A fool in humans clothing
I want you to know me like this:
Tying me up, by my
wrists and my ankles, splayed, medical,
Cold metal tools to the skin,
Cut me open and see
My insides constructed, not
Skilfully, but carefully,
The artificial parts are clean,
And crying to be known again.
Jun 2023 · 101
I will rise from the flood
Sound swallow me,
flood the bones of a body,
it's you, and the end scene,
it's you, for a moment in the starring role.

hold on tight to euphoria,
look at the crowd, the forest of bodies,

promise that you will become pure
I will become truth,
in a moment,
my body dissipates.
Alex G :)
May 2023 · 108
That was me in the moment gone bland with the colour
of petrol wash,
clinging to the skin,

city bear me,
tell me I'm still a child,
tell me I have a long way, to go,
before I loose the light,
glinting pupils,
a thrill,
caused by stupidity.

Looking blindly,
strung out like sunlight,
through dirt,
distorting the view,
transitory spaces, again,
I'm not coming home.
Hand me the map to changing,
into myself,
despite the scars,
that break with the stretching of skin.

Despite your eyes,
looking right through,
me, ghostly apparition,
with no insides to parade,
weaving performance,
Joking, joking,
I will bow to no one.
The blandness of growing, shedding selves till we fit the story, we were told
May 2023 · 123
I sent you the sun
To be given like that,
This strange movement,
Away from you, away from watching
What peace was,
Standing in the middle of a crowd,
And being known by no one.

Dead flowers,
Leftovers from the sudden greed,
That beauty brings,
A plastic dinosaur,
Bending it’s neck over the chessboard,
Who to change, who to change.

I will keep every good thing that’s ever been brought to me,
And bury it, inside,
Until I overflow,
With light.
Do no harm
May 2023 · 273
Canto three
I wanted to see your blood,
In the mirror,
You dancing,
And the soft sweat,
Of summer,
Making you shine,
Look at yourself,
And then look at the stars,
Bend over the fist,
Pressed right between,
Purple kissed ribs,
Bruising like an answer,
Breathing like an animal in death,
Watching you curl up,
In worship,
Or resting, in the shade,
Of branches hiding,
A sun breaking, with the glow,
Being loved, like that.
May 2023 · 87
I'm going to find you,
find you out,
the long conversations,
about our own flaws,
we both know,
the punches we throw,
at our own faces,
are just becoming more elaborate.
Tell me I mean something,
you are so special,
and so human, I promise that.
Though we will discard each other,
this is a thing we know,
because we have been in this story before.
To love is to know pain,
and decide it is worth it,
to rip the pieces of each other apart with your bare hands,
and gently give them back,
covered in tears, covered in flowers,
to steal,
keep some of you for myself.
for May
May 2023 · 100
Go home to softness,
to that feeling,
of waste, and the thick glow,
of light, cold,
on the ceiling,
don't get up for anything.
The future is only an idea.

Feeling my body,
turn over again,
fresh green,
in the May leaves,
a newness seeks you out,
it is asking,
to be held.
Sick with wanting, sick with health
You, loving this like your own face,
bearing your skin to the crowd,
to be feared and entirely known,
to miss the change,
we were all holding onto the moment.

And me,
joining the fray,
Gathered round,
This kitchen table,
To grow full with meaning.
for loui
There, right there,
that was the future I wanted,
and you glowing like moonlight,
with the most beautiful mind,
The world and all of it's crevices,
are making you up,
not me, this time.
For a dear friend
Apr 2023 · 139
The sound of a feeling
I am scared because you were soft,
and love, all I know how to feel is small,
dull pain,
like a twitch when the body hits the ground.

I was screaming this at you and you were holding me,
I was touching you and I was the whole sky,
you were some kind of saviour,
and it was for bleeding.

I was thinking, I could die in your arms, like that
strung up stars in my chest (I am calling it heaven)
watching the body fall (it’s going to hit the ground, soon, but for now it is hung in the air,
it is just like the stars).

I was thinking, I could die in your arms, like that,
reaching into you and forgetting my breath,
The pulling of the waves, and you.
Apr 2023 · 163
Rotten apples (the feast)
Only asked to be know,
The insect crawled,
The warm sun,
And the ripe fruit,
Loving all like it was a sickness,
I know, when I go,
To you or to the end,
All that will be left,
Are the parts of me,
That were eaten.
What you wanted,
Was to be known,
And I met you,
Like the end of a summer,
Like the start of something dead,
An entirety to feast on,
It was the right way to live.
spread her wings, like magic, or like flight shot dead
Mar 2023 · 167
That slow dog is here again
Pull out the teeth,
Of the dog you raised,
Promise to be gentle,
This sick freak,
Smelling of ****,
Biting your hand,
When you do it,
The blood where the gums hit the skin,
The blood,
In the fur,
And I said
Love is pain,
it must be,
If this is the way you choose to live,
And you want it,
An animal in your house.
Mar 2023 · 114
she absolutely adores you
Mar 2023 · 101
A dark and shiny place
The moon was ours,
To adore,
Crouched alone in the sheets,
Like some unholy ghost,
We have studied,
Every crater it had to offer,
The scars left by collisions,
Someone you love going away, forever,
And the light washed dull,
The colour of shame,
We were so silent,
In our isolation,
Someone you love, looking
To the same feeling,
Like I said, it was ours.
Mar 2023 · 88
Didn't you believe in me?
Weren't we the forest talking?
The spilling of a fantasy,
The horror in your smile still scares me,
Our thoughts in a dance like a fight,
Love mends the cuts you were making,
Now the scars look like you,
There is a part of me talking,
From the mouth of a stranger with your body.
Old machine, my heart,
Tastes blood, tastes hurt,
You were before,
You are after,
A part of you, beats faster,
Take me home,
Give it the answer,
Cheap meaning,
Real feeling,
The thrill of loneliness,
Pulls me in,
Like the moon pulls,
At the ocean,
Overcomes in waves,
Let it rinse me down,
Make me pure,
Make me found.
Becoming dull,
in it's confusion,
I found a beauty, and took it,
over time it's colour has faded.

running from my possession,
we will all take in the end,
heart ticking away,
blood runs clear when you cut deep.

fear is always a rational thing,
creature moving, to drink,
the smile,
I know you wanted to live.
Jan 2023 · 112
Baby Blue
Big wide open mouth,
The skin is stretched
Trying to breathe with all those teeth,
Inhaling my whole sky,

It (is me it) is not the same alone,
Be careful to catch your breath
Before you,
Eat your fill,

Not knowing how to be anything else,
But hungry.

And I go just as deep as the ocean don’t I.
Drowning in Irony
But I picture,
The bottom,

Somewhere warm and quiet,
I can speak a new language
I write books, maybe they get read maybe they don’t but I’m writing,
At home.

On the way down I will be
Dreaming of my own end,
And it is,
So quick to catch,
The wings of the thing,
Tangled between my blue fingers.
Jul 2022 · 125
Creating itself
The universe moves and breathes around me,
Limitless possibilities,
and here I am,
Awkward and shaky,
Failing at communicating,
Squeeze the stone till it bleeds,
Love everyone not quite enough,
Meet them right, keep them wrong,
I am not worth possessing,
Breathing in the water,
The way it crashes into me,
So many people, their feelings messy and obvious,
Haphazardly hidden,
No one can figure it out, but we’re all here trying,
Scream into the oblivion,
That we are worth existing,
So much beauty all at once,
Falling into my split iris,
I am not a person, I am a collection,
Of time crushed into a body,
That thick smell after rain, or the way the sky washes over us,
Created something,
And everyone called it a person.
Jun 2022 · 92
To talk
How do I write, in a language that communicates,
There is something in me - there is something in you, that we share,
The same ache, if it exists,
I could show you,
But I have never been good with words.
Jun 2022 · 260
This too shall stay
On this earth, I exist,
Weeping into the willow of these ten fingers,
No more.
To be so safe and so sad,
And if the summer sends me sun,
Then I say try your best,
Because even gravity and me,
Fall to the same faults,
Some icarus melting,
The wings that spread from under the shoulder.
We look for what we do not have,
And I am crying over truth 60 times a minute,
Making the woman with the cigarette dance,
I’ve never been an emotional person.
I have been asked - do I even feel at all?
It is a question in me
In this moment,
We are briefly beautiful.
May 2022 · 116
And still I will live here
So if I come to you,
Loud and raw and stupid,
Would you still love me?
I paint myself white, with words, with words,
Blood rushed to the cheeks,
He said I taste bitter, under the sweet skin,
And I thought,
I don’t know how to be,
The person I thought I would be when I was five anymore,
When everything was given,
I’m sorry I’m trying to love,
Ruthlessly, and thoughtlessly,
Let me live, like no one has ever lived before.
There goes the electricity,
Racing down burning neurones,
Snaps at the synapse,
What do we have to loose?
There are so many pathways to choose from,
I have built this body,
A stranger.
Apr 2022 · 121
the infinite unease
Don't say you're afraid,
Not to be known,
Hope cove or a garden or anything,
Maybe a future,
Always tell them,
I come to you, big and autumn and empty,
Collecting rocks for these tin shelves, open the skin,
Now and then,
The bone compartments,
You are only a moment,
You are me, my mind,
Has made you,
Dance in the sunless alcoves,
This could be anything.
“You look happy”
And what’s he’s trying to say is he was worried,
And I don’t think I had enough, feeling or guts or any of the other stuff that makes us human in me,
To be afraid,
But look, look look look at me,
Shiny new thing, I love you with this whole body,
What’s a soul wasted? waste life, my walls,
Joy rushes up into this chest, punching out everything - the bruises, the ache, that’s the good stuff,
That’s the stuff I’m thinking of now,
Up so high the atmosphere might just let go,
Up, up and away into the infinity,
Gravity gives me up,
And each time,
I have to pull myself down,
Broken bones mend stronger,
I would swear it on this skin, I’d say,
Am I happy?
Like if only for a second I could hold on, hold on to this-
Feb 2022 · 728
Sleepy poem
Boredom is a thing made of lavender,
And rain, and bad music,
Sleep it off, wait it out,
There is never enough time,
To waste.
Jan 2022 · 101
Crushed little stars
No, I’m not doing anything,
With all this time and all the rosemary in your eyes,
Or my eyes,
One day I will live in Italy,
And I will have a garden,
With herbs and clementines, I know all about it,
I’m an expert because I see it in my dreams, and in fact three of a seven minute video,
Like jellyfish are so old,
Floating around in cosmic soup,
How are you today?
I am alive, I think I am alive,
Why do you get up in the morning?
Will you tell me all about it, how you spend all your time,
If you cook at home or get takeout,
Do you even eat at all? Something,
Like this, makes us human,
What did you choose to put in your box, if you had a box,
Who will lead the talk on you, who will put the music over your end credits, who will choose the shot that lingers,
Who will write to you my darling on the first pages,
It’s your book,
For my sons, for my lovers, for my dog,
The house will be shady, and older than me,
A mystery of how many people have breathed the same air as I have,
I see the lines that time,
Has a habit of tracing.
Jan 2022 · 89
I don't really write,
I confess,
I don't know who you are, you don't know who I am,
Like two lonely strangers sharing a breath,
Eyes that stare, and look away,
There was a thoughtless second,
Of being together.
Sep 2021 · 211
Sunflower 3, Sunflower 3.
Your avocado stones, and sunflower seeds,
Your old carpets,
Being too cold, and not trusting the dishes,
Are they clean?
Stained by the noodles your sister keeps eating,
And your dog that I don't like,
The way nothing seems to get to you,
But I know you feel but you won't talk about it,
I talk then,
But I wish you would tell me,
Flower eyes,
Your colour is yellow now,
Scrawls on my picture of your brain,
Or your eye, on my wall,
No one understands it,
Do you?
Do you need me?
My heart has never beat so fast,
Inside this hollow chest,
I think I might die,
I think I might die.
(About loving someone very much)
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