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There goes the electricity,
Racing down burning neurones,
Snaps at the synapse,
What do we have to loose?
There are so many pathways to choose from,
I have built this body,
A stranger.
I always said my skin meant nothing to me,
Lonely *****,
What does it do? Homeostasis fossilised everything. That's what,
Lets keep this romance with monotony going,
String the waltz, tie the wrists,
I am chasing it, I play the part,
To be a fool,
To be everything everywhere all of the time.
big car light
Don't say you're afraid,
Not to be known,
Hope cove or a garden or anything,
Maybe a future,
Always tell them,
I come to you, big and autumn and empty,
Collecting rocks for these tin shelves, open the skin,
Now and then,
The bone compartments,
You are only a moment,
You are me, my mind,
Has made you,
Dance in the sunless alcoves,
This could be anything.
“You look happy”
And what’s he’s trying to say is he was worried,
And I don’t think I had enough, feeling or guts or any of the other stuff that makes us human in me,
To be afraid,
But look, look look look at me,
Shiny new thing, I love you with this whole body,
What’s a soul wasted? waste life, my walls,
Joy rushes up into this chest, punching out everything - the bruises, the ache, that’s the good stuff,
That’s the stuff I’m thinking of now,
Up so high the atmosphere might just let go,
Up, up and away into the infinity,
Gravity gives me up,
And each time,
I have to pull myself down,
Broken bones mend stronger,
I would swear it on this skin, I’d say,
Am I happy?
Like if only for a second I could hold on, hold on to this-
Some truth of life I am edging towards,
A heartbeat,
Like the infinity of this black hole, wearing my own molecules,
Dark cavity in my chest,
What is it to have this skin, stretch,
The borders of some strange breaking,
These waves are all over me, and I just think that one day, I will drown in it,
Is grief not love persisting?
Shield yourself from a stabbing monotony,
And don’t let it fall,
This charade, this game, this bet on your instinct,
I was born into a body with a fist full of fear and something to loose,
Only myself.
Boredom is a thing made of lavender,
And rain, and bad music,
Sleep it off, wait it out,
There is never enough time,
To waste.
To mould this soft peach skin into something,
Harder, something golden, something that can survive,
Today I am pale and pink, and soft in too many places
The fuzz, the notches, blemishes remind me,
A thing like that cannot run or talk,
I can eat time up till i’m fat with it, sure - there is plenty to go round,
Red knuckles reaching, for clock hands,
Maybe one day I will look them all in the eye,
Now I can see you, now I recognise,
Take those stony pupils, and make some for myself,
The colours reflected,
It’s not like the parsley or sage, growing in your thick skull mind,
They will keep on going, the quicksand,
Finds me, dead jaw daydreamer,
Oil me up, polish,
I’ll make her clean soon,
Running toward the reaper at a million miles a second,
I have so much to waste.
I always thought-
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