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Life moves fast, life moves
very rapidly.
when I ask my father what to do with my hands,
he repeats back to me the story of my mistakes,
in which nothing gets done.
He tells me that my habit of staying inside on sunny days,
is a hereditary flaw,
and I copy his movements and gestures.

I take to sleeping for entire days,
I eat like a prince,
even my eyes encourage feasting.
I mistakenly call the sky by your name,
and it sounds beautiful on my tongue.
References: (title) some American TV guy
I find myself here,
Irreversibly attached to one body,
Tearing at the flesh of the ocean,
On fire and silently praying,
That this time,
It opens for me.
I don’t want you to look in,
I don’t want you to see me changing,
I cannot bear my shame with dignity,
My body won’t fit under the table,
Known tenderness is devastating.

I will become a great insect,
With a hard shell,
I will tune myself in,
To the room, and rub my
Wings together.
Elijah's burning body meant victory,
So why shouldn't this,
Flat and still,
Quiet thing, fed well,
Though never swallowing,
Gain the same?
After all life is green,
And animates it just once,
With a sudden growth grasping each of its limbs,
And flinging it into the dancing world.
There a blank face adorns the body,
Which knows love,
Rather a pig happy,
It says, rather a pig happy,
And that is enough.
Rather a pig happy than Socrates unhappy
Still I stand here in my victory,
I have speared love through the heart,
It is gone from me entirely,
Now I am become whole,
Panting, animal and clean,
Freed from feeling.
Fled from me,
Shaking, convulsing,
Now love's body lies heavy on my back.
The time will pass,
You will have love,
There will be more sunlight,
You are still a part of the world despite.
a poem to calm myself
Tranquil panic, like the newborn fawn,
its you and this lonely eye, the storm,
its you quaking with the sudden calm,
clutching at yourself, the strings
that build you up turned lax,
the chord that shoots the arrow is let go,
soul flooding your entire material body.
A torrential tide is mine, is you
smiling with wet cheeks, a torn shirt
sleeve where teeth
ripped you open, but failed in spite of
love to pierce the body.

Mouthing silently, your clean word song,
that draws us in, you're saying
"mine mine mine", your shaking hand,
is reaching fearfully for what it truly wants,
and flesh flowed flesh,
an eye to mine, with glances uttering,
the truth you see, the whirling violence
coming closer now, and bend,
yourself, breaking backwards to the pull,
sweep upwards here,
and turn to heavenly creatures,
you, a never-ending flight,
spread wings and tear the gentle sky.
working body, will edit later - especially the first part
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