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3.7k · Apr 2012
Lee W Apr 2012
I hold the camera up to my face and snap a picture.
She lays there.
I shoot again. Seizing another moment.
Then move to another angle
A different point of view, tells another story.
And it's mine to interpret through film.

A few more shots and I'll be satisfied.
Amazing how a photo can speak volumes
You don't have to have been present
To know exactly what was happening

Two more proofs, Two more pieces
A sense of infatuation washes over me
I'm completely involved with my subject
And she's doing her part.

Zip, Snap
She's laid out in front of me
Vulnerable to my lens
Absolute beauty captured
By my hand to be displayed

The puddle under her expands, Under my soles
She's still,
Motionless  as two men lift her off the ground,
And place her in a bag.
Given another life through my camera lens.
2.2k · Dec 2013
Lee W Dec 2013
A goldfish swimming
it's open mouth closing
A deafening sound

You have two lines here
Please set this up in haiku

Dedicated soul
beaten by authority
Amusing triumph

The droplets gathered
pools of water on the ground
All bland and boring
I decided to take a poetry course. The first part was my first submission. It was rejected. I responded by using their reply as my second submission. They accused me of not taking it seriously which prompted my third submission. I decided they may also reject that so I submitted the final haiku.
1.6k · Mar 2015
Pieces 64
Lee W Mar 2015
Los and Lettes,
the horrorcore fans,
the post-******* brats,
the goths,
the stoners,
the metalheads,
Phish fans with no regrets,
To Les Claypool high on toadstool, Reggaeton  block party vets,
To the cigarette carrying beatniks,
Hipsters in turtlenecks,
Fashionable Teens wearing fashionable things,
Armani and Diamond rings,
Business men in formal attire,
Old folks about to expire,
gospel musicians getting higher and higher.
***** alley banter bands, who find their lyrics at the bottom of cans.

At that I had lost my rhyme scheme knowledge dropped on every scene to which i thought i was superior.

Nothing said in so many lines, fines paid for literary crimes.
Like fines levied for a lost library book.
1.3k · Oct 2013
madness, madness, madness
Lee W Oct 2013
You drive yourself to the edge of insanity trying to rid the world of injustice
And the world keeps turning
People keep living
They overlook the crazyness of their every day existence

They learn to accept the world
They become complacent
They die

The restless soul labeled Mental illness
what they call an illness of the mind
Absolutely collected in his thoughts

Anything you put out is a cry for help
Every plea ignored
You learn to live with the absentmindedness

The cold stare of another person
Trying to open their heart to you
They try to collect the carefully scattered pieces
They undo your organization
You're left hold the bag
When they leave
1.2k · Jun 2012
Soldiers of the junkyard
Lee W Jun 2012
We sat on rooftops drinking 40oz of courage
and running toward the edge
Stopping just before we fell.
Throwing bottle after bottle at the tent city below
screaming vulgarities into the night sky

We were the kings and queens of the west,
jumping trains going nowhere
saving up only to throw away
The backwash of a wasted youth culture
An I don't give a **** attitude, that we proudly displayed on our jackets.

Lovers on the lam, and killers on the run
Shoot first and ask questions later adrenaline junkies
Staring into the endless void of space and demanding more
Nomads in the land of our fathers.
there wasn't a problem we couldn't solve, that our parents didn't create

Hailed for our creativity, under fire
A reckless bunch of screaming children, waving their flags higher
Raising their voices louder
And taking shots in the dark.

We were the soldiers of the junkyard, true warriors of virtue
Proud of the heritage we created, and the everlasting bonds formed in blood
Were the few among many, the voice of the people
we were foolish to think that it would last.
1.1k · Feb 2012
The Butcher's Haiku
Lee W Feb 2012
Sometimes while I work
Blood will spill onto the floor
and I think of you
1.1k · Feb 2012
Anne Boleyn
Lee W Feb 2012
For this love lost in an age of valour,
was picked from me a gentle flower,
for this she spent her final hour,
locked away in London tower.
1.1k · Feb 2012
It's Time to Move on
Lee W Feb 2012
People who weren't even born in the 60's
are clutching onto the 60's
Saying that's our time
It's time to move on.

And people who were born in the late 80's
and grew up in the 90's
are looking back to the 80's
As if it were their childhood
It's time to move on.

I will look back one day
And reminisce about all the music
And pop culture from my youth
With fondness
Nostalgia will kick in
And I'll say remember when times where simple?
But it's time to move on.

My children will look back on my life
Through the stories that I will tell them
And they will wish they had been there
To see the events that had passed in my lifetime
But it's time to move on.
988 · Feb 2016
Lee W Feb 2016
I watched them dimiss her on the nightly news
Their crocodile tears for a football coach
outshone the death of a woman who sang the blues
I fell for her when I was quite young
a voice that made me listen to
the words that flowed off of her golden tongue
A female figure on a dim lit stage
and she lived it even into her old age
She'd taken her last breath
And the world almost forgot
But we'll remember you in death,
your name written in St. Peter's tome
Rest in peace Etta
A chorus of angels has taken you home.
Written after the death of Etta James (January 20, 2012)
902 · Sep 2013
Monday - Friday
Lee W Sep 2013
The beat slid out the box like the everyday grind,
All wheels turning in tune to the hum of the street
The Acceleration blues loomed over the heads of white collar workers
Grasping for the week's wage.
890 · Nov 2013
Pieces #15
Lee W Nov 2013
Dog lipped, Golden hair
Eyes shimmering under star light
Milk skinned, buck toothed
Groping for the edge
screaming, screaming
Why does she make the that sound
Heavy breathing
The smell of cherry blossom wafting through the room
Lashes, 25 lashes glowing red
Warm to the touch
Staring into space
Mouth agape, exhausted
Still reaching for the edge.
807 · Feb 2012
The Business
Lee W Feb 2012
Musical expression was silenced by record label executives.
There was no money in providing an original sound.
Young musicians were taught to play the same scale, same beat, same melody.
Mixed over and over, Until it sounded all the same.
nihil novi sub sole was beat into their head.
They told them they had talent.
That they were the best.
That there record was a top seller.
When in reality, the companies had payed for rank.
The top slot going to the man with the deepest pocket.
800 · Apr 2012
Lee W Apr 2012
Quickly through the forest now
No time to stop and rest
I'll reach the town by sun up
with you my honored guest

My dwelling on the outskirts
A fire lit inside
this will all go smoothly
unless you try to hide

I can smell him coming
The farmer with the ax
I know he'll try to stop me
So we cannot relax

I'll throw you in my ***
And then I'll eat for weeks
I've lined my house with bricks, my dear
So the town won't hear your shrieks
767 · Feb 2012
Lee W Feb 2012
Rosa Parks wouldn't sit in the back of the Bus
For the city of Montgomery, She raised a big fuss
"I'm tired of being treated like a second-class citizen."
She maintained her composure with the greatest of discipline
She sat in her seat as calmly as can be
they told her to go and she wouldn't agree
A hero was born on that December day
When the world said Move! and She decided to Stay.
750 · Sep 2013
Lee W Sep 2013
Shackles closed tightly leave a scar around the wrist
A faint indentation
When you've been released they'll tell you you are free
You're human again

They hand you your belongings and send you away
Feeling triumphant
You welcome what you see as a second chance
Start your life over

Finally you've escaped the labyrinth
Everyone notices the scars
Shackles closed tightly leave a scar around the wrist
A faint indentation
720 · Jan 2014
Godiva - a limerick
Lee W Jan 2014
Godiva was a wild dame
spirit no man could tame
she rode *******
showing her *** crack
and in the end she came
718 · Feb 2012
For a while now
Lee W Feb 2012
I've felt lonely, But I haven't been alone.
I feel dead inside, but I echo a frequency of life.
I've dreamed of the end of the world. and found joy in the silence after.
there is nothing as scary as acceptance of one's fate.
I don't fear anything anymore,
I spend my last days,
waiting for the void,
and the peace that comes with it.
712 · Oct 2013
Pieces # 14
Lee W Oct 2013
I want to know her
I see her smile in the darkness
I want to feel her like no one else can
Her voice is intoxicating
I absorb her every word
She pours me another glass
We sit and jabber about meaninglessness
A caged animal howls inside my head
It wants out
It wants to taste the flesh
It wants to chew the sinews that hold the muscle to the bone
It wants to test the heart
She sits there in herself and the time
She sits there like a rabbit in the grass
Unaware of her surroundings
The beast unleashed
Drunk on the night and the moment
It takes its chance
Then lays back down
Its victim confused and intact
Lee W Feb 2012
remember two years ago
When we met at that gay rights rally
Or that time that we saw eachother
In the super market line

What about the time we passed eachother in the hall
In high school
May be you remember the time we sat at the train station for an hour or two waiting to ride
Perhaps the you remember the airport terminal where we were delayed and had to wait for another flight.

You may even remember that time I saw you in the food court at the mall
or in the back at the local show
Well even if you don’t remember me
I remember you.

And sometimes I still think about you
I’m wondering what you’ve done with your life since then
Because I haven’t changed much,

But I’m sure you went on to do great things
Maybe you remember me the way I remember you
We should have spoke to one another,
I’m sure we would have been great friends.
676 · Nov 2013
Far Away
Lee W Nov 2013
A cold expression lay on his face as he stared at the wood lined walls
In it he saw a vast and barren wasteland
In it he saw the dead
He gazed so hard it was as if he saw through time
We lost him for nearly an hour
He turned with tear filled eyes and asked for another beer.
Lee W Mar 2012
You copied my words
but thats okay
You posted them
And put them on display

You broadened the audience
And gave them new life
people enjoyed reading them
But it still caused some strife

I love when my work gets recognition
but this isn't the same
you claimed it as yours
And removed my name.

I put a lot of work into that piece
And you took that from me
You charged them admission
It was meant to be free!
564 · Apr 2013
Pieces# 1
Lee W Apr 2013
We have a silent partnership
Always aware of the others mind
No word spoken between us
Could ever explain our understanding of one another

We exhibit love in the purest form
A mutual respect, bonds rusted but never broken
Lost children on the plateaus of our minds
We seek eachother out
In times of harship,
558 · Feb 2012
Lee W Feb 2012
The small voice is growing
No longer calling out in the night
They're shouting from the roof tops
The clatter is growing
The factions are forming

The middle class is gone
The rich are calling the shots
The poor are growing tired
They're rising up
in spite of the rich man's money

They're swaying the nation
and moving mountians
But for every man who stands up to the system
two men fall Back down

But for every two men who fall
Four more join in
Their voice is growing
It's getting louder
The meek shall inherit the Earth
But not without a fight.
551 · Nov 2013
Lee W Nov 2013
Do you see that the things you preach are not shown by your actions
Would you tell a man in public the things he does are wrong
Only to hide in your house and commit the same offenses
Why do you speak at length about Solidarity
Yet turn your head when your brothers are in need
Why do you rely on the same system you despise
It mustn't be all that bad if it's worked for you
Is there truly compassion in your heart for others
I've learned that a man who brags of his altruism has missed the point
Will you tell everyone that you've sheltered the homeless
Will you let them know how you fed the hunger
Have you ever given up so that another could have at least a little
527 · Feb 2012
On Calvin Lentz
Lee W Feb 2012
He Told me

My Kerouac wouldn’t be ruined

By rings of coffee

They add character He said

It’s like owning a pistol

And never firing it

Or owning a movie

Just to stare at it’s case

How will the world know you’ve traveled

Without leaving a few landmarks?
521 · Oct 2013
Lee W Oct 2013
A smooth cigarette
Passionate words between lovers
A calm from the tension
Fingertips brushing every inch
Teeth gnawing at the flesh
A palm on her hip
My breath hits her neck
And floats upward behind her ear
Gripping, pulling her into me
Fresh marks on new territory
Names called out into the night
Its my name on her lips
Her eyes lost in the moment
A heavy head plants itself on my chest
512 · Apr 2012
The Park
Lee W Apr 2012
The park is bright and sunny
The birds eat bits of bread
I sit and smile, and watch and wait
and shoot one through the head
Written By a friend, Uploaded with his premission.
477 · Jul 2014
Mediocre American Poet
Lee W Jul 2014
Will write for recognition
Quatrain -  Haiku - Sonnet
Now accepting commision
453 · Feb 2012
Dream of You
Lee W Feb 2012
Your soft hands
And your gentle caress
Your cherry lips and
Your head on my chest
your cheek to mine
And your eyes closed tight

Oh how i wish i could be there tonight
So I’ll dream of you
and you dream of me
And we’ll live forever
in that memory.
434 · Feb 2014
Pieces #9
Lee W Feb 2014
How dare you raise that banner
How dare you spit on the corpses of my dead brethren
We marched together
We always stood at each others side
holding hands and singing songs
The blues beat us red
Clearly now I can see that we were sold
Not revolutionaries
414 · Oct 2013
The kids next door
Lee W Oct 2013
Walls pounding
The sound of feet on the other side
Laughing children delight in their games
2 AM
Stomping feet
Thumping on my ceiling
Joyous laughter
The children refuse to sleep
The sound gets louder
as they stand above
On the other side of the walls
Another world
385 · Oct 2014
pieces # 62
Lee W Oct 2014
No writing comes
Long whispering night
A silence as loud as dynamite
Heavy hands
starry eyes
Soaked shirt collars
I left the alcohol behind me
Lost my muse
Had I anything to say to you
It was lost in the roar of crickets
A moon shining brightly overhead
all words flowing
Nothing making sense
The sting
the back of my throat
the muse coming forth
sobriety lost in one fell swoop
gaining the attention that I’d lost
the old familiar run mouth
words leaving my lips before they ever made sense
30 pages for you
20 for me
what did it all mean
370 · Feb 2013
Haiku #3
Lee W Feb 2013
My beer is empty
Go get me another one
Or **** will go down
351 · Jan 2013
Dusty Moonstompers
Lee W Jan 2013
Dusty moonstpmpers
Riding on my feet
Kicking up the dirt
Out in the street
341 · Dec 2013
Pieces # 16
Lee W Dec 2013
they travel away
someone was in the doorway
footprints in the snow
309 · Jan 2014
Pieces #4
Lee W Jan 2014
you                      I                      we
never              always        sometimes
could                did                    had
love                  hate                  lust
me                    you              together
307 · Feb 2013
Haiku #4
Lee W Feb 2013
I talk in Haiku
Only When I am drinking
Learn to live with it
292 · Oct 2013
Lee W Oct 2013
I never knew him
But I had heard some good things
About his sister
270 · Apr 2013
Pieces #2
Lee W Apr 2013
I put in you
All of my hopes and dreams
And then in the morning
When I awoke
You were gone
108 · Apr 2024
Eternal Echoes
Lee W Apr 2024
In the quiet chambers of my heart,
Where moonlight weaves its silver art,
I trace the contours of your name,
A whispered secret, aflame.

Our love, a tapestry of stardust spun,
Across the vast expanse, we run,
Hand in hand, through cosmic skies,
Two souls entangled, bound by ties.

Each kiss a comet's fiery trail,
Across the night, we set sail,
And in the constellations' dance,
Our love finds its eternal chance.

So let the galaxies bear witness true,
To this love that defies time's curfew,
For in your eyes, my universe unfurls,
And forevermore, we are stardust swirls.

— The End —