Walking, smiling along a nice tree-lined street,
Seeing a movie with part of my mind of how my day will unfold,
Thinking about the movie with another part of my mind: Suddenly!
I am completely Joyous Transparency– edgeless, boundless, no connection with body, movie, thoughts, completely outside the body.
“Can I really be unbounded, edgeless, eternal?” I think.
My Transparency swells in golden light,
Creates a golden tube, makes a corner, turns around behind my head and looks through my eyes at My Self. How Glorious!
Within a little while–not long, maybe a few months, definitely not more than a few years–
My Transparency and My Golden Fullness are always together, at least while I’m awake,
And I experience My Self as Omnipresent, All-Pervading, Love and Joy:
How Glorious! How Marvelous! How Delightfully Simple to Know who I Am!
How normal!
Thank you to my teacher, to all who help me live a good life and to live a better and better one!
Thank You!
Thank You!