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Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Happy in the moment,

Beyond all time and space,

Restoring our Connection

To Wholeness, to God’s Grace;

Remembering Reality:

Joy is what we Are;

Radiating the Joy and Love

Within and near and far.

Radiating the Joy and Love

Within and near and far.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019

The flower, the janitor, the dust mop, the stain on the grass–

Everything! Everyone!


And through appreciation,


Through enjoyment, love.

Through love of our neighbor–whether tree or person–

We more deeply love ourself,

Know our Self.

Through knowing our Self,

Loving our Self,

We grow to “Love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, thy soul, thy strength”

And to realize “…the Lord, thy God, is One”

And we are One with the One.

Good judgment!

Judgment Fulfilled.

Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Chameleons can change color,

Grip with their feet or their tails,

They can stick their tongues out faster than a fighter jet,

And are good at hiding:

“Chameleon” comes from Greek “khamaileon”, lion on the ground–

lions are very good at hiding.

Their eyes rotate independently so they can see 360 degrees without moving their head.

But we humans can also act according to need:

We can change our mind faster than the chameleon can stick out its tongue;

We can not only hide but also reveal;

We can hold Love fast without effort,

And Joy equally so.

We can gracefully fit the novel and the moment’s need into our healthy routine.

So, dear Chameleon, we invite you:

Evolve! Become human; Grow to Enlightenment quickly, with all Revealed.

Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Rising Hill of Feeling, Thought, Love.

Always Happy, never blue.

Mama Planet of the Soul

Raises the Hills of Her Love

Within Her Soul,

And the Hills become Mountains,



Every Present,

No need to climb.

Good Soul within which to Meander, Nap and Picnic.

Excellent playground,

The Best!

The Best.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
When Carl Linnaeus, Swedish botanist and physician, was classifying organisms

He recalled a story about Alexander the Great seeing wise men sitting under banana trees and eating their fruit.

So he named the banana tree (plant, perhaps) “musa sapientum”, muse of the wise.

Fortunately, we don’t need to be wise to eat bananas or sit under banana trees.

Perhaps we will grow wise by eating them: I certainly hope so!

I very much hope so!
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Not just great, as the companions of Diana Ross,

But Supreme, nothing, no one greater.

Call This: Being, God, Self, Consciousness, Unified Field, whatever.

So long as we mean “One without a Second”,

The Only,

The Complete,

Never beginning,

Never ending,

Then we’re talking “Supreme”

And This we Are.

This we Are.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Ocean of Self Sails, the Whole Ocean.



The Unbounded Ocean Moves All at Once, Within Itself.

It also moves as Streams and Dreams,

Facts and Fictions,,

Games of Love and Joy:

Hiding, Seeking, Revealing.

Concealing and again Revealing.

Always every move, however tiny,

Is the Whole Ocean Sailing within Itself.

The Whole Ocean of our Self Sailing.
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