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Oct 2024 · 40
Lyn Stebbins Oct 2024
There is something in the air. 
Change is everywhere, Yesterday is gone, tomorrow not yet dawned.
today we must  wait until the sun sets
come to rest your body spent, You tasted and felt the milk of life.

clouds roll smoothly across the sky taking summer away,
the winds blow, soon to  bring snow
we sit looking at the past, our children growing fast.
it is a time of reflection.
Aug 2024 · 61
Lyn Stebbins Aug 2024
, Friends are like trains stations they come and go. How does one keep them from leaving? when meeting new people. How does one fit in. be a part of the new friends? I reach out they turn away, like the changing seasons. Spring comes with the promise of new things to come.  then summer has its fun . fall is mellow, The sun fades to winter, all  is done.
DS June 30 2024
Lyn Stebbins Aug 2024
Loss of a friend from across the waters. many times we have chated when all was quiet. had laughed and joked, shared some thing's  now there is only  a echo of the past,
I can only move on and hope I learned a lesion.  I must try to be better . embrace the better times,  remember, the sun always comes up.  a new day  begin, s time heals.

DS July 19 24
Aug 2024 · 76
Rain In The Afternoon
Lyn Stebbins Aug 2024
The sun shines brightly, soft clouds drift lazily across
  the sky. Soon thicker dark clouds roll in. A wind picks up   rustling  the trees branches. Rain falls softly through the  leaves,  
    as drops fall down, thunder rolls  
   around. Gentle rain  slither's though the golden tipped
       leaves  crystal like. Its  a quiet ending to late summer fall like day.

by DS
August 2024
aka LYN S
Feb 2024 · 96
Lyn Stebbins Feb 2024
winter bird song Jan 30, '09 3:44 PM

The ground is covered with snow,
in the distance  in the winter bareness of the trees, a Finch sings it's winter song
The sun slants through beveled

glass, spraying the floor with a kaleidoscope of prism colors  like a mini rainbow.
In restlessness of a cold january day.
I too await the coming of winter's end. This day with the sun and the bird song makes me feel fine.i can go for a walk and clear my mind. I shall take my time.
and not rush into things unknown.
tomorrow is another day and another way.
as all things unfold to show me.
the next scene the next play.

Feb 2024 · 148
Lyn Stebbins Feb 2024
lights sparkle on pine tress all over town,
kids lauphing as they sled down a hill
coverd with snow. cars wiht christmas trees in towe,
winter sun sets pink and chrimsom.
People busteling in stores, tis a time  fore joy and love,
remembering him above
to smile at a stranger.

by Lyn dec 9th 2015
Feb 2024 · 92
Lyn Stebbins Feb 2024
Night has fallen, wind  plays music in my wind chimes.
Winter sets quietly all around.
I hear distant music playing. I
remember a smile so tender, soft  eyes look into mine.
I am blessed today. who knows what the sunrise
in the dawning of a new day will bring my way.
.feb 12 2023
Sep 2022 · 222
Lyn Stebbins Sep 2022
leaves fall slowly to the ground as pine trees take over the land scape
scenting the earth with there lovely  scent.
Birds of summer have flown south,
as junco's arrive and cardinals dance.
Thoughts of times past, of faces gone.
Remembered shadows of lost friendship's.
The moon rises full through the clouds.
wind blows into the night,
soon snow will blanket the ground in soft white.

by DS
november 19th 2013
Sep 2022 · 285
Lyn Stebbins Sep 2022
One lovely sunny day  as I was tending my basket of flowers.
a sudden flash of shiny green buzzed by and landed next to
me on the humming bird feeder,
So close was it! I coud almost reach out and touch it.
I stood so still,
and watched it as it drank and often fluttered it almost opaque wings.
Suddenly a burst of wind rustled my hair and the bird took to flight.
Such a wonderful gift of nature, that I was blessed to experience.
Reminding me that summer is coming to a end molding into fall.  
Jan 2022 · 263
days gone bye
Lyn Stebbins Jan 2022
Clouds roll smoothly across the sky, taking last summer away.
Winds blow soon to bring snow. We stand looking  at the past our children growing fast.
it is a time of reflection. time to let go.

Lyn Stebbins
January 27th 2022.
Lyn Stebbins Oct 2021
walking down a street remembering, good times spent
laughter shared. Then changes come along.
a message  at a wrong  time, a friend strung out. angry words spoken
cold accusations, and blame placed. A friendship broken.
I sit with feelings hurt, A pain ill never forget. For it is time  to turn the page  
and walk away. This time I can not let it go and forgive.,
so i pray to say good buy. look to clouds in the sky.

by DS october 8th
this is written after a old fiend  was verbally abusive to me, foe the second time ,
so I'm  lettig go of that person and moving on
Jul 2021 · 199
Lyn Stebbins Jul 2021
the snow blows across the ground wind twirling it about,
a face to touch so far, now not around, a memory left and no sound,
i stand and watch the snow fall, and wonder why he had to go.
Jun 2021 · 252
Lyn Stebbins Jun 2021
the clouds role in, the fog and rain wraps around me,
I listen to distant music, I miss a Friend I miss my Son,
I miss my Mom who has moved on to her next journey.
People  fight! people die. Tears drop and I cry.
Numbers grow
each day. Wish there was a way to win
this covid war.  It seems to take  a stand.  
  Every day this battle that mankind is fighting
is getting bad. I Wish I  could talk to Mom and Dad
so I just look to the sky and pray.

November 24th
bye Lyn Stebbins.
if more ppl would get the vaccine we might beat this . war. Of covid 19
Jun 2021 · 235
Lyn Stebbins Jun 2021
memory's  of a time  shared, now lost
looking at the moon and wondering what went wrong.

why did it end so suddenly.
reaching out to a fading smile.
A sea between. eyes of blue.
I stand alone  and whisper a name.
the rain softly falls, through the night.
maybe if  I light a candle he will return.

jan 2nd 2016
bye LN
Jun 2021 · 121
Lyn Stebbins Jun 2021
Standing out in the dark of night
as the wind silently blows through the trees.
Leaves flutter as the  firefly's dance.  
The full moon glows so bright, lighting up the yard and street.
I think of what all I'm blessed with, And remember those who have
passed through my life.

bye LS June 22 2021
THIS  came to me while standing out on my  front porch gazing at the full moon.
Apr 2021 · 137
Lyn Stebbins Apr 2021
doors half open. Mar 20, '08 12:32 AM

    I walk around  alone in the shopping center. I

smile at a stranger

they don't even notice,You say hi,

they walk on by......when did people all die?

go to a small coffee shop,

Enjoy a dark roast. take in

the warmth of the cup.

pick up the paper, read the head lines!

more about the war

another shooting in a school, lines the paper.

Possible snow tomorrow.

did you really want to know.?  An supervisor at your job

asked you how you are & why your low.

remember to smile and compliment them,

they really don't want to know.

  don't be honest ,

our your unemployed.

        isn't it a shamed! no one wants

to know your name

you must... play the game!  Its all the same.    

3.18.08  ©
Apr 2021 · 134
Spring begins
Lyn Stebbins Apr 2021
today we walked along the river with the water lapping against the shore, and a gentle breeze
blew against the blue sky. Buds were starting to break  out on the tips of the branches. It soothed  my soul, and allowed me to disconnect from the clutter of everyday life. It is great to be in the moment and appreciate all that surround's us. One is blessed with time to reflect. All the beauty.
one day my cousin Karen posted about her and her hubbys walk by the river  
in spring. I found her words to be touching.  so i wrote a poem from her experience. and her description so this poem is deliciated to her.
Apr 2021 · 100
Lyn Stebbins Apr 2021
I stand in the middle of winter, looking out at the snow,
i wonder if i should stay or go. If i should leave fore the one
the doesn't like me, So. I am alone. Spring is yet far.
fore one reminds me of another gone. I can not speak of what is within.
by lyn s. feb 2015
this is how I'm feeling today due to a dispute with  a family  member.
poem was written a while ago, but it really fits today.
Apr 2021 · 121
Lyn Stebbins Apr 2021
wind chimes  are singing fluty music.
I see his eyes in my head, i hear the distant wind whisper.
The  sun warms me, I see a face awaiting
to be touched.
thoughts warm me. and dreams delight me.
jan 6 2016
by lyn.
well i supposed you can say its unrequited love.
Apr 2021 · 161
Lyn Stebbins Apr 2021
I remember your last days,
your fading smile, your quieter ways,
Eyes met in a farewell between mother
and daughter. Tears held inside.
I remember the matching dresses
you made, the vacation at the ocean,
You taught me to swim.
I remember our laughter in a motel exercise room,
and looking at the southern full moon.
Memory's flow as the winds blow through the autumn tree,s
I may not have known all that you went through,
It has brought me closer to you.  time is the distance
between You and Me

poem written and revised
by Deirdre  Stebbins
November 27th 2019
Fore Mom
this poem was dedicated to mom after her passing at her memorial.
Apr 2021 · 376
Lyn Stebbins Apr 2021
I was once a romantic,  still love the sound of a babbling brook,
nature still thrills me, but a cynic ahhhhhhhh a cynic Ive become. A Disillusioned romantic. I would greet a stranger walking down the lonely street.
but many  do not smile or greet you back, people walk bye with faces like  stone. I too am  turning to stone , I don't smile at strangers any more. Inside I cry, inside I'm  sensitive. Have
I given up on Love? the violence out there  troubles me, Why do people fight when it would be so much more pleasant to smile and hug and shake hands in the sunshine.. A cynic is but a disillusioned
Idealist. A cynic sees all. knowing nothing of life. they just spout there  strife.
L.S. March 2nd 2021
Mar 2021 · 113
Lyn Stebbins Mar 2021

Whispers of a essence riding down the line,

a prism of light pointing beyond.

a dark Crystal down through the depth of one's mind,

the shadows of a memory.

Faster then time.

Then light piercing through a vortex of sound.
swirling all around.

did the sun come first?

did the water come first?

Was it this god.
The Universe, the all living, light, and Energy!
Where did  it all come from?

A black flat object

A Monolith of knowledge?

a cloud, a shooting star as it falls & burns.
in such beauty,

how can a bud form

into a rose so brilliant in its petals

in undulating shades.

alas too soon it begins to drop its silken petals. Becoming the dark red rose hip.

then back to the earth.

So shell we all go.
Mar 2021 · 139
Lyn Stebbins Mar 2021
There is something in the air, change is everywhere.
Yesterday is gone tomorrow not yet dawned,
Today we must wait until the sun sets.
Come to rest your body spent.
all that you have seen, you have tasted
the milk of life. Clouds roll smoothly across the sky, taking summer away.
Winds blow soon to bring snow.
WE stand looking at the past.
Our children growing fast.
It is a time of reflection.
by DS March 12, 2021
Mar 2021 · 286
Lyn Stebbins Mar 2021

A soft sound in the afternoon,
as rain patters on the window.
A dove coos its peaceful call.
Spring is around the corner,
a cardinal sings its song of love.
DS march 12th 2021
Feb 2021 · 143
Daughter . a rose
Lyn Stebbins Feb 2021
A babe is born,
a girl. ,,That night the rain fell a storm raged ,

but I didn't notice
I was in anticipation of birth
then the moment came ill never

forget those Bright eyes as they looked up.
The prettiest baby on the floor.
even though  it was a rocky path

with her special needs
I knew that a flower lay beneath, waiting to bloom.
then she was a toddler with laughter
that rang like a wind chime
I wished I could stop time,
look up then she's a cleaver little girl
finding ways to get to that shelf up high.
look up she's a
a promise
of beauty at the tip of a flower bud
as it begins to unfold,
look up she's a teen with troubles
I knew not how to tame.
now She's almost a lady the rose is blooming
to lighten her surroundings
with the most brilliant colors.
She is strength compassion,& imagination.
look up she's 18 a young lady.

with creative energy.
only a mother can know that it is
not the Autism that defines her.
She defines the space around her.

She's my prized rose.

I know I must step back and let her fly.

A Mom.
march 2008.
Feb 2021 · 135
Winter bird song
Lyn Stebbins Feb 2021
winter bird song Jan 30, '09 3:44 PM

The ground is covered with snow,

in the distance  in the winter bareness of the trees,
a Finch sings its winter song,

the sun slants through beveled

glass spraying the floor with a kaleidoscope of prism colors
like a mini rainbow.

In restlessness of a cold january day.

I too await the coming of winters end.
This day with the sun and the bird song makes me feel .
I can go fore a walk and clear my mind. I shall take my time.

and not rush into things unknown.

tomorrow is another day and another way.

as all things unfold to show me.

the next scene the next play.

Feb 2021 · 113
Snow Queen,
Lyn Stebbins Feb 2021
Snow Queen "

The wind blows cold against the window pane
Branches scratch echoing the scratching in your brain!
All sound goes dim
Feeling memories slowly fade,
You think you have it made
Feeling tired, lay the line across the table
Till you feel you are able
Push away the worries, hide the pain
Light that glass again, take it in deep
You are changing, you are not the same
Slowly going insane
Look up, it's the beautiful Snow Queen
It seems you got it clean
Time to catch a dieing star
never thought it would go so far
The Ice Ghost has you in her spell
Oh well!
The sky is going dim
You are not hungry
You don't see the Night Rider
Waiting to take you to the Ice Castle
The last stop for dying dreams
If you see the Snow Queen
Turn and walk away
Run and hide
It is not Beauty she offers,
not something you earn
For it is only a Dark Crystal
A slow burn
2/23 2021
Feb 2021 · 291
Lyn Stebbins Feb 2021

the trees are sheathed in snow,
the sun
is hidden in the clouds, and smiles come across the miles
to brighten my day, You are far yet near, an ocean apart,
and time to allow. Lost in a gaze of blue, the sky brings it all anew.
Wind whispers to me, of the sea. I fear to step in the water,
fore the swiftness of the high tide may envelope me.
by DS
February 20th 2021

— The End —