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Star Feb 2021
Time… It is a complex subject you try to understand it but there more to know every time. Space, earth, lightyears, all time, but all not time, at the same time, see confusing right
Star Feb 2021
Blood, pure blood, bleeds out just like a waterfall. It’s painful, it stings. But this isn’t blood although it feels that way, ever since you left. Now I sit and stare off into the distance looking for you. But alas you are gone.
Star Feb 2021
Wake up, think, breathe, all things we do every day it’s just part life, you do it to survive. But don’t just wake up, rise and slay the day.
Star Feb 2021
We all imagine a world, one where we can dream, the future is ours and it’s ours to keep so when you leap for a dream don’t just leap, reach

— The End —