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May 2020 · 159
9/11 we Remember
Stacey May 2020

A ordinary day to start  
Same as any other 
Dad goes off to work again,
Child goes with their mother.
Vibrant busy city,  busses, cars galore
Workers in the offices,
from bottom to top floor.
Throughout our life situations
Hard times often do arise,
Unfortunatly we never think of saying last goodbyes.
That's exactly what happened on September 11th 2001
A day that turned the world so cold
When tragedy begun.
Twin towers has exploded 
Co ordinate attacks, 
Al-Qaeda behind the planes
That seemed to be hijacked. 
Thousands were killed instantly
Some lives hang by a thread,
Calls were made to loved ones
Onlookers face of dread.
Fears & screams while running 
As smoke fills up the air,
News reports on live tv 
Helplessly they stare.
On the news we hear the voices
of all who are caught inside, 
Lying next to injured ones 
Or sadly ones who died.
One man makes a phone call
My darling wife it's me,
I'm sorry that I upset you
And that we disagreed.
My offices have been attacked they're crumbling to the ground,
A massive explosion hit our floor then instantly no sound.
If I do not make it
I'm stating from the heart,
I love you darling, & in your life I'm glad to play a part.
Tell the kids daddy loves them
Continue well at school,
Stand up for all your beliefs 
Don't be taken for a fool.
The wife is crying down the line
Darling please don't go,
I love you darling so so much 
I've always told you so.
He replied my darling im feeling
really kind of weak,
Breathlessly he's coughing, he can hardly speak.
If you ever need me just look up to the stars,
I will hear your voices 
And heal up any scars.
Suddenly all was quiet
The wife screams down the fone,
Darling can you hear me, don't leave me here alone.
The towers live on tv start to crumble to the ground,
Clouds of smoke then fill the air 
The world in shock no sound.
Crying at the images of all who has lost their lives ,
Mums,dad's , Nan's & grandads, husbands & wives.
Rescue teams included and all those left behind
To All who were among them,  all who did survive,
All who were injured 
All who sadly died.
Never in this lifetime that day will be the same
For ground zero holds the memories
Of every single name.
May 2020 · 131
English girl in new york
Stacey May 2020
Sky scraping thru the air 
Intoxicating the image of eyes view
Pure essence of silence, stillness & calmality
Over towered walk from one side to the other in motionless effort 
Casualy they glide the sidewalks brazen with ambitions
Sophistication of the mind, blindly purchasing the goods, which eleqently works in tones. 
Designage of names & brands fulfilling every hearts desires to conquer the hunger of comforts to the home and persona.
Yet still the walk the 32nd street of Manhattan
Skipping down the 5th avenues of tomorrow's inspired ones.
Medelessantly coffee breaking with the girls whom they relationatly succumb their lives.
Yes I'm a english girl, 
wanting new yorks lifestyle, 
This place is & has always been where I want to be, my hearts home.
Seeing new york how I feel it in my heart.
Wanting & longing to go
Fulfil my bucket list dream. 
One day I will,
Smile as I look up to the pink blossom trees
I will stand on the bank, 
walk on Brooklyn bridge,
stand at the Harlem, 
jog at the bottom of empire state,
skipp across the sidewalks, 
Holla a taxi, 
run thru the subways, 
horse & carriage ride thru central park,
shop in  dior &  channel,
dine in the finest resturants,
drink cocktails  til dawn & say I did it
I made it I fulfilled it, my dream.....
I'm here.
May 2020 · 135
Stacey May 2020
Stace Jays wife:Export Trash 1,100 points

My Poems (18)AutorankLinks


As we all face lockdown
There seems to be no light,
This tunnel has been long now
But please just hold on tight.
Stop & think of fields & land 
Renewing fresh & green
Flowers grow so elegant there colours boldly gleam.

All the living creatures the world has hardly viewed
Reflect upon the oceans 
The thriving waves pure blue.

More Fish fill up the sea beds
With turtles at the shore.
Returning to abundance 
Of beauty once before.

Family's bond together 
The time that's passed them by
From working all those hours
The children wonder why.

Now we're on this lockdown
 value time you  need to share
****** them ticking hours
Show each one you care.

Teach your wee ones the bible
Read scriptures loud & clear
The book of bible stories the kiddies like to hear.
Revert how life all started 
What the future truely holds
The reasons of the prophercys 
Which the bible had foretold.

Hold them while they're  tiny
Admire them as they grow
For when they have their children 
they teach them all they know.

Moral of this poem
Don't be down or sad
See the positive of lockdown 
Its really not that bad.

Think of it as pulled in reins
This horse & cart must slow
For when life returns to normal
Its one we will not know.

Reevaluate your life, 
of how crazy it can be
How upon this beautiful earth we neglected selfishly.
Only we can change it
With effort  faith & love 
Following bible  principles 
From jehovah up above.

Jehovah will be sad to see damage to his creation
As a loving follower of Jesus Christ
we know this by the nation.
Gain faith with love & kindness
In all the things we do 
Speak truthful, Be generous be grateful 
Jehovah's watching you.
May 2020 · 154
Stacey May 2020
Can you hear the whispers
Of the trees that stand so tall,
Listern very carefully
You hear each tree top call.
Their branches wave a rhythm
The leaves beguin to blow
 Graceful & elegant their age will never show.
standing within the remote forest
we hardly ever go.

Can you hear the humming each palm crown calls in sway
Their compound of evergreen  frond  breezely  they spray.
Listern to their sound
I'm happy here they say
Soft whistles through the palm leaves
This breezy sunny haze.
Standing here in eyes view from the soft  sinkingly sandy bay.

It's trunk so structured, woody, rough at the hand to touch
Its aesthetic leaves outpour over me but never shade too much.
The trunk stoops slightly left at the top as if to reach out to the shore
Coconuts sometimes hang mid balance
& other times drop to the floor.

Kick back relax on my vacation
take a pew
Stare at the essence of the horizon
Captivate the beauty surroundings there's clearly quite a few.
Hear the expanse waves come closer then ever before
motions of surfing purity from a white water bubble tidal bore.
This is harmony this is bliss at its finest
Euphoria  this is.
May 2020 · 124
People princess
Stacey May 2020
People princess

A warm enticing elegant glow
A smile so infectious the public know,
Her caring loving mother ways
Pics with the boys on theme park days.
All her love for those she met 
The works & goals in life she set.
She was not afraid to muck in deep
Alive her memories we shall keep.
Embracing the nation with her innocent smile,  
The only women with sophisticated style.
Doted unconditionally  on her beautiful young sons 
she never once hated being a mum. 
No ayres or graces no lies
Not a single person she would despise.
The boys were the Apple of Diana's eyes.
Unbeknown she would be snatched away,
If only we could rewind that day.

That sad night we cannot hide
Our princess Diana sadly died.
Our princess taken at a click of a thumb
The news flash that day turned the world so numb.
The nation just cried in utter shock
For on that night our hearts did rock.
How can this beauty sadly go
Her poor little boys they love her so.
For days & weeks we cannot lie
Its Far too soon to say goodbye.
Flowers flocked by palace gates
People came from many states.
Why was our princess taken away 
Our heavenly father gained a angel that day.
Now William & Harry have grown so much,
In their hearts diana did touch.
William & harry have met  ladies as beautiful too, 
Amazingly kind pure & true.
If she could only see them now 
Im sure she would be very, very proud 
Both William & Harry have children of their own 
A Fantastic gran they should of known.
I'm sure they will learn all about diana
Who would of made an amazing Nanna.

— The End —