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Apr 2015 · 485
My Greatest Fear
mochiu Apr 2015
When you said you wanted to face your fears
I felt empathy and support for you
and a tinge of agony
because I knew of your fears all too well
and you told me your biggest fear
was losing me
and you faced your fears
and left
Mar 2015 · 440
mochiu Mar 2015
I couldn't cry
when I saw you
next to her
although she was also long gone
just as I was
I felt the bitterness
as if I were still with you
but I also felt
the sweet longing
and hope
that maybe you still thought of me
that maybe you remembered that I was the only one
in love with you
that maybe
you felt the soft twinge
when my named passed your ears
or touched your lips
that just maybe
you even remembered
who I was
Mar 2015 · 574
mochiu Mar 2015
I keep wondering
why I only feel
bittersweet when I hear of you
did I not love you enough
to feel a pang in my heart
or was it that you were
too immersed in your own world
and I some how knew
your heart wouldn't stop
skip a beat
when you heard of me
or saw my name
with each drawn out letter

your heart
never truly learned my name
Mar 2015 · 351
mochiu Mar 2015
I was looking at your name on my screen
I've seen it a million times
for some reason I was nervous to click [message]
scared of the perpetual feeling
that our friendship was over
when we ended talking
when we didn't give reason to our being
and why we stayed quiet but still knew
we shared the same longing emotion
and fear
to talk again
because things would be different
less comfortable
more lost
when we had laughed like young children
just months before....
And I found my answer
when you didn't respond to my message
and I didn't respond to yours
The last part was a metaphor when I said
"when you didn't respond to my message
and I didn't respond to yours"
I did not mean a literal message, it was more of referring to a cry for help, or a shout in the darkness with no response due to fear
Feb 2015 · 427
mochiu Feb 2015
A bird in an iron, unlatched cage can rattle around
flying to each corner, nook, and cranny and fall to the platform.
It lacks the ability to understand, that the door can be opened
and that there is indeed a life outwards that it has yet to know
It is taunted relentlessly until it has used up every pent of energy it ever knew it had because ****, it gave up after so many attempts to diverge those iron bars that were just too small for its own good like tectonic plates that had yet to move..
It only knew of what it was told and what it was taught and that the way it is living is the normal way
...But it isn't...
Because what does a helpless bird know
when it does not even know life outside the iron cage,
with an unlatched door...
Feb 2015 · 404
mochiu Feb 2015
I knew I dreamt for him
woke for him
lived for him
because for once
when he was by my side
all my ticks stopped
my mind went quiet
and for a fleeting moment
I was at peace
I was loved.
Feb 2015 · 7.8k
mochiu Feb 2015
We go to couples counseling every week
you know, the usual "Has there been any progress?"
You see, OCD ... he is a bit obsessive.. and doesn't understand why we need counseling
His nails grind into the office chair and slams the door on the way out
He loves and cradles me with commands like flowers that bouquet against my mind
And the next morning as if the bouquets were to fall over from their steady placed vase, he apologizes.
There are mornings where I cannot leave the sheets because his arms are wrapped around my waist and do not want to let go because if he did I might as well be **** independent
If he loves me so much, why is it that I must wash my hands after tracing over everything he has touched.
OCD says he wants to protect me from all the dangers of the world...
and he reminds me by constantly ticking in my head
asking me if I locked the door...Yes
did I turn off the lights... Yes
did you turn off the stove...Yes
We went to counseling again this week
She says I'm closer to being independent
That little by little
I will be able to strive without OCD
by my side
There are mornings now
where I can leave the bed without his arms
sinking into my waist
and his demanding words
whispering in my ear constantly
"Just stay a little longer... The world is dangerous"
Now... when OCD leaves...
I tell him to make sure he closes the door on the way out.
Feb 2015 · 237
Ten Words (10w)
mochiu Feb 2015
How do you fit your feelings into *ten simple words?
Feb 2015 · 235
mochiu Feb 2015
I look at you
I don't see love
How I wish I did
But all I see
is poetry
Feb 2015 · 719
mochiu Feb 2015
I am the word hypocrite
In human form

I tell others to be strong
and yet I still mourn

"There's light at the end of the tunnel"
    I say

While they move towards
I can only stay

My legs like stone
my heart, a castle

Hypocrite in human form
My being remains a daily hassle
Feb 2015 · 323
mochiu Feb 2015
You know you are truly in love
when someone can lay you bare
and you are *not in the ****
Feb 2015 · 411
mochiu Feb 2015
" Love cannot last forever, it is the impossible"

And for just a fleeting moment, I thought,
"Oh, but darling, what if it *does
Feb 2015 · 265
As a Child
mochiu Feb 2015
I probably understood,
even as a child

I couldn't foresee the future
and greet it with a smile

I couldn't picture you there
to hold my hand throughout

Even as a child
I held the biggest doubts

And now I understand,
It's normal without you near

Because your child has grown up
and you still aren't here
Feb 2015 · 307
Sad Poets and Their Poetry
mochiu Feb 2015
"Why do you write such sad things? You have me."*

"The same reason you breathe, when you know you're only going to die."
Feb 2015 · 269
"To the Future!"
mochiu Feb 2015
Thoughts of the future
Scare me to death

Still pondering on the past

Still failing to realize
With all that I've been through

The future has come at last

I worried of the changes to behold
Unable to do anything without being told
Reassurance was key
I should not feel a thing

For the future will come and go
Nov 2014 · 1.7k
mochiu Nov 2014
She always wondered
    if loving you was wrong or right

These thoughts of you filled her head
     only on her darkest night

Like the ocean, you had stolen
     all her precious thoughts

Leaving her conscious
     in a mindless drought
Nov 2014 · 292
A Poem and A Poet
mochiu Nov 2014
I saw a poem fly right by
     begging to be read

It's word were torn and tattered
             it's pages slightly shred

It told me it was empty
        No poet to be seen

It'd weep in deafening silence
    It's cover, no longer clean

All I could say to the poem
  With words that only meant few

Was that before I met it
I was lonely too.
Oct 2014 · 240
Try Again
mochiu Oct 2014
If you fall
    get up as if it were your first time falling down
Sep 2014 · 317
Writers Block
mochiu Sep 2014
Writers block clouds my mind
And all I can do is wait in time

An empty paper
An ink filled pen

An unclear head
And no idea where to begin
Sep 2014 · 348
Don't worry about your size
mochiu Sep 2014
The world is pretty huge
I don't understand why we worry about
how much capacity our bodies take up
Our insecurities take up even more
Sep 2014 · 340
mochiu Sep 2014
Honestly, to me
I don't understand when they say
If you love them, let them free
If they love you, they'll come back
Because when you release a bird of its cage
It'll follow its own path
Sep 2014 · 313
mochiu Sep 2014
No, drugs are not an outlet
They're just a miserable sight
When you can only solely believe
That they're a way of life
I really despise drugs.
Sep 2014 · 325
mochiu Sep 2014
Believe me when I tell you
I never went away
Sep 2014 · 295
I'm Free
mochiu Sep 2014
My time has come
Do not grieve
God wanted me now
He set me *free
Sep 2014 · 232
The Last
mochiu Sep 2014
You must do what must be done
For this, my last battle, can't be won
Aug 2014 · 555
mochiu Aug 2014
I determine someone
By asking a question to myself
I'd smile with you, but would I laugh with you?
I'll follow you, but would I chase you?
I want you, but do I need you?
I love you, but will it *last?
Aug 2014 · 292
mochiu Aug 2014
We met
Then we parted
It was over before it started
Aug 2014 · 274
mochiu Aug 2014
For the sake of tomorrow
I will forgive the tears of today
Aug 2014 · 246
All there was
mochiu Aug 2014
If I told you my feelings
Would you feel it?
If I told you my heart was unkempt
Would you heal it?

If I asked you your feelings
Would you shield it?
If I turned away
Could you deal with it?
Aug 2014 · 259
Passing time
mochiu Aug 2014
Porcelain skin
And all that could and would have been
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Timekeeper and The Time
mochiu Aug 2014
She couldn't understand why people wasted their time being in love
She had plenty of other things she could do with her time

He couldn't understand how people couldn't waste some time being in love
He didn't have many things to do with his time

How can you waste your time doing such silly things? She said
How can you not? He replied
Falling in love, spending time with that person, your time is thrown away to the wind. She couldn't understand
That wind flies it to it's Timekeeper. He understood

I don't have a timekeeper. A hint of animosity in her voice
I don't have any time. A hint of hint of intimation in his voice
Aug 2014 · 274
mochiu Aug 2014
She wanted a little freedom
So she created her own world
She wandered a little
Still not enough for her
So she wandered a little more till
She couldn't wander anymore
She had wandered so far
She honestly had forgotten her way back
So she stayed there
In her own little world
Aug 2014 · 248
mochiu Aug 2014
She had honestly thought he was perfect
Straight A's
Good student
Didn't hang out with the bad kids
Didn't talk during class
But she didn't really know him.

So when she went to class that day
to her surprise he was there too
She was overcome with the joy that her unrequited love
was in the same class as her
Her heart thumped
It'd beat harder and harder
More intense by the minute

But she didn't really know him.

And when the class came to an end
So did her love
And the beating of her heart
The excitement she felt when she saw him
It all ceased to exist

Because she didn't really know **him.
I got a schedule change today.
Aug 2014 · 252
She still waits
mochiu Aug 2014
A love that could never be
She would wait so patiently

A heart that she could hold
They were all so very cold

A love full of clues
Things she never knew

A love without a cause
Is all it ever was
Aug 2014 · 253
You and I
mochiu Aug 2014
Life is full of little stories
Even one for you and me
And only we'll decide
What kind of Genre
our stories will be
Aug 2014 · 256
He and I
mochiu Aug 2014
You say that you love the sky
Yet you shield yourself from it
You say you love all flaws
Yet you pick at them bit by bit
You say that you love the world
Yet you lock yourself away
You say that you understand me
Yet you make my feelings sway
You say you love flowers
Yet you only pick a few
So when you say you love me
Should I really trust you?
mochiu Aug 2014
She insists that they set her free
The only way she can really be

That the tarnished liquid
soothes her soul
as soon as it begins to take it toll

The fog in the air isn't just clouds
It's a heaven she says
and it makes her proud

I know I'll say to her one day
That this was never just her coffin
It was her young inescapable fate
A girl in my school is 15 and does drugs, she also smokes and drinks, and she won't change.
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Face the truth with dignity
mochiu Aug 2014
Keep your doors wide open
And your windows shut tight
Aug 2014 · 379
mochiu Aug 2014
He learned the
Sorrowful feel
of parting in
the words
"see you tomorrow"

And the
speed of her
Aug 2014 · 282
You Decide
mochiu Aug 2014
Leaving someone behind
Or being left behind

Which is  more painful?
Aug 2014 · 265
There is no greater Agony
mochiu Aug 2014
There are those who from the beginning
Have always been long gone

While the others in the shadows
Have shone brilliantly all along
Aug 2014 · 276
This Heat
mochiu Aug 2014
What's this heat I feel within
The one hitting all my nerves

It seems whenever you're around
It really starts to burn

I'm begging for some cool relief  
But wait, stay where you are

Because I'm sure if you come closer
It'll surely leave a scar
Aug 2014 · 268
In a box, My precious
mochiu Aug 2014
I hide my feelings in a box
What if it got out?
If it came into reach
where I could touch it anytime
I would damage it
If that's the case I'd rather..

I'd rather put my hands away
Aug 2014 · 386
mochiu Aug 2014
Don't cry my darling
My small little child
You're not the only one
There is probably another
child like you who is
upset because they feel
nobody sees them.

Become the person
who recognizes that
other child.
Aug 2014 · 325
First Love
mochiu Aug 2014
Before I fell in love
        with words
        the sun lit sky
       the singing birds
        The frozen water
        that quenched my thirst
         It was you who I fell
          in love with first
Aug 2014 · 364
Once Upon a time
mochiu Aug 2014
Once upon a time
I told you all I felt inside
The little sacred bits
That from the world I'd hide

You used them as your weapons
And only then I'd learn
The less I'd come to tell you
The lesser I would hurt

There are things I'll never tell you
Such is sad to say so
The more you come to know me
The lesser you will know

So lets take our time to come to
And realize our judgments pending
And just maybe when it's over
we'll have our Happy Ending
Aug 2014 · 753
mochiu Aug 2014
What if everything had a roundabout exit
Another choice yet to make
The easy way out
Like a dense forest with a shortcut
Would you take it?
Jul 2014 · 240
My Words
mochiu Jul 2014
I've wrote and wrote
for days on end
I wonder why your heart won't bend

Are these words
your heart does not know
maybe it's just that
your blood doesn't flow

So it may be
That your heart,
just wasn't for me

Than again I also knew
My precious words,
just weren't for you
Jul 2014 · 234
No Solace
mochiu Jul 2014
I no longer have a home.
    I no longer have
a place to return to.

Nobody is waiting for me anyway.
   There's nobody
    who needs **me
Jul 2014 · 260
mochiu Jul 2014
My mind said you loved me
My heart said the opposite
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