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The UnKnown Sep 2020
I don't want to take meds for depression
Adding another component to my ****** up brain is only going to be stressful.

What if I dont take it?
Will everything feel worse?
Will my mind and body become so reliant on these stimulants that I wont know what different emotions feel like?

The "Happy" that ill be feeling will only be a temporary man made lala land.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
Different faces staring
They don't love you, only want to judge you.
And loving yourself though not easy,
Will make you see,
Their words and thoughts mean nothing.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
Where there used to be a heart.
Full of love and admiration.
Is left a hole.
Dark as night.
Empty as a black hole.
You feed the hole with emotions.
Over time it gets bigger,
and bigger.
Until the Hole isn't just where your heart was.
Now it is your lungs too,
You cant breathe.
The black hole spreads to your head,
And takes over your mind.
You cant think.
The UnKnown Nov 2020
It's like I feel restless,
My thoughts racing but at the same time nothing is happening.
I'm just surrounded by silence in the dead of night.
The only sound is my keyboard as I type out this poem,
Hoping it will reach you.
The UnKnown Jun 2020
I need you in my life,
you are my everything.

A sister and a bestfriend wrapped into one.

but why,
Why do you have to leave me.

What will I do without you?

Who will you use to replace me?

Have you realized that ive cried for hours on end just for you?

Thinking of when you'll finally leave me,
And our beloved childhood homes.

I cant function without you.

You are my soldier to cry on,
My friend to laugh with,
And my mirror to talk to.

I'll miss you.
Im gonna miss my sister so much when she moves. She is my best friend, and has always been there for me whenever I needed her. I love you Hope.
The UnKnown Aug 2020
I think I need help,
I know that I need help

But I am supposed to be the strong one,
The one who helps others through tough times.

How can I help others if I can't help myself?

I don't want help,
Because it will show others my weak points
It will show them my hurt,
And give them every chance in the world to hurt me more.

So I'll throw my feelings away
For those who need help
The UnKnown Feb 2020
I wanna be alone right now.

I wanna curl up and cry,

Maybe even die.

Trust me I've tried,

But I can't leave your side.

The pain gets worse,

And nobody notices.

So I keep it inside and wait for a witness,

Of what I do to myself,

There's no saving me now.

The cuts are deep,

So the harder I weep

I needed somebody to save me



P l e a s e
The UnKnown Jan 2020
They call you names.
They tear away at any piece of sanity you still posses.
You starve yourself,
to be "skinny".
Your demons keep you up,
So you get no sleep.
You are cornered,
left in the dark.
Surrounded by the people who you
aspire so much to be like.
You believe it is the only way to evade them.
Each of their harsh words another cut on your wrists,
burn on your arm,
and hit your face.
All to be who they want you to be.
What about what you want?
The UnKnown Jan 2020
Who knows what is next?
Whats to come tomorrow,
In the next week,
Its scary really.
Not knowing what your own life has to offer to you.
There will be ups
And downs
But through it all,
You will stay you.
No matter who tries to tear you down,
You will only keep growing.
Your life only ends,
When you stop believing.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
She was alone,
Judged by all.
Put others before herself.
Still she waited,
She hated herself,
For everything she loved,
She hated,
And worst of all she hurt.
Not others but herself.
The pain growing ever more prominent in her
She was not enough,
Not for herself,
Nor anyone else.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
You ask me "are you okay?"
"yes" I reply.
but cant you tell that deep down its a lie?
The pressure is building up inside my head,
Sometimes I really wish,
I was dead.
The UnKnown Feb 2020
You were the bud,
That was sitting in the shade.

Then the sun came and you became the rose.
You bloomed into something three times as beautiful.

You were content.

Until someone came and plucked you from your vine.
They let you wilt.
left you for dead so that they could have the sun.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
These are not just scars.
These are the countless demons,
Hurtful words,
And emotions she keeps chained inside.
The UnKnown Apr 2020
I sneeze when I get anxious,
Or stressed,
Or sad.

So if you see or hear me sneeze,
Do not say "God Bless You."

Because if God does truly exist,
Then at this point,
He does NOT care.

He will simply shrug a shoulder at you,
And turn his back.

Do not Bless me,
Because at this point,
I do not want your help.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
You are drowning,
In your own sorrow.
You are doleful.
Lost in your mind.
Only you can save yourself.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
A Grin,
Plastered on your face.
Or so it seems.
Inside you're breaking down.
Picking out every flaw as you look in the mirror.
A tear.
Rolls down your cheek,
as you reach for the blade.
The blood flows as you cry.
The same smile.
nobody knows.
Its the secret you cant keep in,
so you let it out.
It becomes those cuts, burns, and bruises.
Your eyes gleam with the tears that you shed.
They dont know,
That the prettiest eyes shed the most tears.
The prettiest smile,
Has felt the most pain.
The UnKnown Jul 2020
Im Tired of trying

Im Tired of crying

Im tired of you lying

Im tired of listening and being gullible

Im tired of trying to be sensible

Im tired of being inaudible
I feel like this poem didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to. The first three lines went fine, but I feel that the last three were difficult to comprehend. They meant: I'm tired of falling for your lies, I'm tired of trying to reason with you, I'm tired of not being heard.
The UnKnown Jul 2020
I feel like everything is going so slow
Like everyday is a year.
But at the same time,
When I'm hanging out with someone or even just texting them,
Time seems to fly by.

Give me a day that feels like a day.
Give me the time to talk to someone and not have it end in a flash
The UnKnown Jul 2020
It feels like some inescapable thing,
Is trying to replace my heart
Before it knows how to beat on its own
The UnKnown Jul 2020
We all have that person who we want to talk to

But it hurts our soul

When they dont want to talk back
The UnKnown Aug 2022
There are consequences to every choice.
You made the wrong choice
The UnKnown Jul 2020
Do you ever take a nap,

And hope that while you are lost in slumber,

That the wave of depression that has washed over you,

Decides to break while you're sound asleep
The UnKnown Jun 2020
When people see that I'm sad they'll ask me whats wrong
but I cant tell them that I'm always sad and
I just didn't have the energy to hide it today.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
You're screaming at your self tonight.
Wishing to start another life.
The UnKnown Dec 2022
Sometimes tears feel like broken glass
Like pushing a gem out of my eyes
Causing them to scratch and burn
Causing my vision to blur
And my lashes to wet
Sometimes the gems that are tears fall and shatter
Like the first drop of rain on the pavement that is my bathroom floor
Soon causing a puddle of shimmering diamonds
There's beauty in the sad
And pain in the beauty
The UnKnown Aug 2022
This one is different,
on the inside it’s a quiet forest reaching up toward a warm, pastel sky.
After a few moments I get this floaty feeling in my stomach and I feel like I’m being lifted into the sky.
Something inside me hesitates.
I squeeze my eyes shut to block the feeling out.
It hurts to look at this forest and this sky, because deep down, I know they’re not real. The tears come.
I try desperately to be quiet but, being incapable of it my voice is getting a nervous high pitch to it
The UnKnown Jul 2020
Its funny how slowly time goes by
when my mind has been racing
all this time
The UnKnown Aug 2020
I'm afraid that one day my broken pieces will end up cutting, and bruising you, to the point that you just walk away/
The UnKnown Jan 2020
As you lie there in your bed,
The thoughts start rushing to your head.
Of what you should have done.
Nobody can change the past,
Not anyone.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
You are not the star,
But the dust it left behind.
You are not the fame,
But the emptiness it left behind.
You are not the picture,
But the empty frame.
You are not the person,
But the shadow that follows them.

What if the roles were reversed?

What if you were the star?
Would you be sad about the person who was left in the dust?
What if you had the fame?
Would you feel the emptiness of the onlookers?
What if you were the picture?
Would it hurt to look at the people you left behind?

Would you wish you went back to being in the shadows?
The UnKnown Jan 2020
You may feel it,
though not often true.
You are useless,
And alone.
But take my hand,
And I will pull you from this depression.
Together we can start over.
Form a new life,
New thoughts and actions,
Then soon enough the hate you hold for yourself,
will be abolished.
By your new found happiness.

— The End —