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The UnKnown Jun 2020
When people see that I'm sad they'll ask me whats wrong
but I cant tell them that I'm always sad and
I just didn't have the energy to hide it today.
The UnKnown Apr 2020
I sneeze when I get anxious,
Or stressed,
Or sad.

So if you see or hear me sneeze,
Do not say "God Bless You."

Because if God does truly exist,
Then at this point,
He does NOT care.

He will simply shrug a shoulder at you,
And turn his back.

Do not Bless me,
Because at this point,
I do not want your help.
The UnKnown Feb 2020
I wanna be alone right now.

I wanna curl up and cry,

Maybe even die.

Trust me I've tried,

But I can't leave your side.

The pain gets worse,

And nobody notices.

So I keep it inside and wait for a witness,

Of what I do to myself,

There's no saving me now.

The cuts are deep,

So the harder I weep

I needed somebody to save me



P l e a s e
The UnKnown Feb 2020
You were the bud,
That was sitting in the shade.

Then the sun came and you became the rose.
You bloomed into something three times as beautiful.

You were content.

Until someone came and plucked you from your vine.
They let you wilt.
left you for dead so that they could have the sun.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
You're screaming at your self tonight.
Wishing to start another life.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
As you lie there in your bed,
The thoughts start rushing to your head.
Of what you should have done.
Nobody can change the past,
Not anyone.
The UnKnown Jan 2020
You are not the star,
But the dust it left behind.
You are not the fame,
But the emptiness it left behind.
You are not the picture,
But the empty frame.
You are not the person,
But the shadow that follows them.

What if the roles were reversed?

What if you were the star?
Would you be sad about the person who was left in the dust?
What if you had the fame?
Would you feel the emptiness of the onlookers?
What if you were the picture?
Would it hurt to look at the people you left behind?

Would you wish you went back to being in the shadows?
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