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Soleil Oct 2018
Rushing, passing don’t know what to do
I have to get out of here as fast as I can
What if I can’t do this
People don’t understand
But I’m here for you I do , I do understand
I may not understand everything about it or how the exact feeling is, but I do know that your hurting and anxious and I can help you
~Soleil DeLorge~
Soleil Oct 2018
I’ll make a quick text...
Nothing will happen...
Everyone does it...
Look down one word
That was nothing
Done finish my sent...
And that’s all that it takes put phones down before finishing the sentence.
~Soleil DeLorge~
Soleil Oct 2018
Going over, going over your own head with too many thoughts thinking you’re  not good enough or pretty enough, you are, you’re yourself your are truly amazing all the bad parts in life should be used as a positive. Don’t let people bring you down you be you and do what you truly want to.
~Soleil DeLorge~
Soleil Oct 2018
Darkness it screams at you to leave
It prays for light
It want to make it through the dreadful night
~Soleil DeLorge~
Soleil Oct 2018
The wind the whirl
The soft and cold breeze through my hair
As I lay back on the crunchy red and orange leaves
Beauty over takes this month
sweaters and warm hot coco
The laughs underneath my breath
The warm hugs I share with the ones I love
I love this month more then anything
This puts a smile on my face
It opens my mind up like a key to a locked door
My thoughts run up to the rustling trees
I have no worry in the world
I love this month
~Soleil DeLorge~
Soleil Oct 2018
The stars will eventually meet the moon. The bee will meet the flower. The fish will meet the worm. The water and sky will meet for the horizon, and eventually my heart will meet yours~Soleil DeLorge

— The End —