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Mar 2019 · 184
Silent Cry
Aya Sofea Mar 2019
The storm rage within her eyes,
As the tears shed down to the pillow,
She tried to scream as loud,
But no voice could come out.

With every breath she struggled,
As her throat started to dry,
And the next morning with puffy eyes,
It seems like she had survived another night.
Apr 2018 · 214
The Truth
Aya Sofea Apr 2018
I'm fine.
Im fine.
I'm fine.
I repeat it many times.

I'm okay.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
But in my head it's all a fray.

It felt like being cursed,
To have repeating these words,
With smiles on show,
And true feelings hidden.
Feb 2018 · 170
To my beloved parents
Aya Sofea Feb 2018
To start, let me apologise,
For all the mistakes that I've done,
For all the harsh words I used,
And for being stubborn from time to time.

But despite all those things,
You never given up on me,
Yet you still embraced me,
With all the warmth and love the I need.

And I just want you to know,
For all the small things you did,
That I never said thank you for,
I really did appreciate it.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
To the both of you who cared for me so much,
And if I were given a chance to change my life,
I won't change a thing because you guys are mine.

Happy anniversary to my beloved parents,
I hope the bond between us will grow stronger,
And once more I wish you on your special day,
To be filled with happiness and love in every way.
Since today is my parents' anniversary day, I want to express my gratitude to them through this poem.
Feb 2018 · 260
To the person who i admired
Aya Sofea Feb 2018
To the person who have been with me,
Since we were little till now,
Who have taught me so many things,
Even the things that I've never thought of.

To the person who have a warm heart,
Who gives me a shoulder to cry on,
Who helps me going through hardships,
And cheering me up when I'm feeling sick.

To the person who I admired,
Who always spread joys unbound,
Who doesn't complain when having problems,
And who always priorities others around.

To that person who is my cousin,
My friend,
And my supporter,
My wish for you is to be happier.

Finally to that person I wish you a Happy birthday,
I will always pray for you no matter what happens,
And my love for you shall never end,
So once again happy birthday to my dear cousin and friend.
It was my cousin's birthday recently, but I don't really know what to give her as a birthday present so I just wrote a poem to express my gratitude towards my special cousin
Feb 2018 · 140
First Love
Aya Sofea Feb 2018
There is said that first love is forever,
But they don't know it's meant to be a dissever,
So will you try your best to endeavour,
To last the relationship for ever?
Sep 2017 · 321
The Angel
Aya Sofea Sep 2017
As the sun shown its last brightness,
And the sea's sparkles began to fade,
There I saw an angel watching the sunset,
Then she turned as we gazed.

Her eyes shines brighter than stars,
And when the cold breeze blows,
Her long hair brushes her cheeks,
And thus made my heart skipped.

We stared at each other long enough,
To make my cheeks blushy red,
As I clumsily tripped over a rock,
Then I saw her vanished away.

(Guy's P.O.V.)
Sep 2017 · 167
That Night
Aya Sofea Sep 2017
I still remember that night,
With the sound of pouring rain,
I still remember how I held your hand so tight,
But you chose to leave me with pain.

Somehow you knew that this would end,
But fake a smile and said everything's going to be fine,
And somehow I wasn't that surprised when you went,
But somewhere in my heart I wish you were forever mine.
Sep 2017 · 269
Shattering Memories
Aya Sofea Sep 2017
I thought you'd stay,
But then I saw you walked away,
All the lies and things you've said,
The day you left me filled with dread.

We used to dance in the rain,
But now the memories turned to pain,
Have you forgotten what we had gain?
Or was it all just your feign?

All the tears that I've shed,
The night was filled with flowing red,
The songs that we wrote the imaginations we fed,
In my memories it will shred.
Sep 2017 · 145
The Darkness
Aya Sofea Sep 2017
I ran and ran as fast as I could,
Running away from the darkness as far as I should,
Wondering around where my feet takes me to,
As to where... I have no clue.

No matter how tired I was I kept on scudding,
But then the darkness kept on flooding,
By then I could feel my blood rushing,
And I breathe with my chest heaving.

I ran and ran as fast as I could,
Running away from the darkness as far as I should,
But no matter how far I went the road was endless,
Then I realized running was hopeless.

— The End —