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109 · Nov 2018
Madison Smith Nov 2018
I have songs I can’t sing anymore
Because all the lyrics are words he said

I have shirts I can’t wear anymore
Because they belong to the moment you touched me in them

I have pictures on my phone I can’t look through
Because if I did it would all come back

I have movies I can’t watch
Because they were your favorite

I have places I can’t go
Because once we were together

I have feelings I can’t forget
Because I always hope one day you would feel them too
I’m afraid if I let it all in I would never come back
107 · Oct 2018
My body
Madison Smith Oct 2018
My lips belong to you sence that first kiss
Our chemistry burnt them into that time
Thinking of that day makes me reminisce
I know taking them back would be a crime

My skin is only alive touching yours
With the way we are it may never wake.
If only you were a thing sold in stores
When I see you I still feel my heart break

My eyes see only when they look at you
Otherwise I might as well become blind
My ears hear only when your voice comes through
Every other noise is now undefined

This body is only mine I declared
Yet parts have been lost to the past we shared
My body is mine only, however parts of me have been lost to history and simply live in memories of our time together.
103 · Nov 2018
Madison Smith Nov 2018
I don’t think about you constantly
I don’t look at you from across the room
I don’t worry about what my next text is going to say
I don’t love you anymore

However that anymore implies I once did
Oh god did I

Every song you sent me was lyrics for us
Every eye contact was looking into your soul
Every smile for you
Every night sleep was lost and time was yours

However I don’t love you anymore
But I once did

Your voice would calm me
Your laugh would leave me smiling for hours
Your body would leave me wanting you
Your eyes would light up when we talked

However, I don’t love you anymore
But I once did

We would joke about so Many things
We would listen to music only we liked
We would talk about life the good and the bad
We would hold each other

However we don’t do these things anymore
But I still love you
We haven’t talked in forever.
But it feels like we did. The pain is still there
98 · Oct 2018
Almost lover
Madison Smith Oct 2018
Have you ever seen someone in a crowd
Or made eye contact from across the room
You know that you two could’ve been endowed
And in some life they could’ve been your groom
Maybe it’s there smile that draws you in
Or simple things you don’t typically see
You wonder how it feels to touch there skin
But these thoughts are Merely momentary
Your eyes make love as if there stuck in time
Quickly it ends with your asking what if
Different life and we were partners in crime
But the gods of fate seem to be quite stiff
Yet as we pass I know I still wonder
If our love would’ve been waves or thunder
Me and him make eye contact from a cross the room. We both know it shouldn’t have ended, but it’s too late now that we’re steangers.

— The End —