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1.9k · Jan 2014
Depression is not a 1st world problem
it is not a rich or poor person problem
it's not something that will just go away as you get older
or something you are immune to when you are younger
depression is not something that can be wished or willed away
depression is not a problem that only the weak or strong experience
it is not bound by race or ***
it is not something you can run away from
depression is not something you can lock away and forget about
depression won't leave you alone at night
it's not something that cares who your friends with or who you know
it doesn't care if you're sick or healthy
depression is something felt by all*
-Jeffrey Sutter
1.7k · Oct 2012
Perfect Kiss
His lips press against my neck
My hair stands on end and my fists clinch tight
His arms rap around my chest like a straitjacket
He is rough in all the right ways
He pushes me against the wall
His breath warms the back of my neck
I feel him slowly turn me around to face him
His soft hands wrap around my waist so gently
I look deep into his light brown eyes
His eyes pull me toward him like an inescapable gravitational field
The space between us grows ever smaller
My mind is racing at the speed of light
Our lips touch for the first time
My mind freezes
My body goes numb and is then filled with a warming since of passion and love
Are lips feel like two puzzle pieces that were made to fit together
I finally understand what the perfect kiss feels like
This perfect moment is stopped by a screeching noise followed by a bone shacking vibration
I wake up to my life and get ready for work* -Jeffrey Sutter
1.6k · Oct 2012
I tell her that I forgive her as I look into her eyes
She looks at me and smiles assured that the lie I just told her was the truth
I tell myself it’s the truth as lying to myself is the only way I can muster up the courage to say it
I hold her close as I think about the lie I have just told
I tell myself I just need more time
I tell myself that it’s her fault I can’t forgive her
Many years pass as I hold on to the hatred and anger I have in my heart for her
I look in the mirror and see nothing but a hurt child refusing to let go of the past
I convince myself that letting the anger go will mean letting her go
I reach the edge of the dam and look across at the vast river of hate I have allowed to flow into my heart
I tell myself that it’s time to let it all go
I open the gates and allow myself to cry
The feelings of anger flow out of me like a raging river roaring down a mountain after the first snow melt
I can finally start to forgive
          I can finally tell her I forgive her*
-Jeffrey Sutter
1.5k · Oct 2012
Out Of The Closet
Another night left alone to ponder my life,
Another night to dream of a life that is not mine,
The darkness thickens around me as I try and grasp what my life has lead up to,
My mind spins uncontrollably as I contemplate the decisions I made,
I sit under the one poorly lit light left in my world,
As it flickers on and off each time threatening to never come back on,
Time is continuously wasted by my obsession to figure out what it all means,
And in this chaotic time of my life,
That’s when it hits me like the bolt of a rifle slamming into a bullet,
I know who I am inside,
I have always known,
My mind has been tricked,
Weighed down by the unforgiving nature of our society,
The flickering light in which I sit under burns brighter than ever,
Now not only lighting up the small corner I sit in but the whole room,
With the path I need to take finally lit by not a flickering light but by the sun,
I am finally ready to stand up* -Jeffrey Sutter
1.1k · Sep 2013
I don't feel anymore
I tear it out because I don't need it anymore
I don't want to play anymore
I don't want to stand and fight anymore
I can't take anymore
I have no tears anymore
I'm done and its over
I'm tired of shaking
I'm tired of waking up and not knowing
I'm tired of stuffing it all inside
There's no room left anymore
There's no fight left anymore
The war is over and i'm not sure who's the winner
I can't do this anymore*
-Jeffrey Sutter
891 · Jan 2014
Have You Ever
Have you ever had everything right in front of you
  Then watched it get wrenched away from you as your fingers grip tight trying to hang on
     Leaving nothing but a black void in you
Have you ever filled yourself with hate and depression
  Feeling of hopelessness and broken dreams
     The belief that everything is always going to turn against you, or leave you
Have you ever stared at the dark sky wondering what keeps you going
  Wishing someone would take you away or end the searing pain inside you
     Wondering if anyone would even miss you or care
Have you ever warn a fake smile so long you forget what a real one feels like
  Exhausting yourself trying to keep others from knowing how you feel
    Fearing that someone might see through your mask of darkness
      Fearing that someone might make you smile for real and then leave you
        Fearing that everything will start working out again just in time to all fall back apart
          Fearing that nothing is ever going to make you happy
            Fearing that no one is ever going to understand you or make you happy
Have you ever felt like cutting yourself just so you didn't feel that deep empty pain if only for  a moment
  Thinking why can't I just be happy
    Why can't everything just work out for me
Have you ever thought tomorrow was going to be the day you ended your life long torment
  Feeling like you might take the razor a little deeper tomorrow
   Feeling like you have given it your all and you have nothing left
Have you ever felt like you were all alone in your pain
  Like you had no one who could truly understand you
   Thinking you were just weak and pathetic
     Been to afraid to talk out of fear of what people would say or think
       Worried about how your friends or family would feel
You are not alone
  You are not pathetic or weak
    You are not broken beyond repair
      Tomorrow doesn't need to be your last day
        You don't have to cut to make that pain go away
          You won't always lose everything even if it feels like
            You are not alone
              You are not forgotten or replaceable
                You can stand back on your feet
                  You will get through everything even when it seems impossible
                    You will be understood by the people who care about you
                      You are not stupid for feeling depressed about any of it
                        You are strong enough to keep pushing
                          You will smile again and feel the joy of laughter
                            You will look back at your life someday and be happy you didn't give up
                              You need to let people in and talk
                                You do need to express yourself because nobody can do it better
                                  You will never be judge by people who truly matter or care
                                    You can get through this
828 · Nov 2012
Empty Bottle
He looks at the empty bottle he has just fished off
He punches the wall and tells himself this is the last time
He knows this is the same thing he told himself yesterday but refuses to admit he has a problem
His pain has been replaced by the feeling of numbness and confusion
He just sits and waits for the day the lights finally shut off
He thinks to himself maybe then I will finally find happiness.* -Jeffrey Sutter
*I wrote this only because I hadn't written anything in a while... I hate this poem...
789 · Jun 2013
Empty voice
Divested self worth and shattered dreams
my heart bleeds to feed the screaming voices
in hopes that my blood will purge them from my mind
and desecrate my thoughts of a life long lost* - Jeffrey Sutter
789 · Oct 2012
Cold Night
Another night spent shaking in the cold waiting for the warmth of love to warm him
Another day spent waiting for love to flow through his heart            
Another week spent crying in the shadows cast by his broken soul
Another month spent walking along the shattered edges of his world
Another unfathomable year spent in a desolate life
Another lonely boy looking for nothing more than for someone to appreciate his existence*
-Jeffrey Sutter
770 · Oct 2012
Last Goodbye
He looks into her sparkling eyes
He reminds himself to breath
She smiles at him and touches his arm
His heart skips
Time seems to lose all meaning
And within this timeless moment he knows he can stay with her forever
He moves closer gently placing his arms around her pulling her tightly against him.
He has never felt anything so warm
He smiles knowing this moment will never end
A tear runs down her face
He tells her that he will always be there
Time starts to move again
He knows this is the last kiss good bye
He leans down toward her slowly still looking into her eyes
Their lips touch
Years of memory’s rush threw his head
He hears the screeching of the train
Their lips slowly separate
He says I love you as he feels her warmth leave him for the last time* -Jeffrey Sutter
719 · Jan 2013
Life  is an ever ending mystery
Life is cruel and will kick you when your down
Life doesn't care who you are or who you know
Life doesn't stop and wait for you to ketch up
Life will speed right past you if you waste it
Life will make you wish you never had it to begin with
Life can scar you deeper than any knife can
Life can make you want to give up
But Life can also bring joy
Life is what you fight to keep
Life is the greatest gift you can give
Life is always worth keeping
Don't ever give up on Life* -Jeffrey Sutter
647 · Dec 2012
My Other Half
Another day passes as he wishes he had been born differently
Another day he puts on clothes he doesn't like
Another day he looks into the mirror and feels nothing but pain and sadness
Another day he wastes his breath praying to god to change him
Another day he walks through the mall and wishes he could change his body
Another lie told to a friend when asked if he is okay
Another night spent dreaming about the life he feels he should be living
Another week spent feeling completely alone
Another year spent living the same life
A life he feels deep in his heart is the wrong one.*- Jeffrey Sutter
610 · Sep 2013
Just Listen
I'm done with the games
I'm done with this pain
I won't hide behind my barricaded door
I won't stand here and just let my voice go unheard
If I have to scream then i'll scream
I'll scream till the world shakes apart
I'll scream till someone finally looks at me
I won't go back into the dark
I won't be pushed back anymore
I won't be stopped or shut down anymore
If I have to move you then I'll move you
I can't be turned away anymore
I can't fix the broken pieces anymore
My hands have been cut to shreds and I just can't grip any longer
I can't back up anymore
The walls are right behind me and I'm just screaming on my knees
Screaming that someone will just look at me
Screaming that someone will stick out a hand
I'm on my knees just screaming
Screaming for a hand to grip
Please just listen to me
Just listen to what I have to say
Please just don't let me go unheard
Don't let the world drowned me out
I have something to say
I have something that needs to be heard
I won't scream forever but I'm screaming now
Just don't let my voice fall on deaf ears
Just listen to me
Listen to me while I'm still screaming
Listen to me while I still have breath in these lungs
Listen while I still have something to say* -Jeffrey Sutter
547 · Mar 2015
This is it
The last drive
The last song
The last time I will fail
For my beginning or end
The final goodbye
I can't go back any further
I'm at the edge of the cliff and everything is pushing me forward
I can't scream any louder
No one is coming
Its just me
I have to decided
Do I push back or fall forward
The problems are many
Building everything but me
The world takes on a new light even in the darkness of night
Does this final glimmer of hope have enough to push me back
Enough to push everything back
Or is this the story of someone who found peace off the cliff

— The End —