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Oct 2018 · 345
Dear diary
Adrie Oct 2018
This is going to be my diary.
I don't care if you read it or like it. This is for me and whoever needs it with that said here goes nothing.
Today is October the 27th it's 8:06 PM.
I just got off the phone with my boyfriend and honestly, I don't know if he's mad or sad. I just worry about him I worry about everything but who doesn't in 2018, don't we all have social anxiety or something along those lines by now?
( Not trying to be an *** because I have social anxiety so yah anyway )
I have no idea but whatever.
I'm just a lonely human I hate that about me also I've lost all my friends this year but I've gained one dam good man (my boyfriend). Sometimes, I miss my old friends at the same time I know I've made the best decision I've ever made (leaving my old friends).
I don't know but one thing I know for sure that isn't going to last forever I'm going to make new friends and they will be 10 times better than my old ones.
I have my whole dam life to live so that's how I feel right now.
Until next time
Goodbye for now.
Sincerely, Slushy
Sorry, my mind is going everywhere here's a pice for all of you.
Oct 2018 · 220
Adrie Oct 2018
Hello yes, I'm thinking you about.
Why you may ask yourself?
Maybe because I miss you or maybe because I still love you.
But let's not get into that right now.
I wish you the best of luck with the "love of your life"...
By the way, I think is ******* because if you actually loved her
you wouldn't have had your hands on my hips or your kisses
on my lips now would you?
I could say that I don't care anymore but the truth is...
I still do... But its fine now I know that you loved me at one point but you didn't really since
I was just a toy to you, wasn't I?

— The End —