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944 · May 2014
Frederick Hart May 2014
blind to reason
committing treason
lighting the fire
couldn't be any higher
bringing down walls
diving over the falls

voices fill the halls
angry with laws
makin  the call
its not crazy
its just not  for the lazy
so get off your ***

don’t park on the grass
learn to do it with class
that's how you make it last
loving living life fast
forced to lighting pace
like everything's a race

what a ******* blast
its why I'm trashed
lets make a splash
pour on the gas
there is no free pass
life's just a pain in the ***
857 · May 2014
The Troubled Monkey
Frederick Hart May 2014
He was small, brown, and funny, full of joy
He spent his days in the shade of the trees
Then came the dreadful buzzing killer bees
With the killer bees came an angry boy
The angry boy chopped down the monkey's home
Then the monkey was enraged with fury
So he grabbed his nine ready for revenge
He killed the boy and went on a binge
In the deep dark depression he found worry
So the mean monkey stole a garden gnome
The monkey's life was a roller coaster
He was as cranky as a grizzly bear
All those he knew in his life ceased to care
Now all that is left is a wanted poster
578 · Jul 2014
Frederick Hart Jul 2014
Love is a progressively debilitating mental condition of irrational behavior, generated by repetitive occurrence of desired emotion.  All emotions originate simultaneously with personal thought or belief.  Then love associates with some form of a focal point.  Virtually any thought invoking component of existence can be convinced as a focal point including, people, possessions, or even activities.  The intensity and duration of love is typically variable, due to fluctuating emotional arousal.  In-order for emotional stimulation to maintain initial performance levels, over extended duration, exercises must be conducted with the focal point.  Once repetitive supply of euphoric feeling is established retardation of the brain is accelerated, drastically restricting rational thought.  Without the function of rational thought, behavior becomes irregular resulting in rash conclusions.   In case of emergency, ending contact with the target focal point neutralizes personal thoughts and beliefs, eliminating love in theory.
568 · May 2014
Frederick Hart May 2014
its that hand I've been waiting on
the one I go all in on
the river slides off the deck
as a bead of sweat rolls down my neck
this is it, do or dead
trust my gut, don't get read
heart pounding heavy like a sledge
ridding everything right on the edge
step out confident over the line
capture my moment in time
throw down those pocket deuces
then just wait for the excuses
I can't believe my eyes
swept the table, claimed the prize
crawled to the mountain top
living so full about to pop
got me addicted to the thrill
blind to any eventual spill
now I cant never stop
even after a nasty flop
when you lose some ground
don't ever quit, hang around
cause you always know
our winding river will flow
rapid and rough  or slow and calm
grab hold my palm
and with your hand
we'll find dry land
a crimson empty sunset shore
walking with the one I adore
539 · May 2014
The End
Frederick Hart May 2014
I am over that, go smoke crack
have a heart attack while you crap
I never want your *** back
Watch how you get your fix
like ******* ***** and ******* ******
stupid ******* trick
filthy nasty ***** *****
I pray you end up given up
press your luck and get ******
But that's how it goes
sometimes it blows, hard a bows
frost bite in that December snow
all because of these god dam hoes
our world is hooked on a product
and that stinking *****'s got it
that's why I need some ******* healing
from all this coping with the emotion
of this lack of devotion
like I'm drifting out into the ocean
lost in an endless sea of co-motion
splashing and thrashing, gasping
forgotten is that so called love everlasting
all we have left is lust
an i know one thing i can trust
seriously there had to be something
hard to believe I was ******* nothing
after all you should not have said
the piles of ******* I was fed
you did your best to fold me
handcrafted hate could not hold me
for i carry with me his faith
you know not what it would take
no iron gate will slow me down
for I have always found
looking back takes me back
the panic attacks, oh how you'd snap
I never needed any of that
I can't make up all you lack
I've had all I can take
you sealed your fate
its like I am finally awake
telling you its to dam late
sometimes i wish you weren't so fake
that you didn't blow out the candles on our cake
but I have just lost that fire
that hot burning internal desire
its long been done
lost all its dam fun
this drama is definitely over
of course that's the luck of an Irish clover
528 · Jan 2015
Sturgill Simpson- Storm
Frederick Hart Jan 2015
Please don't think me a lazy man
Because I've been sitting around all day with the blues
I know how it looks but don't misunderstand
It's just that I can tell a storm's about to brew
Cause there's thunder inside my mind
There's lightning behind these eyes

There's a lull and the wind is dying down
Don't let it fool you the storm ain't done
Flood waters rolling in and my hearts gonna drown
Our love wilted like a flower that ain't got enough sun

Well the thunder in my head might go away
And the river of pain will flow back to the sea
If you would only come back home to stay
It'd bring a stop to the rain and happiness to me
Well if you would just come back I'd be so grateful
And the storm would be over
The world wouldn't seem so mean and hateful
And I'd lay you down on a bed of yellow clover
471 · Jul 2015
Frederick Hart Jul 2015
I’m proud of where I call home
I live out where the crops are grown
where we can live, without a phone
and we can make it on our own
where you break a sweat, when you work
and you give all, just to make a buck
we ain’t afraid, to dig no ditch
out here we don’t, sit and *****
we jump on it quick, lend a hand
work on through, and get r done
But how much more, can we take
of the stealing, from our plate
we have given in, and given up
it’s like we just don’t, give a ****
but that won’t work, that won’t win
we got to see it, to the end
so stand up tall scream and shout
let the flag wave about
let em come on down my gravel road
and see the place I call home
where the white tail roam
where I'll make a stand
to defend this land
from dear old uncle sam
when his out stretched hand has finally overreached
I’ll lay’em out at my feet
391 · Jul 2015
Frederick Hart Jul 2015
No distance of feet
brings two minds closer
No truer a fact
exists than that
If the freedom flower rotts
What cold reality blumes
What could be left undiscovered
What more is needed to be seen
360 · Jul 2014
Frederick Hart Jul 2014
Integrity is a guaranty of honesty in a mans word and without it he is nothing.

A pistol is only a means to get to a rifle, because a man with a pistol is a threat  but a man with a rifle is a weapon.

I wish not to be independently wealthy but to be independent of wealth.

Life is hard. Its even harder when your stupid.
330 · May 2014
Frederick Hart May 2014
And wouldn't it be wiser,
Than waiting like a dunce,
To go to work in earnest
And learn the thing at once?

Suppose that some boys have a horse
And some a coach a pair
Will it tire you less while walking
To say, "It isn't fair?"
And wouldn't it be nobler
to keep your temper sweet
and in your heart be thankful
you can walk upon your feet?

Suppose the world don't please you.
Nor the way some people do
Do you think the whole creation
will be altered just for you?
And isn't it, my boy or girl
The wisest, bravest plan
Whatever come, or doesn't come
To do the best you can?

326 · May 2014
Two Words
Frederick Hart May 2014
What is impossible?
Does it really exist?
Is it found in nature?
Or is it man made?
Made by the mind to comfort man
To justify mans failure
To give the weak an accuse
Everything was impossible at some point, was it not?
All that exist is what we have done and what we haven't done
Anything and Everything is possible
It is up to the mind to disregard its limitations, and reach out for the
The key to all success and failure
The key of determination and desire
The beacon of light that blinds so many
The ability to live without fear of others
The capacity to over come every obstacle
To put the vision above all else
The answer can be as simply as two words
I will, not I might, I could, or I'll try but I will
Because two words change the mind
Two words erase the limitations of impossible
Two words control a person's entire existence
Two words are the difference between a life of limitations,
And a life of opportunity
290 · May 2014
Do You
Frederick Hart May 2014
If to US they are THEM
Then to THEM they are US
and we are THEM
But then there is YOU
who is neither US nor THEM
But your not ME, I am ME
and that's who I'll be
As long as YOU stay YOU
and don't find yourself an US or THEM
289 · May 2014
Number One
Frederick Hart May 2014
first place to all the rest
simply because your the best
I know no fear with you at my side
I can speak straight from my heart
which told me right from the start
deep in my soul you’d capture me whole
holding you in my arms melts the world away
each tantalizing kiss more delicious than the last
with every sensual touch of your soft tender lips
I flood with incredible uncontrollable bliss
I have never known a passion quite like this
always you’ll be the one
forever my only one
because your my number one
287 · May 2014
Frederick Hart May 2014
Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.  Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.  Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best.  Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.  Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.  Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you!

-Christian D. Larson
244 · May 2014
Behind Blue Eyes
Frederick Hart May 2014
passers by seem to know
they give a sideways glance & a smile
and discreetly look away
how is it they can see in my eyes all that
I've never confessed to him,
though sitting beside me,
maybe even all I've never confessed
to myself.
not because I can’t but cause i wont
I won't let the demons take root
these demons aren't mine
shed of them I will be fine
the power I hold is divine
my courage draws the line
control holds steady in the sand
182 · Mar 2018
The Conservative Tree
Frederick Hart Mar 2018
Waves of emotion crash and clash on the shore of my soul
The storm is relentless for mother nature knows no pity
Each crest eroding the foundation of my perception burns a hole
Which forms a crack gradually creeping the length of my trunk
The salty air stings as the sand slowly slides away
Exposing the roots of the tree that is me
A tree all alone making a final stand
On a beaten battered barrier beach

— The End —